INTRODUCTION WWI card game for 2 players. The indecisive battle of Jutland, May 31-Jun 1, 1916 (called Skagerrak by the Germans) involved more than 250 ships, and was the last great battle to be fought exclusively by surface ships. THE DECK The common deck contains 52 cards. Both the British and German card lists are shuffled together. Cards must include the card name, fleet identification, and Force value. VICTORY Historically, both sides had reason to claim victory. The British lost 117,025 tons of ships. The Germans lost 61,180 tons of ships. The smaller German fleet proved superior in guns and armor. However, the German fleet never set out to sea again to seek open battle. The player that sinks the greatest number of enemy big and small ships is the winner. TURN SEQUENCE The game is played in 6 turns Each turn is divided into 4 phases: 1. Sight Phase 2. Sail Phase 3. Strike Phase 4. Sink Phase SIGHT PHASE Both players may discard some, none or all of their cards. Both players may draw replacement cards to fill their hands to 7 cards. If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. SAIL PHASE Both players may discard some, none or all of their cards. Both players may draw replacement cards to fill their hands to 7 cards. STRIKE PHASE Both players simultaneously reveal the cards they are deploying this turn. Deployed cards are placed on the table face up. Players may deploy some, none, or all of their cards. The turn number will determine which cards each player can deploy. The German player adds up the total force value of all the cards he deploys. The British player adds up the total force value of all the cards he deploys. Players compare their force values. The higher force value wins. The British win ties. All cards deployed are discarded into the discard pile. SINK PHASE The turn number will determine the casualties suffered by each side. Record casualties. Big ships include Battleships and Battle Cruisers. Small ships include Light Cruisers and Destroyers. Ship loses do not affect the composition of the deck, or players hands. TURN 1: FIRST BLOOD Hipper, traveling north along the coast of Jutland, encounters Beatty, traveling south. The German player can only deploy Hipper or Fleet cards. The British player can only deploy Beatty cards. The winner loses one small ship. The loser loses one big ship and 3 small ships. Historically, the Germans won this part of the battle. TURN 2: PURSUIT Hipper is reinforced by Scheer. Beatty retreats to the north, pursued by the Germans. Only play the sight phase this turn. Skip all the other phases. TURN 3: MAIN ENGAGEMENT Beatty is reinforced by Jellicoe, traveling east. The British fleets cross the German van. The main engagement involves all 4 fleets. The German player can deploy any German card. The British player can deploy any British card. The winner loses one big ship and two small ships. The loser loses two big ships and 3 small ships. Historically, the British won this part of the battle. TURN 4: SMOKE Under cover of smoke screens and destroyer torpedo attacks, the German Fleet moves southwest. The Germans are cut off from their ports. The German player can deploy any German card. The British player can deploy any British card. The winner suffers no casualties. The loser loses 3 small ships. Historically, the British won this part of the battle. TURN 5: DARKNESS The Germans force their way through the light forces at the rear of Jellicoe's line during a confused 4 hour night battle. The German player can deploy any German card. The British player can only deploy Jellicoe cards. The winner loses one small ship. The loser loses one big ship and 4 small ships. Historically, the Germans won this part of the battle. TURN 6: ESCAPE The Germans break through and head for home. Neither side can play Admirals or Battleships. The winner loses one small ship. The loser loses 2 small ships. Historically, the Germans won this part of the battle. GERMAN HIGH SEAS FLEET CARD LIST # Card Name Force Fleet Real Sunk 1 Admiral Von Hipper 5 Hipper 2 Battle Cruisers 3 Hipper 5 1 1 Light Cruisers 2 Hipper 6 0 4 Destroyers 1 Hipper 33 0 1 Admiral Reinhard Scheer 5 Scheer 4 New Battleships 4 Scheer 16 0 2 Old Battleships 4 Scheer 8 1 1 Light Cruisers 2 Scheer 5 4 3 Destroyers 1 Scheer 30 5 4 German Gunnery 2 Fleet 3 German Armor 1 Fleet # = Number of that type of card in the deck. Real = The actual number of these ships in the real battle. Sunk = The actual number of these ships sunk in the real battle. BRITISH GRAND FLEET CARD LIST # Card Name Force Fleet Real Sunk 1 Admiral Sir David Beatty 5 Beatty 2 Battle Cruisers 3 Beatty 6 2 1 Battleships 4 Beatty 4 0 3 Light Cruisers 2 Beatty 17 0 4 Destroyers 1 Beatty 40 0 1 Admiral Sir John Jellicoe 5 Jellicoe 1 Battle Cruisers 3 Jellicoe 3 1 6 Battleships 4 Jellicoe 24 0 1 Armored Cruisers 2 Jellicoe 8 0 2 Light Cruisers 2 Jellicoe 9 3 4 Destroyers 1 Jellicoe 40 8

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