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Space Genocide.

Destroy your opponents Homeworld or all of his 
Planets of the same resource type.

Use a large Hex map.

There is a common set of "Planet Buster" counters.
Each player has a set of numbered "Fleet Markers" of a unique identifying color.
Each player has numbered "Fleet Mats" corresponding to each of his fleet Markers.
Each player gets a screen to hide his Fleet Mats.  
Each player has a set of 10 "Planet" Hex Tiles of a unique color.
Each player has a set of 10 "Planet Type" thin counters. 
There is a common set of 84 "Ship" counters.
The ship counter set contains 4 of each of the 21 ship types described on the Ship List Table.

Fleet Markers represent the position of your fleets on the Map. 
A Fleet Mat (not on the map) is where you store/display the ship 
counters that compose that fleet. 
If a Fleet has no ships, the Fleet Marker is removed from the board. 
Multiple Fleets can be in the Same space. 
Ships in the same space can join or seperate to make fewer bigger fleets or 
more smaller fleets at the will of the controlling player. 
A Fleet may have any number of ships. 
Each player has a Maximum of 10 Fleets. 

Each player distributes his planets randomly in one section of the map.
(Planets should be 1D6+2 spaces apart) 
Players place one of their Planet Type thin counters under each one of 
their Planets however they like. 
Each player draws 20 random ships from the Ship counter pile.
You may place 0-5 ships (you choose from your 20; not random) on each of your Fleet Mats.  
Place PB counters with ships that carry Planet Busters.
For each Fleet Mat that has ships on it, place the corresponding Fleet Marker on one of 
your Planets. A Planet at start may have a maximum of 1 Fleet on it.  

Each player has a set of 10 "Planet Type" thin counters. 
Each set is composed of 4 Planet types: 
1 Homeworld
3 Population Resource Worlds
3 Metal Resource Worlds
3 Radioactives Resource Worlds
In setup a player places 1 thin counter under each of his 
10 Planets exactly how he wants to.
If a Player's Homeworld is destroyed he loses the game. 
If a player loses all 3 Worlds of a single Resource type, he loses the game. 
When a planet is destroyed, it's thin counter must be revealed to all. 

If you have a ship in the same space as an enemy planet, and your 
opponent has no ship there, you may look at that planet's thin counter. 

All ships have numerical scores in 6 categories:
Movement, Attack, Defense, Planet Busters, Fighter Bays, and Cost.
Movement (Move)- How far the ship can go in a turn. 
Ships with a Move = 0 are static defenses around the planet they orbit.
Attack (Atk)- Number of Attack dice rolled in engagement phase if attacking.
Defense (Def)- Number of Defense dice rolled in engagement phase if attacked.
Planet Busters (PB)- Number of PBs that can be carried.
Fighter Bays (Bays)- The number of fighter groups that can be carried.
Cost- The number of Resources needed to buy this Ship. 

Players take turns. Each turn has 4 phases:
1. Transport Phase
2. Engagement Phase
3. Mass Destruction Phase
4. Production Phase

All of your ships(Fleets) may move.
A ship may move a number of spaces equal to its Movement Rating.
Ships with a move rating of 0 cannot move. They defend the planet they're based on.
Fighter squads can be carried around by "carrier" ships with bays.
A Fleet moves at the speed of its slowest ship. 
Fleets in the same space can be joined or seperated at any time. 
Place a "Move Counter" on fleets that have finished their move for the turn. 

If opposing Fleets occupy the same space, there will be combat.
Place a "Battle Counter" on the Current space being resolved. 
Players reveal their Fleet Mats of the involved ships. 
Each ship present with an attack rating of 1 or more may attack a target ship.
All attacks by both sides are simultaneous.
All of a carrier's fighter squads must be destroyed before the carrier can be attacked.
Ships may combine their attack dice against a single target ship. 
The attackers roll a number of 6 sided dice equal to their combined Attack Rating.
The defending ship rolls a number of 6 sided dice equal to its Defense Rating.
If the Attack total is higher than the Defense total, the ship is destroyed.
If the defense total is equal or higher, nothing happens.
Place a "Destroyed Counter" on a ship that is destroyed but has not gotten to 
make its attack yet. 
In an engagement each ship gets to attack once and then the phase ends. 

