Espionage card game for 2-6 players.
Players try to complete missions with their agents.

Players share a common deck.
The deck contains 8 types of cards: 
1. Agents: Are able to go on missions.
2. Missions: If completed give player mission points needed to win.
3. Obstacles: Must be overcome before a mission can be completed.
4. Locationss: Must be overcome before a mission can be completed.
5. Experience: Permanently help agents overcome Missions and Obstacles
6. Equipment: Temporarily help agents overcome Missions and Obstacles
7. Contacts: Temporarily help agents overcome Missions and Obstacles
8. Events: Affect game play in a variety of ways.

Ten sided dice (D10s) are required for play.

At the end of the game, the player with the most mission points wins.

Each player decides whether their organization is good or bad.
Players should name their organization or pick an existing one.
In a two player game, players must be of opposite alignments.

Each player picks one opponent to be their nemesis.
The nemesis must be of the opposite alignment.

Randomly determine turn order.
Choose Nemesis's.
Each player draws 7 cards.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 9 phases:
Support Phase
Recruit Phase
Assignment Phase
Intercept Phase
Spy Phase
Mission Phase
Objectives Phase
Counter Phase
Capture Phase

The active player draws 3 cards from the deck.
Maximum hand size is 10 cards. Discard excess cards.

The active player may recruit one agent.
Play an agent card from your hand to the table face up.

The active player may put one Experience or Equipment card into play.
Experience or Equipment cards are collectively called Assets.
The Asset must be attached to one of your agents in play.
Attached assets are placed face up partially under the agent. 
During this phase, your agents may trade Equipment cards.
Experience cards may never be traded.
An agent may receive any number of Assets.
Assets provide the agent with additional skills needed to complete Obstacles and Missions.

Certain Event cards are played in this Phase.

If the active player did not play a card in intercept phase, he may roll once on the Spy Table.

1D10	Result
1	Nemesis gets to roll on this table.
2	Nothing happens.
3-5	Look at 1 face down card.
6	Look at 2 face down cards.
7-8	Look at the next 1D5 cards in the deck.
9	Look at all cards in opponents hand.
10	Discard one of opponents missions in play.

One of your agents may attempt to complete one of your mission cards.
Wounded or captured agents may not go on missions.
To complete or overcome a mission card, the agent must pass all of the skill checks listed 
on the Mission card.
For each skill listed  on the mission card the nemesis rolls 1D10 and adds the modifier: 
This is the difficulty rating.
The Agent rolls 1D10 and adds any modifiers from inherent skill bonuses and Asset cards.
The active player may play Connection cards and Event cards from his hand to provide 
additional skills bonuses.
This modified roll is called the attempt rating.
If the attempt rating is equal to or greater than the difficulty rating, the skill check is passed.
If the agent fails a mission skill check, roll on the Mission Failure Table.
Equipment, Connection, and Event cards are discarded when used.
The completed Mission card is set aside in that players Mission completion pile.
Each mission has a number of Mission points associated with it.
The player with the highest number of total accumulated mission points at the end of 
the game wins.
Obstacle cards and Location cards on a mission card must be overcome before the mission 
can be completed.
Like mission cards, obstacle/location cards list skill checks that the agent must overcome.
Obstacle/location cards must be completed one at a time, top card first.
Obstacle/location cards are flipped face up as they are attempted.
Completed obstacle/location cards are discarded.
If the agent fails a Obstacle/location skill check, roll on the Mission Failure Table.
At any time after an obstacle/location is overcome, the player may retreat the agent and 
end the mission attempt.
Modifier cards are always played before a roll is made.

1D10	Result:
1-2	Agent captured by Nemesis. Agent's Equipment is discarded.
3-4	Killed: Discard agent and all Assets.
5	Wounded: The agent is wounded for 1D5 turns. Agent's Equipment is discarded.
6	Wounded: The agent is wounded for 1D5 turns.
7	Agent's Equipment is discarded.
8	Nothing Happens.
9	Look at the next face down obstacle card. Agent's Equipment is discarded.
10	Look at the next face down obstacle card.

The active player may put one Mission card into play.
The Mission card is placed face up in front of him.
Only your agents may complete missions you put into play.
Mission cards stay in play until completed.

You may play any number of Obstacle cards face down onto opponent's Mission cards.
Location cards are a type of obstacle card.

Each of the active players captured agents rolls once on the Capture Table.

1D10	Result:
1	Death: Discard agent and all Experience
2-3	Talks: Nemesis looks at 1 random card in your hand.
4-7	Nothing Happens.
8-10	Escape: Regain control of agent.

