Each player controls a city. 
Each player tries to complete projects that will make their 
City more eco-friendly. 

The player with the most Green points at the end of the game wins. 

The game ends when any player has accumulated 25 or more 
Green Points worth of Projects in his City Pile. 

There are 2 Common decks: 
The Project Deck
The Resource Deck

These are the projects the players are trying to complete. 
Each project lists a specific set of Resource cards that must be 
Played to complete the project. 

There are 9 types of Resource cards:
1. Innovation
2. Transportation
3. Energy
4. Water
5. Robotics
6. Conservation
7. Biological
8. Legislation
9. Human Behavior
The Resource deck has 10 copies of each card. 

Players share a set of Political Will Tokens (PW). 

Shuffle the decks. 
Each player is dealt 3 random Project cards. 
Each player gets 10 PW Tokens. 
The player with the smallest Carbon footprint goes first. 
Players keep their Project cards face up. 
The Top 12 cards of the Resource Deck are always kept face-up and 
Are spread out in order. 
The Top 3 cards of the Project Deck are always kept face-up and 
Are spread out in order. 
Always replenish the face-up cards as soon as they are consumed. 
If a deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 5 Phases: 
1. Political Will Phase
2. Resource Phase
3. Assignment Phase
4. Project Phase
5. Planning Phase

Each player gets 5 PW Tokens. 

Take the top 3 cards of the Resource Deck and place them in the 
Center of the table: These cards are called the “Lot”. 
Players bid on the Lot starting with the current player. 
Each bid must be higher than the last.
Bidding Proceeds clockwise.  
The highest Bid wins (keeps) the entire Lot. 
The winner discards the PW Tokens he bid. 
Other players keep their Bids. 

The player that won the Lot must immediately assign the 
Resource cards to his Project cards. 
Resource cards are laid out next to their assigned Project card. 
Unused Resource cards are discarded. 

A Project is completed if it has all the Required Resource 
Cards attached to it. 
If a player completes a project, he puts it in his City pile.  
Discard the attached Resource cards once the project is completed. 
Each Project card has a Green Point value equal to the 
Number of resource cards required to complete it. 
Every time a player completes a Project, he gets to pick 1 new 
Project card from the top 3 cards of the Project deck. 

The current player may discard one of his projects 
(including all resources assigned to it) and replace it with a 
Face-up Project card from the deck.

Name:			Req	GPV	Notes:
Pod Cars		ICTT	8	Sharing Vehicles
Driverless Bus		ITTR	7	Central Computer Routing
Energy Highway		ITEE	9	Gathers Wind Energy
Maglev Train		ITTR	10	Efficient Public Transport
Algae Parks		IEWB	6	Generate Hydrogen
Power Sidewalks		ITE	4	Convert Stepping into Energy
Desalination Plant	ICWW	5	Osmotic Membranes
Tunnel Bots		IWRR	5	Repair Underground Pipelines
Vertical Farms		ICBR	6	Intensive Hydroponics
Green Tower		ICEW	10	Ecologically Responsible Building
Bubble Houses		ICW	5	Filters Water & Saves Energy
Super Grid		ICEE	10	Hydrogen Cooled Electrical cables
Solar Power Credits	LE	4	Residential Solar Cells 
Wind Farms		EE	4	Maglev Turbines
Solar Arrays		EE	5	Solar Farm
Tidal Turbines		IWE	6	Underwater Windmill
Wave Machines		IWE	7	Float on Surface
Geothermal Plant       	IWEE 	9	Steam Turbine
Super Incinerators	IEEB	7	Use anything as Fuel
Cold Water Plant	IWWE	8	Deep Ocean Water Pump
Electric Cars		ICCT	8	Batteries
Recycling Plant		HCC	8	Waste Not
Water Treatment		CBW	6	Biological Filters
Stack Scrubbers		CL	3	Factory Emission Reduction
Carbon Credits		HLL	6	Pollution Credits
Reforestation		CBB	8	Planting Trees
Mileage Standards	LLT	5	Vehicle Fuel Efficiency
Efficiency Lights	HLC	4	Light bulb Technology
Conversion to Diesel	HLBT	6	Alternate Bio-Fuels
Habitat Preservation	LLBW	9	Saving Ecosystems
Population Control	HBLL	8	Zero Population Growth
Promote Vegetarianism	HHLB	7	Reduce Demand
Urban Planning		LLH	7	Major Zoning Changes
Low Impact Transport	LTCH	6	Mopeds, Segues
Bicycle Paths		HHLT	7	Healthful Transportation
Organic Farming		HLBW	8	Reduce Pesticides, Fertilizers
Local Food Sources	HLBB	9	Reduce Transportation costs
Toxic Waste Cleanup	LBBR	10	Robotic Assist Hazmat
GPV = Green Point value 

A six sided die (D6) is needed. 
In Resource phase players each get 1D6 PW Tokens. 
In Resource Phase the next 1D6 cards come up for bid. 

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