This is a Role-playing Game, using, as its basis, the worlds of Golden Age SF authors including: Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Robert H. Heinlein, Larry Niven, Frederik Pohl, James Blish, Philip K. Dick, Paul Anderson, Greg Bear, and others. The goal is to incorporate Characters, worlds, situations, and technologies from books written by these authors. For example: Lazarus Long (Heinlein) accompanied by a Sentient Robot (Asimov) may meet an Overlord (Clarke) in orbit around a Ringworld (Niven). The intent is to get a particular Retro feel. Certain SF worlds are to be avoided, specifically Star Wars and Star Trek, not because we don’t love them, but because we want to give these other older sources their due. Game mechanics will be addressed, but are very much secondary to the source material. Some of these SF worlds may seem incompatible, but the universe is a big place, and inconsistent things can be put at opposite ends. For example many of these books feature Earth as a setting. The solution would be to move a setting to another Earth-like planet in a different part of the galaxy. Another goal is to make newer generations of RPG & SF fans aware of these older books. I intend for this to be a lengthy project and hopefully not a solo one. I ask readers to contribute entries about their favorite books describing characters and settings on a RPG level. To start, I am providing a few sample very rudimentary entries that will hopefully soon be (replaced) fleshed out by me or someone with better writing skills.

Main Characters in this geonra are most often scientists, astronauts, government or military agents. They are always tough, practical, resourcefull, independent, intelligent, square jawed, clean living, heroic, decent and honourable. Protagonists are usually normal humans, though you get the occasional telepath, immortal, or android.

In Out Worlds, humanity has settled Tens of thousands of worlds across long stretches of the Galaxy. Humanity is fragmented into numerous empires, federations, foundations, alliances, commonwealths, independent worlds, and forgotten worlds. Technology levels run the gamut.


(From Childhoods End by Arthur C. Clarke)
Large demonic looking Aliens. In all ways stronger & smarter than humans, but without a soul. They are servants of a higher Intelligence.

(From I Robot by Isaac Asimov)
Robots of the future must follow 3 rules:
1. A robot may not harm a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by the human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence, as long as such protection does not conflict the First or Second Law.

(From Ringworld by Larry Niven)
An artificial world in the shape of a ring that circles a star. The side facing the star is habitable and has a much larger surface area than a regular planet.

(The Number of the Beast and others by Robert H. Heinlein)
A very long-lived rugged individualist.

(Voyage of the Space Beagle by AE Van Vogt)
A large Human exploration space ship containing hundreds of scientists.

(Voyage of the Space Beagle by AE Van Vogt)
Social scientist whose specialty is Nexialism, the science that
fuses the known and the unknown.

(Foundation Series by Asimov)
Developed by Hari Seldon, a branch of mathematics that uses the law of mass action to predict the future on a large scale, such as of planets or empires.

(Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke)
A huge alien vessel complete with large cities and strange mechanical inhabitants.

Ultimate Hard SF
Timeline of the Cosmic Future
Childhood’s End
Quotable Heinlein
Asimov Home Page
Ringworld RPG
Hard SF

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