INTRODUCTION Card game for 2-4 players. THE DECK Players share a common deck of 56 cards. CARD ATTRIBUTES Each card represents one Building. There are 48 building cards in the deck. Each building has 5 attributes: Color, Type, Size, Class, and Age There are 3 colors: Peach, Lemon, and Aquamarine There are 2 types: Hotels and Condos There are 2 Sizes: Tall and Short There are 2 Classes: Ritzy and Standard There are 2 Ages: New and Old 8 of the cards are ‘Renovation’ cards (not buildings). The deck has one of each of the buildings in the card list. GAME END The game ends when there are no cards left in the deck and all possible Cards have been played. WINNING The player with the most points at the end of the game wins. ROUND SEQUENCE The game is played in rounds. Each round has 2 phases: 1. Deal Phase 2. Action Phase The round ends when no players have any cards left in their hands. DEAL PHASE Each player is dealt 4 cards face up. ACTION PHASE Each Action phase is divided into turns. Players take turns. Have a different player take the first turn each round. (For example: I go first this round, you go first next round.) Each turn has 2 segments: 1. Build Segment 2. Scoring Segment BUILD SEGMENT Players are developers building (or buying) a row of buildings along Miami Beach. During a players Build segment he/she builds one building. The building must be one of the cards in the player’s hand. If this is the first building of the game just place it face up onto the table. Later buildings must be built (placed) adjacent to one of the other buildings. The buildings form a single row so a new building can only be placed on one of Two spots, the far left or the far right. COLOR RULE You cannot place a building next to a building of the same color. (For example: You cannot have two Lemon colored buildings next to each other.) If you are unable to place a building because of this rule you must discard a card from your hand and skip the rest of your turn. RENOVATION RULE If you have a renovation card in your draw, you may discard it to place one of your Buildings (in your hand) on top of any other building in play that is already built. (effectively replacing it) The building being renovated must be ‘Old’ and the one replacing it must be ‘New’. SCORING SEGMENT After you place (build) a building, you score with it. Each building has 4 scoring attributes (traits): Type, Size, Class, and Age You score X points for each attribute a building has in common with its immediate neighbor: Traits in Common: Points Scored: 0 -5 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 16 Normally when a building is placed it only has one neighbor, however when renovating, a Building may have 2 neighbors increasing the possible number of traits in common: Traits in Common: Points Scored: 5 25 6 36 7 49 8 64 Use paper and pencil to keep track of scoring. CARD LIST NOTATION P = Peach (pink) L = Lemon (yellow) A = Aquamarine (blue) H = Hotel C = Condo T = Tall S = Short R = Ritzy S = Standard O = Old N = New BUILDING CARD LIST Color Type Size Class Age P H T R N P C T R N P H S R N P H T S N P H T R O P C S R N P C T S N P C T R O P H S S N P H S R O P H T S O P C S S O P H S S O P C T S O P C S R O P C S S N L H T R N L C T R N L H S R N L H T S N L H T R O L C S R N L C T S N L C T R O L H S S N L H S R O L H T S O L C S S O L H S S O L C T S O L C S R O L C S S N A H T R N A C T R N A H S R N A H T S N A H T R O A C S R N A C T S N A C T R O A H S S N A H S R O A H T S O A C S S O A H S S O A C T S O A C S R O A C S S N CARDSET AVAILABLE Thanks Ron! Click Here LINKS Miami

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