Card game for 2+ players. 
Latter half of the Seventeenth Century. 
Players are European Nations employing Privateers to attack each other’s shipping. 

In this era, only about 20% of a Nations Fleet would be Crown property, 
The remainder were privately owned ships, that when they were not augmenting the 
Battle Line, were permitted to do Commerce raiding on their own. 

Each player must pick one: 
Spain, England, France, Holland

The first player to accumulate 100 Gold is the Winner. 

Players share a common deck. 
Card types include: 
Ships, Captains, Crews, Bases, Escorts
Merchants, Treasures, Defenses, Events

6 sided dice are needed. 

Each player is dealt a random hand of 7 cards. 
Players roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 7 phases: 
1. Fate Phase
2. Sailing Phase
3. Merchant Phase
4. Raid Phase
5. Privateer Phase
6. Taxes Phase
7. Settlement Phase

Draw 2 cards. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Put a Travel Token on each of your Merchants. 
If a Merchant has 3 or more Tokens, discard it and gain Gold = 
Merchants Gold Value + the value of any attached Treasure cards. 

You may put a Merchant card from your hand into play. 
You may attach Escort and Treasure cards to any Merchant. 
You may play up to one Ocean, Island, or Coast Event card per Merchant.

Each of your Privateers (Attacker) may attack one enemy Merchant or Base (Defender). 
Each Privateer must attack a different target. 
Players may play event cards to increase the Strength of 
Target Privateers, Merchants, and Bases. 
Roll 2D6 on the Raid Table. 

2D6	Result:		Notes: 
2-5	Disaster	The Privateer and all attached cards are discarded. 
6-9	No Effect 	The Merchant escapes or the Privateer is driven off. 
10+	Success		The Merchant or Base is captured. 
If the Privateer has a higher Strength get +1 to the Roll. 
If the Privateer’s Strength is Double that of the Defender, get +2 to the Roll. 
If the Defender has a higher Strength get –1 to the Roll. 
If the Defender’s Strength is Double that of the Privateer, get –2 to the Roll. 
If a Merchant is captured, gain Gold equal to its Gold value. 
If a Base is captured, discard 1 Defense card, and gain control of the Base. 

You may put a Privateer card from your hand into play. 
You may attach one Captain card and one Crew card to the Privateer. 

Gain Gold from each of your bases = to their Gold Level. 

You may put a Base card from your hand into play. 
You may attach Defense cards to any of your Bases.
A Base may have a max of 2 Defense cards attached.  
Max hand size is 8 cards. 
At the end of this phase, discard excess cards. 

P = Privateer Ship
M = Merchant ship
B = Base
C = Crew
X = Captain
E = Escort
D = Defense
# = Copies in Deck
Str = Strength

Card Name: 		#	Type	Str	Gold
Galleon			2	P	7	-	
Patache			2	P	3	-
Zabra			2	P	4	-
Fragata			2	P	5	-
Sloop			2	P	2	-
Brig			2	P	3	-
Brigantine		2	P	4	-
Schooner       		2	P	2	-
Vlieboot       		2	P	4	-
Galeoncetes		2	P	5	-
Frigate			2	P	6	-
Havana			1	B	9	5
Port Royal		1	B	9	5
Cartagena		1	B	9	5
Tortuga			1	B	9	5
Port			2	B	8	4
Bastion			2	B	7	4
Fort			2	B	6	3
Town			2	B	5	3
Colony			2	B	4	2
Settlement		2	B	3	2
Outpost			2	B	2	1
Village			2	B	1	1
Merchantman		4	M	2	5
Trade Ship		4	M	1	4
Smuggler       		4	M	3	2
Caravel			4	M	1	3
Troop Ship		4	M	4	1
Fat Merchant		4	M	1	6
Treasure Ship		4	M	1	7
Corsairs       		2	C	+3	-
Buccaneers		2	C	+3	-
Pirates			2	C	+3	-
Marines			2	C	+2	-
Marauders		2	C	+2	-
Sea Dogs		2	C	+2	-
Cutthroats		2	C	+2	-
Sea Curs		2	C	+2	-
Convicts       		2	C	+1	-
Slaves			2	C	+1	-
Captives       		2	C	+1	-
Duke of Alba		1	X	+2	-
Duke of Medina		1	X	+2	-
Admiral du Casse       	1	X	+2	-
Baron de Pointis       	1	X	+3	-
Don Alvaro		1	X	+3	-
Captain Blake		1	X	+4	-
Captain Cavendish	1	X	+3	-
Captain Morgan		1	X	+5	-
Captain Hawkins		1	X	+4	-
Captain Drake		1	X	+5	-
Captain Kidd		1	X	+5	-
Flota			2	T	-	+7
Convoy			2	T	-	+6
Peruvian Treasure	2	T	-	+4
Precious Cargo		2	T	-	+5
Treasure Laden		2	T	-	+3
Garrison       		2	D	+5	-
Stone Fortifications	2	D	+6	-
Earthworks		2	D	+4	-
Hilltop			2	D	+2	-
Maritime Center		2	D	-	+2
Haven			2	D	+1	+1
Pirate Lair		2	D	+3	-
Militia			2	D	+2	-
Beach Patrols		2	D	+1	-
Artillery		2	D	+7	-
Capitana       		2	E	+7	-
Escort Armada		2	E	+6	-
Patrol Ship		2	E	+3	-
Galley Squadron		2	E	+5	-
Pair of Galleys		2	E	+4	-

Card Name:		#	Notes: 
Major Expedition       	2	2 of your Privateers may combine to Attack
Mutiny			2	Discard target Captain and take control of Ship 
Plunder			2	Gain 2D6 Gold after Plundering a Base
Boarding Action		2	Privateer gets Strength +3 vs Merchant
Broadsides		2	Privateer gets Strength +4 vs Merchant
Sneak Aboard		2	Privateer gets Strength +5 vs Merchant
Siege			2	Privateer gets Strength +5 vs Base
Shipbuilding		2	Play an extra Privateer or Merchant this turn
Coastal Waters		2	Privateer gets Strength +2 vs Merchant
Azores			2	Islands: Add 1 Travel Token to Merchant
Canary Islands		2	Islands: Add 1 Travel Token to Merchant
Transatlantic Route	2	Ocean: Add 1 Travel Token to Merchant
Shipping Route		2	Ocean: Add 1 Travel Token to Merchant
Terra Firme		2	Coast: Add 1 Travel Token to Merchant
Barbary Coast		2	Coast: Add 1 Travel Token to Merchant
Scurvy			2	Discard target Crew card
Letter of Marque       	2	Draw 2 cards
Safe Conduct		2	Target Merchant cannot be attacked this turn
Hurricane		2	Destroy target Merchant, Privateer, or Base

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