Board game for 2-4+ players. 
Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Peanuts Theme. 

Peanuts is a copyrighted, licensed product. 
This is merely a fan site. 

The player with the most Gag Points at the end of the game wins. 

The game ends when a Gag card needs to be replaced on the 
Board, and there are none left in the Gag Deck. 

There are 2 decks: 
1. The Gag Deck
2. The Kid Deck

These cards form the Board. 
They are claimed by players and are worth Gag Points. 
In order to be claimed they require the player to move his pawn onto 
that card and discard 2 Kid cards of the indicated type. 

There are 2 basic types of Kid Cards: 
1. Main Characters 
2. Peanut Gallery
There are 4 Suites of Main Characters: 
1. Charlie Brown
2. Snoopy
3. Linus
4. Lucy
Each suite has 10 cards (All identical). 
There are 12 Peanut Gallery cards each listing 
one supporting Character. 

Each player gets a unique pawn. 
Ideally each pawn is miniature statue of one of the 
Peanuts characters (especially the Main Characters). 

Six sided dice are needed. 

The board is a 6 X 6 Grid. 
Each space will contain 1 face-up Gag card. 
As Gag cards are claimed during play they will be 
immediately replenished by the Gag Deck. 

Each player chooses a pawn. 
Shuffle the Decks. 
Place 1 Gag card face-up onto each of the 36 spaces on the Board. 
Each player is dealt 2 Kid cards. 
Players roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first. Reroll ties. 
Players place their Pawns in separate corner spaces. 
If playing with 5 or more players, use the 4 center spaces as 
allowable starting spaces also. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 5 Phases: 
1. Draw Phase
2. Roll Phase
3. Move Phase
4. Claim Phase
5. End Phase

Draw 2 Kid Cards from the top of the Kid Deck and put them in your hand. 
If the Kid deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 
Next if your pawn is adjacent to any opponent’s pawns, you may trade 
Kid cards from your hands. Trades must be agreeable to both parties. 

Roll one die. 

You may move your pawn a number of spaces equal to the 
number you rolled in Roll Phase OR Less. 
Moves may be orthogonal or diagonal. 
You may not land in the same space occupied by another pawn. 
You may move through (past, over) other player’s pawns. 
You must move if you are at all able.
If somehow you cannot move (blocked), reroll the die.  

You may claim the Gag card in the space your pawn currently occupies. 
Each Gag card lists 2 Kid cards that must be discarded in order to claim it. 
Place the claimed card into your Gag pile.
Next, replace the gag card you just claimed with  the top card of the 
Gag deck. If there are no Gag cards left, the game ends. 

Max hand size is 7 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

The Secondary Character cards in the Kid Deck have a variety of extra uses: 
1. Discard 1 Secondary Character to increase the result of a roll by 1 or 2. 
2. Discard 2 Secondary Characters to draw 3 Kid Cards and discard any 2 from your hand. 
3. Discard 2 Secondary Characters to cause a target Gag card on the board to 
be discarded and then replaced. 
4. Discard 1 Secondary Character to get a second move roll (Make a second move right 
after your first, in effect, you get a second Roll & Move Phase right after the first).  
5. Discard 1 Secondary Character after you have made a Claim to get an extra 
Roll, Move, and Claim Phase!

Name				Number of Cards
Charlie Brown			10
Snoopy				10
Linus				10
Lucy				10
Sally				1
Woodstock			1
Schroeder			1
Violet				1
Peppermint Patty       		1
Marcie				1
Franklin       			1
Pig Pen				1
Spike				1
Rerun				1
Frieda				1
Shermy				1

CB = Charlie Brown
SN = Snoopy
LI = Linus
LU = Lucy
GP = Gag Points
Any = Any Kid
MC = Main Character

Name:				GP	Kids Required
Little Red Haired Girl		3	CB + LI or LU
Football Kick			4	CB + LU
Shortstop			3	SN x2
Beethoven’s Ninth		5	LU + Schroeder
Psychiatry Booth       		4	CB + LU
Good Grief			2	CB x2 or LI x2
Great Pumpkin			3	LI x2
Security Blanket       		3	LI + MC
Scout Master			5	SN + Woodstock
Red Baron			3	SN x2
Christmas Program		2	MC + Any
Daisy Hill Puppy Farm		5	SN + Spike
Suppertime			4	SN + CB
Blanket Stealer			4	SN + LI
Give Up Blanket			5	LI + LU
No Valentines			2	CB + Any
Run Away from Home		1	Any + MC
Melting Snowman        		3	CB or SN + CB or SN 
Bible Quotes			3	LI x2
Bad Temper			3	LU x2
Thanksgiving			1	MC + Any 
Summer Camp			1	Any x2
Bird Bath			5	SN + Woodstock
Kite Eating Tree       		3	CB + LU or LI
Snowflake Collection		3	LI + LI or LU
Toy Piano			5	LU + Schroeder
Stargazing			3	LI + LU or CB
Baseball Coach Pep Talk		2	CB + Any
Ice Skating			1	MC + Any
Captain of the Ship		3	SN x2
WWI Flying Ace			3	SN x2
Rained On			2	LI or CB + LI or CB or LU
Beg for Food			3	SN + Any
Mountain Lion			3	SN x2
Cat Next Door			3	SN x2
Sand Castles			3	LI x2
Naturally Curly Hair		5	MC + Frieda
Girl Trouble			2	Boy + Girl
Snowball Fight			2	MC + Any
Dog House			3	SN x2
Big Sister			3	LU x2
Stupid Dog			2	SN + MC
Cloud Watching			2	MC + MC
The Stone Wall			4	CB + LI
Spelling Bee			2	CB + Any
New Math			5	CB + Peppermint Patty
Crab-In				5	LU + Violet
Joe Cool			3	SN x2
All Stars			2	CB + Any
Slug You			2	LU + CB or LI
Bonk!				3	LU x2
Best Selling Novelist		3	SN x2
Chuck				5	CB + Peppermint Patty
Round Headed Kid       		3	CB x2
Joe Shlabotnik			3	CB x2
Pencil- Pal			3	CB x2
Pitching Mound			3	CB x2
Fussbudget			3	LU x2
Phone Call			2	CB + Girl
Yes Sir				7	Peppermint Patty + Marcie


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