Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Theme: Oil Industry. 

Be the first to get 25 Profit Tokens. 

Players share a common deck. 
There are 7 types of cards: 
Explore, Oil, Transport, Refinery, Gasoline, Product, and Event. 

There are 7 types of common Tokens: 
Profit, Explore, Oil, Transport, Refinery, Gasoline, and Product Tokens. 
Higher value Profit Tokens are also recommended. 

Six sided dice are used. 

Shuffle the deck. 
Each player starts with 10 Profit Tokens. 

Each turn has 10 Phases: 
1. Company Phase
2. Market Phase
3. Event Phase
4. Explore Phase
5. Drill Phase
6. Transport Phase
7. Refining Phase
8. Gasoline Phase
9. Production Phase
10. Profit Phase

All players Draw 3 cards. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 
Max hand size is 10 cards. Discard excess cards. 
You may pay 1 Profit Token to draw an extra card. (Max 2 extra cards per turn)

Players may trade Cards and Tokens. 

Players roll high on 1D6. 
Highest goes first playing 1 event or passing, then proceed clockwise: 
You may play (discard) an Event card to activate its special effect. 
Some Event cards are designated as Economy cards. 
Only one Economy card can be played per turn. No one may play one after the first. 
Multiple Event cards can be played each player.
The phase ends when all players pass. 
You may not play any Event cards after passing.  

Discard 3 Explore Cards to roll 1D6 (Exploration Roll): 
On 1-3 nothing happens. 
On 4-5 gain 1 Explore Token. 
On 6+ gain 2 Explore Tokens. 

Discard 4 Oil Cards to roll 1D6 (The Drill Roll): 
On 1-2 nothing happens. 
On 3-5 gain 1 Oil Token. 
On 6+ gain 2 Oil Tokens.

Discard 4 Transport cards to gain 1 Transport Token.  

Discard 3 Refinery cards to get 1 Refinery Token. 

Discard 4 Gasoline cards to get 1 Gasoline Token. 

Discard 3 Product cards to get 1 Product Token. 

You may make 1 or more Melds. 
A Meld requires: 
1 Explore Card or Token
1 Oil Card or Token
1 Transport Card or Token
1 Refinery Card or Token
1 or more Gasoline Cards or Tokens
Zero to 1 or more Product Cards or Tokens 
Gain 1 Profit Token per card you play in the Meld. 
All Meld Cards and Tokens are discarded. 
After making a Meld, immediately draw 2 cards. 

X = Explore
O = Oil
T = Transport
R = Refinery
G = Gasoline
P = Product
V = Event
EE = Economy Event
PT = Profit Tokens

Name:				Type	Notes
Porous Sediments		X	+1 to Exploration roll
Fractures			X	
Rock Formations			X	
Surface Features		X	
Aerial Photographs		X	Counts as 2 cards
Geophysical Survey		X	Counts as 2 cards
Gravimeter			X	
Seismograph			X	
Magnetometer			X	
Drilling Mud			X	+1 to Exploration roll
Derricks			O	
Petroleum Engineer		O	+1 to Drill roll
Crude Oil			O	
Proved Reserve			O	Counts as 2 cards
Oil Well			O	
Oil Field			O	Counts as 2 cards
Oil Rig				O	
Drilling Platform		O	
Directional Drilling		O	+1 to Drill roll
Offshore Drilling		O	
Storage Tanks			T	
Pipelines			T	Counts as 2 cards
Gathering Lines			T	Counts as 2 cards
Trunk Lines			T	Counts as 2 cards
Pumping Stations		T	Counts as 2 cards
Shipping Points			T	
Barges				T	
Tankers				T	
Super Tankers			T	
Railroad Tank Cars		T	
Manufacturing			R	
Fractionation Tower		R	
Distillation			R	Counts as 2 cards
Polymerization			R	Counts as 2 cards
Thermal Cracking		R	
Catalytic Sweetening		R	
Purification			R	Counts as 2 cards
Treatment			R	
Blending			R	
Conversion			R	
Octane 				G	Counts as 2 cards
Gas Stations			G	Counts as 2 cards
Tank Trucks			G	
Service Stations		G	Counts as 2 cards
Filing Stations			G	Counts as 2 cards
Premium Brands			G	Counts as 2 cards
Discount Brands			G	
Petrol				G	
Diesel Fuel			G	
Truck Stops			G	
Light Heating Oil		P	
Asphalt and Tar			P	
Lubricants			P	
Synthetic Fibers		P	
Plastics			P	Counts as 2 cards
Detergents & Paints		P	Counts as 2 cards
Synthetic Rubber		P	Counts as 2 cards
Fertilizers			P	
Jet Fuel			P	
Herbicides & Insecticides	P	
New Recovery Techniques		V	Gain 1 Oil Token
Major Oil Spill			V	Steal 2 random cards from Target player
Wildcat Well			V	Gain 1 Exploration Token
Financial Crisis		V	EE: Melds earn -3 PT this turn
Recession			V	EE: Melds earn -2 PT this turn
Downturn			V	EE: Melds earn -1 PT this turn
Recovery			V	EE: Melds earn +2 PT this turn
Growth				V	EE: Melds earn +4 PT this turn
Prosperity			V	EE: Melds earn +6 PT this turn
Mid East Wars			V	All other players discard 2 random cards 
Stimulus Package		V	All players draw 1 card. You draw 4
Gain Market Share		V	Gain 1 Gasoline Token
Petrochemical Industry		V	Gain 1 Product Token
Free Trade			V	Gain 1 Transport Token
Environmental Legislation	V	All other players lose 2 PT each
Federal Taxes			V	All other players lose 3 PT each
OPEC Price Controls  		V	Melds earn -1 PT this turn
Oil Glut			V	Draw 3 cards
Consumer Demand			V	Melds earn +1 PT this turn
Oil Embargo			V	Discard Hand and draw 7 new cards

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