Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Set in the HALO Universe. 

Halo is a copyrighted, trademarked property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Be the first player to accumulate 100 Mission Points. 
Winner gets to keep the title of Master Chief. 

Players share a common deck. 
There are 6 basic types of cards:
S = Spartan
M = Mission
W = Weapon
E = Enemy
V = Vehicle
X = Special
Each card has a Mission Point Value (MPV) ranging from 1 to 5. 
Some of the types have sub-types. Example: Their are Flood and Covenant Enemy cards. 
There are 15 cards each for Spartan, Mission, Vehicle, and Special. 
There are 30 cards each for Weapon and Enemy card types. 

Each player has 10 Shield Points (SP). 
If a player ever has less than Zero Shield Points, he immediately 
discards 3 cards and loses 5 Mission Points. He then immediately goes back up to 10 SP. 
10 SP is the Max, you cannot go over this.

Each player starts with 100 Mission Points (MP). 
Each player is dealt 10 cards from the deck. 
One player is randomly determined to be Master Chief. 

Players take turns. Master Chief goes first. Play proceeds clockwise. 
Each turn has 5 Phases: 
1. Insertion Phase
2. Action Phase
3. Attack Phase
4. Objective Phase
5. Extraction Phase

Fill your hand to 10 cards. 
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

You may play (discard) one of your cards to activate its special ability. 
Each Card type has 1 Special Ability associated with it…
Enlisted Spartan SA: Draw 5 cards; Keep 1 and Discard the rest.
Officer Spartan SA: Look at next 5 cards in the deck and keep 1 of them. 
Covenant SA: Target opponent discards 1 random card. 
Flood SA: Target opponent discards 2 cards and draws 1 card. 
Human Weapon SA: Discard in Attack Phase to negate an Attack made against you.    
Alien Weapon SA: Trade with the top card of the discard pile.
Human Vehicle SA: Draw 2 cards OR Draw 3 cards and discard any 2 cards from your hand. 
Alien Vehicle: May be used as any other card type in Meld Phase.  
Recon Special SA: Gain 2 Mission Points and draw 1 card OR Steal 2 MP from target opponent.
Defense Special SA: Gain 2 Shield Points (Max 10). 
Mission SA: Steal 1 Random card from target opponent. Opponent draws 1 card. 
Multi Mission SA:  Target opponent must give you 1 card of his choice.

You may play (discard) one card to attack 1 Target opponent. 
The card must be either an Enemy card or an Alien Weapon or Alien Vehicle.
The target player loses shield points equal to the MPV of the Attack card. 
You cannot pick the same target the player immediately before you picked. 

If possible, you may make one or more Melds in this Phase. 
There are 30 types of Melds: 
1. Spartan:  4+ Spartan Cards
2. Covenant: 4+ Covenant  Enemy Cards
3. Flood: 4+ Flood Enemy Cards
4. Campaign: 4+ Mission Cards
5. Traveling: 4+ Vehicle Cards
6. Weapon Locker: 4+ Human Weapon Cards
7. Weapon Pod: 4+ Alien Weapon Cards
8. Super Combo: 1 Spartan, 1 Mission, 1 Special, 1 Vehicle, 1 Weapon, 1 Enemy
9. Double Trouble: 3+ cards of 1 type and 3+ cards of another type
10. Grenade Stick: Stick type Grenade and 1 Enemy or Alien Vehicle
11. Headshot: 1 Enemy and 1 Precision Weapon card
12. Assassination: 1 Enemy and 1 Melee and 1 Spartan card
13. Splatter: 1 Enemy and 1 Ground Vehicle card
14. Checkpoint: 1 Mission and 1 Spartan and 1 Vehicle card
15. Dual Wield: 2 Pistols and 1 Spartan
16. Brute Kill: 1 Plasma Weapon, 1 Precision Weapon, and 1 Brute card
17. Spray and Pray: 2 Enemies and 1 Auto Weapon
18. Needler Supercombine: 1 Needler and 1 Enemy
19. Multi-Kill: 1 Weapon and 3 Covenant or 3 Flood enemy cards
20. Stopping Power: 1 Stop Weapon and 1 Enemy
21. Take Down: 1 Alien Vehicle and 1 Anti Vehicle Weapon
22. Guerilla: 1 Spiker or Bubble Shield, 2 Covenant, 1 Ally, Sierra 117
23. Demon: 2 Specials, 1 Brute, 1 SMG or Spike Grenade, Crow's Nest
24. Cavalier: 2 Vehicles, Fuel Rod Gun or Trip Mine, 1 Covenant, Tsavo Highway
25. Askar: 1 Anti Vehicle Weapon, Hunter or Scarab, 1 Vehicle, The Storm
26. Exterminator: Energy Sword or Flamethrower, 3 Flood, Floodgate
27. Ranger: 2 Vehicles, 1 Special, Sentinel Beam or Incendiary Grenade, The Ark
28. Vanguard: Spartan Laser or Hornet, 3 Spartan cards, The Covenant
29. Orpheus: 3 Flood, 2 Spartans, 1 Stop or Melee Weapon, Cortana
30. Reclaimer: Auto Turret or Arbiter, 3 Flood, 1 Spartan, Halo