*Persuasion: Any attempt to influence or persuade others. Includes: Interrogation, 
intimidation, seduction, fast talking, diplomacy, streetwise, psychology.
*Combat: Skills in a variety of weapons, fighting techniques and assassination.
*Computers: Hacking
*Surveillance: The science and art of information gathering.
*Disguise: Sophisticated use of make-up artistry, technology, linguistics and training 
used to copy another's identity.
*Water: Skill in swimming, boat handling and Scuba diving.
*Cold: Skills in cold weather survival. And vehicles.
*Air: Aircraft piloting and combat.
*Demolition: The use of and neutralization of explosives.
*Animals: Animal handling, riding, and husbandry.
*Driving: Ground Vehicles
*Stealth: Activities and Tools used for bypassing security systems.

Name of Card			Skills:
Mr. Bond 			Persuasion +2 Combat +2 Stealth +1 Water +1
Vlad the Impaler 		Persuasion +2 Combat +2 Animals +2
Inspector Clueless 		Surveillance +1 Disguise +2
The Cowboy 			Combat +1 Demolition +2 Air +2
Mr. Jones 			Surveillance +2 Cold +2 Demolitions +2
Mr. White the Albino		Combat +3 Driving +2
Black Temptress			Stealth +1 Persuasion +2
China Doll			Stealth +2  Surveillance +2
African Queen			Stealth +2 Combat +1 Water +2
The Mad Turk			Persuasion +2 Demolition +2 
Black Mambo			Computers +2 Water +2 Animals +2
Senor Vasquez			Persuasion +2 Animals +2 Demolitions +2
The Whiz Kid			Computers +2 Air +1 Surveillance +2
Frenchie			Computers +2 Combat +2 Demolitions +2
Punjab				Persuasion +2 Combat +1 Water +2
Super Agent X			Stealth +2 Computers +1 Combat +1
Von Schlick			Persuasion +2 Disguise +2 Air +2
The Catburglar			Stealth +2 Computers +1 Driving +2
Commando 9			Combat +2 Cold +2 Water +2
Blond Bombshell			Persuasion +2 Combat +2 Driving +1

Name of Mission (Good/Bad)		MP	Skills Required to Complete:
Defend/ Destroy Base			3	Stealth +2 & Combat +3 & Computers +1
Defection Facilitation/ Prevention	1	Disguise +1
Bodyguard/ Assassination 		2	Combat +2 & Persuasion +1
Rescue/ Kidnapping			2	Stealth +2 & Combat +2
Anti-Terrorism/ Terrorist Attack	2	Stealth +2 & Combat +2
Retrieve/ Steal Nukes 			3	Demolition +2 & Combat +2
Recover/ Steal Secrets			2	Stealth +1 & Surveillance +2
Industrial Espionage			2	Stealth +2 & Surveillance +2
Defuse/ Plant Bomb 			1	Demolition +2
Surveillance Mission			1	Surveillance +1
Investigation/ Cover-up			2	Surveillance +2 & Persuasion +1
Infiltrate Enemy Organization		1	Disguise +2
Prevent/ Conduct Hijacking		2	Air +2 & Combat +2
Uncover/ Plant Imposter			2	Surveillance +2 Disguise +1
Prisoner Exchange			1	Persuasion +2 or Disguise +3
Break-up/ Implement Spy Ring		2	Surveillance +2 & Disguise +2
Security/ Extortion			1	Surveillance +2
Deliver/ Intercept Message		2	Stealth +1 & Surveillance +2
Suppress/ Create Scandal		1	Disguise +2 or Persuasion +2
Protection/ Sabotage 			2	Demolition +1 & Stealth +1
Stop/ Start Counterfeiting Operation 	1	Surveillance +1
MP = Mission Points

Name of Card		Skills Required to Complete:
Ambush			Combat+2  or Surveillance+2 
Strangler Masseuse	Combat +1
Cook with Cleaver	Combat +1
Chauffer with Tommy gun	Combat +1
Brawl at the Docks	Water +1 or Combat +1
Midget with Axe		Combat +1
Car Bomb		Demolitions +1
Downhill Ski Battle	Cold +1 or Combat +2
Hostile Scuba Divers	Water +1 or Combat +2
Guard Tower		Stealth +1 or Demolitions +1
Hi Tech Security	Computers +1
Shark Tank		Animals +1
Attack Choppers		Air +1
Electrocution		Stealth +1
Car Chase		Driving +1
Gun Toting Thugs	Combat +1
Combination Safe	Demolitions +1 
Laser Detectors		Stealth +1
Fencing Instructor	Combat +2
Hulking Manservant	Combat +2
Sheer Cliff		Stealth +1
Speed Boat Battle	Water +1 or Combat +2
Combat on Moving Train	Combat +1
Tarantula		Animals +1
Guard Dogs		Animals +1
Border Guards		Stealth +1 or Combat +1
Ninjas			Combat +2
Locked in Freezer	Stealth +1
Retinal Scanner		Disguise +2 or Computers +1
Tiger			Animals +1
Diplomatic Immunity	Persuasion +2

