INTRODUCTION Board game for 2 players. Race for the US Presidency. One player is the Democratic Nominee. The other is the Republican Nominee. DICE Six-sided dice are needed. TOKENS There are two types of Tokens: Money Tokens and Vote Tokens. VOTE TOKENS There are exactly 100 Vote Tokens (or just Votes). Each player starts the game with 37+1D6 Votes. The remaining un-owned votes are in the center: These are the Undecided Votes. MONEY TOKENS Each token represents one million dollars. There is no limit to the number of money tokens. Each player starts with 2D6 Money Tokens. PAWNS Each player has a pawn representing his candidate and campaign efforts. THE BOARD The board is a square track with 11 spaces on a side. (Like a Monopoly Board) Pawns travel clockwise. The Board has the following spaces: # Title Notes: 1 Start (1st Corner) +1 M 2 PAC Contributions +4 M 3 Speeches +1 V 4 Mass Mailings +2 V –1 M 5 Florida +2 V 6 Campaign Trail Draw 1 card from the Campaign Deck 7 Individual Donations +2 M 8 Get out the Vote Drive +2 V –1 M 9 Print Ads +4 V –2 M 10 New England States +3 V 11 Scandal (2nd Corner) –5 V 12 Soft Money +3 M 13 Appearances +1 V 14 TV Ads +6 V –3 M 15 Texas +2 V 16 Campaign Trail Draw 1 card from the Campaign Deck 17 Hard Money +1 M 18 Special Interest Groups +2 M 19 Internet Ads +3 V –1 M 20 Deep South States +3 V 21 Mud-Slinging (3rd Corner) –2 VO –1 V 22 Fund Raising +2 M 23 Knock on Doors +1 V 24 Newspaper Ads +2 V –1 M 25 California +3 V 26 Campaign Trail Draw 1 card from the Campaign Deck 27 Public Funding +1 M 28 Public Interest Groups +2 V 29 Radio Ads +2 V –1 M 30 Bible Belt States +3 V 31 Negative Press (4th Corner) –3 V 32 Special Interest Groups +2 M 33 Campaign Promises +1 V 34 Magazine Ads +2 V –1 M 35 New York +2 V 36 Campaign Trail Draw 1 card from the Campaign Deck 37 Lobbyists +2 M 38 Paid Advertisements +4 V –2 M 39 Telephone Ads +1 V –1 M 40 Mid-West States +3 V NOTATION V = Your Votes M = Your Money VO = Votes owned by Opponent THE DECKS There are 3 Decks: Candidate Deck Campaign Deck Election Deck CAMPAIGN DECK Card Name Notes: Civil Liberties Groups +2 V Environmental Groups +2 V Media Attention +3 V Television Talk Shoes +3 V Manipulate the Media +2 V Skeleton in the Closet -3 VO Political Backlash -5 VO Political Pundits -1 VO Union Support +5 V Endorsement +3 V Public Awareness +1 V Black Vote +5 V Hispanic Vote +5 V Third Party Candidate -6 VO Conservative Interest Groups +6 V Christian Coalition +5 V Grass Roots Support +1 M +2 V Negative Campaigning -4 VO –1 V Personal Attacks -4 VO –1 V Law Firms +3 M Real Estate Industry +4 M Retirees +2 M Securities & Investment Groups +4 M Pharmaceutical Companies +5 M Computer Companies +3 M Entertainment Industry +2 M Oil & Gas Industry +3 M Tobacco Industry +7 M Gun Rights Lobby +2 M Political Consultant +1 V Campaign Manager +2 V Finance Chair +4 M Campaign Planning +1 V Volunteers +2 V Media Consultant +2 V Public Opinion Surveys +2 V Voting Blocks +2 V Address Issues +1 V Allegations -2 VO Controversy -2 VO Smoke Filled Room +1 M Appeal to Moderates +2 V Political Machine +1 V +1 M CANDIDATE DECK Card Name Notes: Favorite Son +1 V Ride on Coat Tails +2 V Personal Fortune +5 M Self Made Man +3 M + 1 V Congressman +1 V Business Tycoon +4 M War Hero +5 V Quick Wit +2 to Debate Rolls Senator +3 V Governor +4 V Charismatic +4 V Old Rich +5 M Confident +2 V +1 to Debate Rolls Religious +3 V Movie Star +5 V Intelligent +2 to Debate Rolls Good Looking +2 V +1 to Debate Rolls Dark Horse +2 V Uptight -3 V Foolish -3 V Troubled Youth -2 V Sickness -4 V Poor Speaker -4 V Diplomatic +2 V +1 to Debate Rolls Strong Platform +2 V +1 to Debate Rolls Reformer +2 to Debate Rolls Military Service +2 V Lawyer +2 to Debate Rolls Public Speaker +2 to Debate Rolls Ticket Balance +2 V SETUP Both pawns begin on the start space. Both players draw & play 5 Cards from the Candidate Deck. TURN SEQUENCE On your turn move forward 1D6 or 2D6 spaces. Follow the instructions of the space you land on. When gaining votes, take Undecided votes first. If there are no undecided votes, take votes from your opponent. When losing votes, the lost votes go into the undecided pile. If a space or card asks you to spend money you don’t have, you do not gain the indicated votes. EXTRA MONEY On your turn, you may convert 2 Money Tokens into 1 Vote. DEBATES If you land on your opponent’s pawn, there will be a debate. Both players roll 2D6 and add benefits from any Candidate cards. The higher roll wins the debate. The winner takes votes from the loser equal to the difference of the rolls. DAMAGE CONTROL RULE If you are ever the target to lose votes (except in a debate) roll 1D6. On a roll of 6 or greater, you lose 2 less votes. THE ELECTION After 30 turns, the Popular and Electoral Votes occur. Both Players take turns drawing & playing 5 cards from the Election Deck. The player with the most Votes wins the Election. ELECTION DECK Card Name Notes: Confusing Ballots -1 VO Long Lines -2 VO Short Hours -2 VO Inconvenient Locations -2 VO Hanging Chads -1 VO Lost Votes -3 VO Voter Error -1 VO Ballot Problems -3 VO Uncounted Ballots -3 VO Recount +1 V Pick Up Key State +4 V Electoral College +2 V Winner Takes All +5 V Red State +3 V Blue State +3 V Electoral Votes +2 V Plurality System +3 V General Ticket +2 V Popular Vote +1 V High Turnout +2 V NATIONAL CONVENTION MULTI-PLAYER VARIANT Any number can play. The election is not the Presidential Election, but rather, a National Convention where a party selects its Presidential Candidate. All players belong to the same political party (Democrat or Republican). The Election Deck is not used. Each Nominee starts with 1D6 Money Tokens and 2D6 Votes. LINKS Electoral Vote Map

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