Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Players are Snake Oil Salesmen (USA circa late 1800’s) selling their wares. 

The player with the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins. 
The game ends when all players have passed. 
A player must pass at the end of their turn if there are no cards 
left in the deck. 

Players share a common deck. 
There is one copy of each card described in the card list. 
There are 5 types of cards: 
N = Name Cards
G = Gimmick Cards
C = Claim Cards
F = Formulation Cards
I = Ingredient Cards
B = Bonus Cards
S = Special Cards
P = Poison Cards

Shuffle the deck. 
Each player is dealt 7 cards. 
The most convincing player goes first. 
The deck is kept face-down. 
The discard is face-up. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 phases: 
1. Draw Phase
2. Action Phase
3. Meld Phase
4. End Phase

Draw 1 card from the top of the deck and put it in your hand. 

Discard 1 Special card to activate its special effect. 
Poison cards are a type of special card. 
Discard a Poison card to cause a target opponent to 
discard 1 random card from his Victory Pile. 
Players may trade cards. 

You may make a Meld. 
A Meld must contain: 
Exactly 1 Name Card
Exactly 1 Formulation Card
1 or 2 Gimmick Cards
1 or 2 Ingredient Cards
1 or more Claim Cards
Zero or 1 Bonus Cards
Each card has a Victory Point (VP) value. 
Place these Meld cards into your Score Pile. 
The total VP in your score pile is your Score at the end of the game. 
You do not have to use all the cards in your hand to make a Meld; 
If there are cards remaining keep them. 
Double cards: Some cards list 2 Types. A player may use one or 
the other type for his meld. 

Max hand size is 7 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

N = Name Cards (Maker/Product)
G = Gimmick Cards
C = Claim Cards (Cure)
F = Formulation Cards
I = Ingredient Cards
B = Bonus Cards
S = Special Cards
P = Poison Cards

Name: 			Type	VP	Notes: 
Dr Galvins		N	3
Dr Kings		N	3
Dr Younces		N	4
Dr McMullin		N	3
Mrs Winslows		N	4
Hadacol			N	4
Cactico			N	3
Foleys			N	4
Toxinol			N	4
Gesslers		N	3
Hamlins			N	3
Dr Bulls		N	3
Billy Black Hawks	N	4
Fitchs			N	3
Tutts			N	3
Metcalfs		N	3
Hazards			N	4
Sloans			N	3
Dr Kilmers		N	3
Dr Weeks		N	3
Hostetters		N	4
Munyons			N	3
Kickapoo		N	4
William Radams		N	3
Bonnores		N	3
Dr Sibleys		N	3
Stanleys		N	3
Baileys			N	4
Brinkleys		N	4
Dr Morses		N	3
Grand Invigorator	G	4
New Discovery		G	4
Man & Beast		G	4
Indian Cure		G	4
Remedy			G	3
Original		G	4
Magic			G	3
Improved		G	3
Safe			G	3
Popular			G	3
French			G	3
Marvelous		G	4
Delicious		G	3
Delightful		G	4
Healthful		G	3
Natures Gift		G	4
Celebrated		G	3	
National		G	3
Favorite		G	3
Harmless		G	3
Fast Acting		G	3
Genuine			G	4
Certificate of Purity	G	4
Kills Pain		GC	2
Vitality		GC	2
Vim & Vigor		GC	2
Panacea			GC	2
Cure All		GC	2
Quick Cure		GC	2
Strengthener		GC	2
Fortifies		GC	2
Refreshes		GC	2
Body & Brain		GC	2
Restorer		GC	2
Blood Builder		GC	2
Heart Corrector		GC	2
Distilled		GI	2
Root			GI	2
Herbal			GI	2
Bitters			GI	2
Homeopathic		GI	2
Secret Ingredient	GI	2
Botanic			GI	2
Vegetable Tonic		GI	2
Testimonials		GB	2
Endorsements		GB	2
Trademark		GB	2
Formula			FG	2
Supplement		FG	2
Nostrum			FG	2
Compound		FG	2
Concoction		FG	2
Snake Oil		FG	2
Potion			FG	2
Preparation		FG	2
Salve			FG	2
Temperance Tonic	FG	2
Balm			FG	2
Opium			I	4
Cocaine			I	4
Ethanol			I	4
Senna			I	3
Pepsin			I	3
Nitrous Ether		I	4
Camphor			I	3
Procaine		I	3
Chloroform		I	4
Honey			I	3
Vitamins		I	4
Quinine			I	4
Aspirin			I	4
Sarsaparilla		I	4
Oil of Wintergreen	I	3
Heroin			I	4
Caffeine		I	3
Cascara			I	3
Sulphur			I	4
Sagwa			I	4
Iron			I	4
Narcotics		I	4
Laudanum		IP	4
Radium			IP	2
Grain Alcohol		IP	2
Acetanilid		IP	2
Emetic			IC	2
Rubefacient		IC	2
Analgesic		IC	2
Antipyretic		IC	2
Stimulant		IC	2
Sedative		IC	2
Expectorant		IC	2
Laxative		IC	2
Antacid			IC	2
Diuretic		IC	2
Abortifacient		IC	2
Spirits			IF	2
Extract			IF	2
Infusion		IF	2
Oil			IF	2
Nerve Tonic		FC	2
Brain Tonic		FC	2
Tablets			F	3
Caps			F	4
Syrup			F	3
Elixir			F	4
Suspension		F	3
Tincture		F	4
Snuff			F	4
Solution		F	3
Fluid			F	3
Enema			F	3
Lotion			F	3
Cream			F	3
Ointment		F	3
Suppository		F	3
Inhaler			F	3
Pills			F	3
Douche			F	3
Liniment		F	4
Wafers			F	4
Candy			F	4
Wine			F	4
Powder			F	4
Drops			F	4
Draught			F	3
Croup			C	3
Sudden Death		C	4
Cough & Cold		C	3
Hoarseness		C	3
Nervous Debility	C	4
Abscesses		C	4
Neuralgia		C	3
Sleeplessness		C	3
Headache		C	3
Melancholia		C	3
Dyspepsia		C	3
Constipation		C	3
Numbness		C	3
Rheumatism		C	4
Cancer			C	4
Hysteria		C	4
Arthritis		C	4
Teething		C	4
Exhaustion		C	3
Kidney Trouble		C	3
Diabetes		C	3
Obesity			C	3
Frigidity		C	4
Gas			C	3
Hair Growth		C	4
Lumbago			C	4
Gout			C	3
Gonorrhea		C	4
Diarrhea		C	3
Female Complaints	C	4
Liver Ailments		C	4
Asthma			C	3
Jaundice		C	3
Syphilis		C	4
Anemia			C	4
Loss of Appetite	C	3
Catarrh			C	4
Malaria			C	4
Scarlet Fever		C	3
Consumption		C	4
Biliousness		C	4
Despondency		C	3
Shills			B	3
Advertising		B	3
Placebo Effect		B	3
Pitchman		B	3
Medicine Show		B	3
Shake Well		S	-	Discard Hand & Draw 7 cards
Advertising		S	-	Draw 2 cards
Addiction		S	-	Draw 2 cards
Fishy Tasting		S	-	Opponent discards 2 Random cards from Hand
Foul Smelling		S	-	Opponent discards 2 Random cards from Hand
Druggists		S	-	Steal 1 Random card from Opponents Hand
Muckrakers		S	-	All players discard their Hands
Quackery		S	-	All opponents discard 1 random card from Hand

Patent Medicines  Wikipedia

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