Discard the Melded Cards. 
Score Mission Points equal to the Combined MPV of all of the cards in the Meld. 
Except for the Super Combo, each Meld can be used only once per game per player. 
To play a Super Combo, the combined value of the Spartan, Special, Weapon, and 
Vehicle cards must be greater than the combined value of the Mission and Enemy cards.

Regain 2 Shield Points. 
Discard down to 9 Cards. 

S = Spartan
M = Mission
Z = Multi-Mission
W = Human Weapon
A = Alien Weapon
C = Covenant Enemy
F = Flood Enemy
V = Human Vehicle
B = Alien Vehicle
D = Special Defense
R = Special Recon
X = Special Ally
# = Copies of that card in the Deck

Name:				#	Type	MPV	Notes:
Magnum  			1	W	1	Precision; Pistol; Stop
Assault Rifle			2	W	2	Precision
Carbine  			1	W	1	Precision
Battle Rifle			1	W	3	Precision
Fuel Rod Gun			1	W	4	Anti Vehicle
Rocket Launcher 		1	W	5	Anti Vehicle
Shotgun 			1	W	3	Stop
SMG				1	W	2	Auto
Sniper Rifle			1	W	4	Precision
Spartan Laser			1	W	5	Precision
MG Turret			1	W	5	Turret
Flamethower			1	W	4	Turret
Frag Grenade			1	W	1	Grenade
Incendiary Grenade		1	W	3	Grenade
Beam Rifle			1	A	2	Precision
Brute Shot			1	A	3	Stop
Energy Sword			1	A	4	Melee
Gravity Hammer  		1	A	5	Melee; Stop
Needler				1	A	2	Precision; Pistol
Mauler				1	A	3	Pistol; Stop
Plasma Pistol			1	A	1	Pistol; Plasma
Plasma Rifle			1	A	4	Plasma
Sentinel Beam			1	A	4	Precision
Spiker				1	A	3	Pistol; Melee
Missile Pod			1	A	5	Turret; Anti Vehicle
Plasma Turret			1	A	5	Turret; Plasma
Plasma Grenade  		2	A	1	Grenade, Plasma; Stick
Spike Grenade			1	A	2	Grenade; Stick
Warthog 			2	V	2	Ground
Mongoose			1	V	1	Ground
Banshee 			2	V	1	Ground
Ghost				1	B	2	Ground
Wraith				2	B	5	Ground
Scarab				1	B	4	Ground
Scorpion			1	V	5	Ground
Hornet				2	V	3	Air
Chopper 			1	B	4	Ground
Prowler				1	B	3	Air
Elephant			1	B	4	Ground
Drones				3	C	1	No Head
Grunts 				2	C	2	Grunt
Kamikazee Grunt 		1	C	2	Grunt
Shield Jackals			2	C	3	Jackal
Sniper Jackal			1	C	3	Jackal
Brutes				1	C	4	Brute
Jump Pack Brute 		1	C	4	Brute
Brute Captain			1	C	5	Brute
Brute Stalker			1	C	4	Brute
Hunters				1	C	5	Covenant
Shade Fixed Turret		1	C	5	Covenant
Infection Forms			3	F	1	No Heads
Carrier Forms			3	F	2	No Heads
Combat Forms			3	F	3	No Heads
Stalker				3	F	4	Flood
Pure Forms			3	F	5	Flood
Motion Tracker			1	R	2	Recon
Marine Allies			1	X	4	Ally
AI Companion			1	X	5	Ally
Arbiter				1	X	5	Ally
Overshield      		1	D	3	Defense
Bubble Shield			1	D	4	Defense
Grav Lift			1	R	2	Recon
Power Drain			1	D	4	Defense
Regenerator			1	D	1	Defense
Flare				1	R	1	Recon
Radar Jammer			1	D	1	Defense
Trip Mine			1	D	2	Defense
Cloaking Unit			1	R	3	Recon
Auto Turret			1	D	3	Defense
Elite Landing Party		1	X	5	Ally
Slayer				1	Z	1	Multi
Oddball				1	Z	1	Multi
Capture the Flag		1	Z	1	Multi
Assault				1	Z	2	Multi
Juggernaught			1	Z	2	Multi
King of the Hill		1	M	2	Mission
Sierra 117			1	M	3	Mission
Crow’s Nest			1	M	3	Mission
Tsavo Highway			1	M	3	Mission
The Storm			1	M	4	Mission
Floodgate			1	M	4	Mission
The Ark				1	M	4	Mission
The Covenant			1	M	5	Mission
Cortana				1	M	5	Mission
Halo				1	M	5	Mission
Recruit				2	S	1	Enlisted
Apprentice			1	S	1	Enlisted
Private				2	S	2	Enlisted
Corporal			1	S	2	Enlisted
Sergeant			1	S	3	Enlisted
Gunnery Sergeant		1	S	3	Enlisted
Lieutenant			1	S	3	Officer
Captain				1	S	4	Officer
Major				1	S	4	Officer
Commander			1	S	4	Officer
Colonel				1	S	5	Officer
Brigadier			1	S	5	Officer
General				1	S	5	Officer