If you have a ship with Planet Busters located at an opponents planet, you may 
launch one or more of these weapons.
Only 1 Launch order is allowed per ship per phase. 
Discard all PB counters used.
For each attack, on a roll of 1-3 on D6 the Planet is destroyed.
Remove the Planet counter from the board.

Gain 4 new ships per turn. 
You can have a max of 20 ships.
Gain fewer ships if you will go over the max. 
(For example, If you have 17 ships, only gain 3 new ones) 
The ships are drawn randomly from the Ship counter pile.
Place the newly built ship in the same space as any of your planets.
Newly built ships come with the appropriate number of PB counters.
If a ship has used up some or all of its PBs, it may, at a friendly 
planet have them replaced.
Note: Building a ship at a Planet with no ships will cause you 
to use a Fleet Counter and Mat for it. 

Fighter Squads		0	5	4	1       F
Interceptor Squads	0	3	7	0       F
Bomber Squads		0	6	2	2       F
Gunships       		5	2	3	0	-
Missile Boats		2	5	1	2	-
Drone			5	0	1	4	-
Scouts			6	1	3	0	-
Monitor			1	6	3	0	-
Destroyers		3	3	3	1	-
Corvettes		4	3	2	1	-
Frigate			3	4	2	1	-
Escorts			4	3	3	0	-
Battle Station		0	5	5	0	-
Defense Satellites	0	4	6	0	-		
Battle Drone		4	5	1	0	-
Cruiser			2	3	4	1	-
Battler			2	5	2	1	-
Shield Ship		1	4	5	0	-
Assault Transport	2	2	2	3      	1
Attack Scout		7	0	2	1	-
Carrier                 3       1       2       0      	4

If you have a ship in the same space as one of your planets, 
that ship gets +1 ATK and +2 DEF. 

You may discard one ship you do not want at the beginning of Production Phase. 


THE MAP: "Use a large Hex map."
Q: How many hexes wide and long would you recommend?
A: Planets should be 1D6+2 spaces distant from each other, so that 
in itself can serve as a rough guide.

SETUP: "Each player distributes his planets randomly in one section of
the map."
Q: How big a section? Half the map? Top and bottom quarters of the map?
A: Each player should get a proportion equal to the number of players, so 
half the map for 2 players, or a third of the map for 3 players, etc.

Q: Can the owning player freely create or combine fleets at will?
A: Yes. No stacking limits in the "Basic" rules, however, you may 
decide you want some limits to fleet sizes and establish this as a house rule. 

ENGAGEMENT PHASE: "If opposing ships occupy the same space, there will
be combat."
Q: When there is combat, is the combat sequence repeated until one
side is destroyed? Or is there only a single round of combat?
A: Single round of combat. 

MASS DESTRUCTION PHASE: "you may launch one or more of these weapons"
Q: Does the attacker choose the number of Busters he will use and then
roll for all of them at once? Or does he make one attempt, view the
results, and then have the option of attacking again if he failed to
blow up the planet on the preceding attempt?
A: One attempt only per turn. 

This occurs before Engagement Phase. 
You may declare that a Ship is launching one or more of its Planet Busters as a 
Space Attack against the Enemy Fleet. 
For each PB launched, roll 1D6 for each enemy ship:
On a roll of "6" the ship is destroyed. 
Note that Fighters without transport (and not on a Friendly planet) are 
destroyed at the end of the turn. 
All Space Burst attacks are simultaneous. 

Star Gates: Go in one gate and come out any other. 
Nebula: A Ship must end its Movement upon entering one. 
Super Nova: No Ships may enter this space. 
Alien Ruins: Gain a free Random ship once per game to first player to reach it.  
Asteroid Field: All Ships in this space get +1 Defense. 
Ion Cloud: All Ships in this space get +1 Attack. 
Gravitic Anomaly: Entering this space does not use up a Movement Point. 
Neutral Planet: The first player to reach this planet gains control of it. 
At that time randomly determine its type: Roll 1D6:  
1-2 = Population, 3-4 = Metal, 5-6 = Radioactive. 
Black Hole: Any ship in this space must at the beginning of its owners turn
roll 1D6: On a roll of 1, it is sucked in and destroyed. 
Dark Matter: Fleets moving into this space do not have to stop if the space is 
occupied by an enemy Fleet, they may keep moving.  
Temporal Nexus: Once per Game the first player to reach it gets to draw 2 cards. 

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by Jimmy Badfish. Thanks!!!

new counter set at:
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Planet Busters - Zun Tzu Screenshots 

Counter sheets:


At the beginning of the game, each player chooses one race. 