Name of Card			Skills Required to Complete:
North Sea Oil Rig		Water +1 or Cold +1
Monte Carlo Casino		Persuasion +1
Military Installation		Computers +1
Arctic Circle			Cold +1
Alpine Village			Cold +1
Caribbean Island		Water +1
Laboratory			Animals +1
Torture Chamber			Combat +1
Seaside Villa			Water +1
Middle Eastern Bazaar		Stealth +1
Venice Canals			Water +1
New Orleans Marti Gras		Stealth +1
Grand Ball			Persuasion +1
Yacht				Water +1
Mountain Fortress		Stealth +1
Maximum Security Building	Computers +1
Inner City			Persuasion +1
Office Tower			Computers or Stealth +1 
Airport				Air +1
Parking Garage			Driving +1
Ferry				Water +1
Bath-house			Combat +1
Nuclear Submarine		Water +1
Space Station			Air +2

Name of Card		Skills Provided:
C4 Explosives		Demolitions +2 
Night Goggles		Surveillance +2 
Truth Serum		Persuasion +2
Snowmobile		Cold +2
Water Skis		Water +2
Portable Computer	Security +2
Cigarette Bullet	Combat +2
Sniper Rifle		Combat +2
Motor Boat		Water +2
Silencer		Combat +2
Sports Car		Driving +4
Stiletto		Combat +1
Parachute		Air +1
Climbing Gear		Stealth +2
SCUBA Gear		Water +2
Miniature Camera	Surveillance +2
Ingestible Poison	Persuasion +2
Gyrocopter		Air +3
Motorcycle		Driving +3
Fake Identification	Persuasion +1
Radio Transmitter	Surveillance +2

Name of Card		Skills Provided:
Forensics Lab		Surveillance +2
CIA Operative		Surveillance +2
Diplomat		Persuasion +2
Codebreaker		Computers +2
Human Shield		Combat +2
Courier			Driving +2
Mechanic		Demolitions +2
Expendable Agent	Combat +2
Decoy			Stealth +2

Name of Card		Skills Provided:
Savoir-faire		Persuasion +2
Demolitions Expert	Demolitions +2
Interrogator		Persuasion +2 
Martial Arts		Combat +2
Undercover		Agent cannot be target of event cards. 
Master of Disguise	Disguise +2
Seduction		Persuasion +2
Commando Training	Combat +1  & Cold +1
Pilot			Air +2
Escape Artist		Stealth +2
Acrobat			Stealth +2
Captain			Water +2

Name of Card		Notes:
Fake Death		Place one of your killed agents back into your hand.
Partners		Two of your agents may attempt a mission together.
Team			Three of your agents may attempt a mission together.
Mole			Intercept phase: Look at opponent's hand.
Double agent		Intercept phase: Take control of target agent.
Confiscation		Intercept phase: Take one equipment card from enemy agent.
Assassination		Intercept phase: Kill (Discard) target agent.
Capture Enemy Agent	Intercept phase: Target agent is captured.
Disc Exchange		Computer +2
Police Interference	Opponent must skip Mission Phase.
Security Codes		Computer +2
Bribery			Persuasion +2
Narrow Escape		+2 to roll on Mission Failure Table.
Lost in the Crowd	+2 to roll on Mission Failure Table.
Acid Pen		+2 to roll on Capture Table.
Torture			-2 to roll on Capture Table.
Brainwashing		Intercept phase: Take control of target agent.
Amnesia			Intercept phase: Shuffle target agent back into deck.
Intelligence Gathering	Intercept phase: Roll twice on Spy  Table.
Diversion		Intercept phase: Discard Mission Card in play.
Medical Attention	Intercept phase: Wounds healed immediately.
Sleeper			Intercept phase: Play an extra agent this turn.
Security Risk		Intercept phase: Agent may not go on missions for 1D5 turns.
Top Secret		Negate opponent's action of looking at a face down card.
Failed Getaway		Intercept phase: Target agent is captured.
Purge			Intercept phase: Discard X cards and draw X new cards.
Complications		Opponent must skip Mission Phase.
Informer		Intercept phase: Look at Face Down card.
Safe house		+2 to roll on Mission Failure Table.
Second Chance		Get an extra Mission Phase this turn.
Co-opt Mission		Your agent may attempt opponent's mission.

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