At the beginning of the game, each player draws 2 Skill Cards. 
Whenever a player completes a Meld of 5 or more Cards he gains 
One random Skill Card. Maximum 7 Skill cards per player. 

EA = Extra Action
AP = Action Phase

Skill:			Notes:
Wetwork 		As an EA in AP you may play a Human Weapon card
Assassination		Human Weapon cards are worth +2 in your Melds
Accuracy		You may use Special cards as Human Weapon cards in Melds
Sniper			You may use Spartan cards as Human Weapon cards in AP
Rogue			You may use Covenant Enemy cards as Spartan cards in AP
Fast Track		Spartan cards are worth +2 in your Melds
Specialist		As an EA in AP you may play a Spartan card
Power Armor		You may use Alien Weapon cards as Spartan cards in Melds
Pathfinder		You may use Spartan cards as Mission cards in Melds
Pioneer			Mission cards are worth +2 in your Melds  
Engineer		You may use Vehicle cards as Mission cards in AP
Recon			As an EA in AP you may play a Mission card
Stealth			As an EA in AP you may play a Special card
Requisition		You may use Human Weapon cards as Special cards in AP
Shadowing		You may use Mission cards as Special cards in Melds
Technician		Special cards are worth +2 in your Melds
Tactics			As an EA in AP you may play an Alien Weapon card
Stalker			You may use Vehicle cards as an Alien Weapon cards in AP
Stability		You may use Covenant cards as an Alien Weapon cards in Melds
Hand to Hand		Alien Weapon Cards are worth +2 in your Melds
Subversion		As an EA in AP you may play a Covenant Enemy card
Suppressor		Covenant cards are worth +2 in your Melds
Gunner			You may use Flood cards as Covenant  cards in AP
Heavy Weapons   	You may use Alien Weapon cards as Covenant  cards in Melds
Speed			As an EA in AP you may play a Flood Enemy card
Security		Flood cards are worth +2 in your Melds
Escort			You may use Spartan cards as Flood cards in Melds
Support			You may use Covenant  cards as Flood cards in AP
Operator		As an EA in AP you may play a Vehicle card
Repair			You may use Human Weapon cards as Vehicle cards in Melds
Piloting		Vehicle cards are worth +2 in your Melds
Tracker			You may use Spartan cards as Vehicle cards in AP
Strategy		You may discard 1 extra card in Extraction Phase
Intelligence		You may discard 1 extra card in Extraction Phase

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