Solo Card game. Fantasy Theme.
Summon Heroic Armies to beat back the Evil Hordes.

The game ends when at the beginning of the turn, there are no Cards left in the deck.
If you accumulate 5 or more Devastation Tokens (DT), you lose.
If you have 2 or less DT, you win. (3 = Tie)

1. Fate Phase
2. Men Phase
3. Elves Phase
4. Dwarves Phase
5. Goblins Phase
6. Undead Phase
7. Dragon Phase
8. Battle Phase
9. Event Phase

Draw 1 card from the top of the deck. 
Turn it face up. This is the “Draw” card.

If the Draw card is a Man card, put it in a 
Separate Hero pile of Man cards.

If the Draw card is an Elf card, put it in a 
Separate Hero pile of Elf cards.

If the Draw card is a Dwarf card, put it in a 
Separate Hero pile of Dwarf cards.

If the Draw card is a Goblin card, put it in a 
Separate Horde pile of Goblin cards.

If the Draw card is an Undead card, put it in a 
Separate Horde pile of Undead cards.

If the Draw card is a Dragon card, put it in a 
Separate Horde pile of Dragon cards.

If any Horde pile has 5 or more cards in it, it will attack.
Choose any one of your Hero piles to receive the attack.
If the Hero pile is of equal or greater strength, Discard Hero
cards with a combined strength equal to or greater than that of the horde. 
If the Horde has a greater strength, discard the entire 
Hero pile and you get 1 Devastation Token.
Get 2 Devastation Tokens if the Horde was unblocked. 
Discard the Attacking Horde. 

If the Draw card was an Event, it takes effect in this phase.


If you have a Mine card draw 1 card in Event phase: 
If it is a card of the correct type keep it, if not, discard it.

When played, look at next 7 cards in deck.

Bow cards get Force +X
X = Number of Bow cards in Pile –1. 
Fast cards get Force +X
X = Number of Fast cards in Pile –1. 

Troop cards get Force +X
X = Number of Troop cards in Pile –1. 


M = Men 
E = Elf
D = Dwarf
G = Goblin
U = Undead
Z = Dragon
A = Men, Elf, or Dwarf
V = Event
STR = Strength (= Force)

Some cards are of 2 or more Types. 
In this case, you may place them in the Pile of your choice. 

Card Name:		Type	STR	Notes
Dwarf Lord		D	8	All Dwarf Troop cards get Force +3
Troll Slayer		D	5	+3 vs Goblins
Giant Slayer		D	6	+4 vs Goblins
Gunners			D	5	Troops; Tech; Bow
Clansmen 		D	3	Troops; +2 vs Goblins
Greybeards		D	2	Troops
Citadel			D	5	All Dwarf cards get Force +2
Berserkers		D	5	+5 if Horde has more cards
Gnome Allies		D	5	Tech 
Engineers		D	4	Tech cards get +4
Mines			D	1	Mine for Dwarves
Siege Mortar		D	4	Tech; Bow
Observation Balloon	D	5	Tech; Spy
Elf Lord	         	E	8	All Elf cards get Force +2
Elf Magic		E	5	Magic; All Elf cards get Force +3
Forest			E	1	Mine for Elves
Stronghold		E	5	All Elf cards get Force +2
Elf Battle Mage		E	10	Magic cards get +2
Elven Archers		E	7	Troops; Bows
Elven Warriors		E	5	Troops
Elven Scout		E	3	Bows; Spy
Faeries			E	2	Fast; Spy
Elven Hunters		E	4	Troops; Bows
Warrior Maiden		E	3	All Elf cards get Force +2
Unicorn Riders		E	8	Fast
Pegasus Riders		E	9	Fast; Spy
King			M	8	All Man cards get Force +2	
Castle			M	5	All Man cards get Force +2
Farms			M	1	Mine for Men
Wizard			M	9	Magic cards get +3
Champion	         	M	10	Fast
Knights			M	8	Troops; Fast
Paladin			M	7	+2 vs Undead
Dragon Slayer		M	6	+6 vs Dragons
Priest			M	2	+10 vs Undead
Pikemen			M	5	Troops
Longbowmen		M	4	Troops; Bows
Horse Archers		M	3	Troops; Fast; Bows
Ranger			M/E	5	Bows; Spy, +2 vs Goblins
Half Elves		M/E	4	Troop; Bows
Catapults		M/D	6	Tech	
Old Magic		E/D	8	Magic
New Magic		E/M	7	Magic
Axers			D/M	4	Troops
Alchemy			M/D	3	Magic
Archers			E/M	4	Bows
Druid			E/M	6	Magic cards get +3
War Machines		D/M	7	Tech
Crossbows		D/M	4	Bows; Tech
Spearmen	         	A	2	Troops
Swordsmen		A	3	Troops
Elemental Magic		A	6	Magic
Artifact 		A	8	Magic; Tech
Divination		A	2	Magic; Spy
Halfling Allies		A	1	Bows; Spy
Ballistae		A	4	Tech; +3 vs Dragons
Raids			V	-	Random Horde Attacks
Skirmish	         	V	-	Random Horde Attacks
Quest			V	- 	Discard target Horde card
Slayer			V	-	Discard target Horde card
Dragons Hoard		V	-	Search deck for card & put it in play
Summon			V	-	Search deck for card & put it in play
Resurrection		V	-	Search discard for card & put it in play
Reincarnation		V	-	Search discard for card & put it in play
Warlord			G	8	All Goblins get Force +3
Goblin King		G	6	All Goblins get Force +2
Goblins			G	2	Troops
Orks			G	4	Troops
Gnolls			G	5	Troops
Hobgoblins		G	6	Troops
Bugbears	         	G	7	Troops
Ogre			G	8	-
Trolls			G	7	-	
Hill Giant		G	9	-
Stone Giant		G	10	-
Kobolds			G	1	Troops
Cyclops			G	9	-
Two-Headed Giant	        G	8	-
Shaman			G	4	All Goblins get Force +1
Lich King		U	10	All Undead get Force +3
Necromancer		U	9	All Undead get Force +2
Anti-Paladin		U	8	All Undead get Force +1
Skeletons		U	1	Troops
Zombies			U	2	Troops
Ghouls			U	3	-
Ghasts			U	4	-
Vampires 		U	7	-
Werewolves		U	8	-
Wraiths			U	8	+1 vs Men
Wights 			U	7	+1 vs Dwarves
Spectres	         	U	6	+1 vs Elves
Mummies			U	5	-
Demon			U	10	-
Great Wyrm		Z	10	All Dragons get Force +3
Dragon Lord		Z	9	All Dragons get Force +2
Dragon Riders		Z	6	All Dragons get Force +1
Lizard Men		Z	1	Troops
Serpent Men		Z	2	Troops
Dinosaur Men		Z	3	Troops
Dragon Men		Z	4	Troops
Wyverns			Z	5	-
Hydra			Z	8	-
Fire Drakes		Z	4	-
White Dragon		Z	5	-
Green Dragon		Z	6	-
Blue Dragon		Z	7	-
Black Dragon		Z	8	-
Red Dragon		Z	9	-
Undead Dragon		U/Z	7	-


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