The Terrans are an unpredictable lot. 
They draw 2 cards per turn in their Draw phase.  

Insect Hive Mind Swarms. 
All of their non-fighter ships have +1 Fighter Bay. 
They do not lose if their Homeworld is destroyed. 

Aggressive Hominid Felines. 
All of their Ships get Attack Levels +1. 

Xenophobic Crustaceans. 
All of their Ships get Defense Levels +1. 

Bickering Screeching Simians. 
All Non-stationary ships get Move Levels +1. 

Warmongering Worms. 
They have a ship max of +5. 

Efficient Robot Menace. 
They produce 1 extra ship every turn. 

Amoeboid Religious Fanatics. 
Planet Busters are effective on a roll of 1-4 vs. Planets. 
Orion Ships may self Destruct to get +2 Attack Levels. 

Every time they destroy an enemy Fleet they 
gain control of one of the Enemy ships just destroyed.  


The deck has 1 copy of each card in the list. 
In setup, each player draws 3 cards. 
At the beginning of a players turn, he draws 1 card. 
At the end of a players turn, he must discard down to 7 cards. 
Unless otherwise stated, a card only lasts for the duration of the current turn. 
Cards are discarded when played.
Notation: Stationary Ships refer to Fighters, Satellites, and stations. 

Card Name: Notes
-Interstellar Shortcut: All ships in Target Fleet get +2 Move
-Defend the Homeworld: Reveal your Homeworld. Move some or all of your 
Fleets there immediately. Can be played on Opponents Turn
-Sustained Burn: Target Fleet gets Move +1
-Surprise Attack: All ships in attacking Fleet get +2 Attack Level
-Ambush: All ships in defending Fleet get +2 Attack Level
-Defensive Formation: All ships in defending Fleet get +2 Defense Level
-Increased Production: Gain 1 Free Ship in your Production Phase
-Long Range Probe: Look at secret identity (Type) of target enemy Planet
-Scanners: Look at Ship composition of Target enemy Fleet
-Spies: Look at Opponents Hand
-Strategic Push: Get an extra Transport Phase this turn
-Bypass: Target Fleet may move through target enemy fleet without having to stop
-Boarding Action: At the end of Engagement Phase, take control of a non-fighter 
Target Ship in the same space as one of your fleets
-Space Mines: Target Enemy Fleet that moves into an empty space loses 1 random Ship 
-Sabotage: Opponent must discard 2 random cards
-Diplomacy: Skip Engagement and Mass Destruction Phase this turn. 
-Tactical Advantage: All ships in target Fleet get +1 Attack and Defense Levels
-Opportunity: Draw 2 Cards
-Jam Communications: Target Fleet may not Move this turn
-Data Analysis: Look at next 7 cards in the deck
-Decoy: Negate all attacks vs. Target Ship
-It’s a Dud!: Negate target Planet Buster Attack
-Salvage: At the End of Engagement Phase take control of target enemy destroyed Ship
-Repairs: At the End of Engagement Phase gain back 1 Ship you lost
-Suicide Attack: At End of Engagement phase destroy one of your ships and a target 
Enemy Ship in the same space
-Intelligence: Negate a card just played by opponent
-Critical Hit: At end of Engagement phase destroy 1 random enemy non-fighter Ship 
That fought this turn
-Luck: Reroll target Dice roll
-Resupply: Target Ships PB refilled to max
-Redeploy: Move a Fleet from one of your planets to another you control
-Lure: Move an Opponents Fleet on your turn
-Switch: Switch the location of 2 of your Fleets
-Intercept: After Opponents Target fleet moves, move 1 of your Fleets to engage
-Retreat: After Opponents Target fleet Moves, move 1 of your Fleets in the opposite 
Direction to disengage
-Operations: Move one of your Fleets an extra time this turn
-Refit: Discard up to 3 of your ships (at your Planets) and draw random replacement Ships
-Afterburners: Target non-stationary Ship gets Move+3
-Fighter Base: Move 1 Fighter unit you control to any 1 of your Planets
-Strafing Run: Target Fighter gets +4 Attack Levels
-Skirmish: All ships in target Engagement get +2 Defensive Levels
-Point Defense: At end of Engagement phase destroy 1 enemy Fighter that fought this turn
-Press Offensive: Target space gets an extra Engagement Phase this turn 

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