Card game for 2+ players. 
Each player controls his own Farm. 

The game ends when 1 or more players has 20+ points. 

The player with the most points at the end of the game wins. 

Use change to keep track of points. 

Players share a common deck. 
There are 6 card types: 
1. Crops
2. Animals
3. Markets
4. Setbacks
5. Improvements
6. Overheads

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Crop and Animal cards are called Resources.
Crop, Animal, and Improvement Cards are Permanents. 
When put in play, they are placed face up in front of the 
Player that played (owns/controls) them. 
They remain in play until a Setback card causes one of them to be discarded. 

Overheads, Markets, and Setback cards are Events. 
Markets cause all players to score points for specific Resource types in play. 
Setbacks cause a specific Resource card to be discarded (destroyed). 
Overhead cards cause all players to lose Points for specific Resource types in play. 
Event cards are discarded when played. 

A Farm can have 5 Resource cards in Play. 
Each Improvement card in play allows an additional specific 
Resource card to be put in play.

Shuffle the deck. 
Each player starts with 10 Points. 
Each player is dealt 3 cards. 
The youngest player goes first. 
Play proceeds clockwise. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 7 phases: 
1. Farm Phase
2. Improvement Phase
3. Plant Phase
4. Setback Phase
5. Market Phase
6. Overhead Phase
7. End Phase

Draw 1 card from the top of the deck & put it in your hand. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 
A player may pay 3 Points to draw an extra card once in this Phase on his turn. 

You may put one Improvement into play on your farm. 
It costs 2 Points to put an Improvement card into Play. 

You may put one Resource card into play on your Farm. 
It costs 1 Point to put a Resource card into Play.

You may play 1 Setback card. 
Setbacks cause a specific Resource card of an opponent to be discarded. 

You may play 1 Market card. 
Markets cause all players to score points for specific Resource types they have in play. 
For example: Lets say you have the Cow & Goat cards in play.
Bob has the Cattle card in play. Carl has no “Hoof” Animals in play  
You play a “Milk” card: You get 4 points. Bob gets 2 points & Carl gets none. 

You may play 1 Overhead card. 
Overheads cause all players to lose points for specific 
Resource types they have in play. 

Discard down to 4 cards. 

C = Crops
A = Animals
M = Markets
S = Setbacks
I = Improvements
O = Overheads

Card Name:			Type	Notes:
Corn 				C	Grain
Wheat				C	Grain
Tomatoes			C	Vegetable
Apples				C	Fruit
Watermelons			C	Fruit
Frost				S	Destroy 1 Crop
Drought				S	Destroy 1 Crop
Locusts				S	Destroy 1 Crop
Barn				I	+1 Animal
Silo				I	+1 Crop
Chickens			A	Birds, Eggs
Ducks				A	Birds
Cows				A	Hoof, Dairy, Cattle
Sheep				A	Hoof, Fabric
Goats				A	Hoof, Dairy
Pigs				A	Pork
Strawberries			C	Fruit
Cotton				C	Fabric
Fences				I	+1 Animal
Dogs				I	+1 Animal
Juice				M	Oranges & Apples = 2
Milk				M	Dairy = 3
Bacon				M	Pork = 3
Migrant Workers			M	Crops = 1
Wool				M	Sheep = 3
Cattle Drive			M	Cattle = 3
Turkeys				A	Birds
Oranges				C	Fruit
Poultry				A	Bird, Eggs
Heifers				A	Hoof, Dairy, Cattle
Steers				A	Hoof, Cattle
Hogs				A	Pork
Carrots				C	Tuber
Potatoes			C	Tuber
Bees				A	Insect
Cabbage				C	Vegetable
Grapes				C	Fruit
Grade A Eggs			M	Eggs = 3
Honey				M	Bees = 3
Meat				M	Animals = 1
Fall Harvest			M	Crops = 1
Wax				M	Bees = 2
Slaughter House			M	Cattle & Pork = 2
Hoof & Mouth Disease		S	Destroy 1 Hoof
Bird Flu			S	Destroy 1 Bird
Jelly				M	Grapes & Strawberries = 2
Bread				M	Wheat = 3
Tornado				S	Destroy 1 Improvement
Tractor				I	+1 Crop
Irrigation System		I	+1 Crop
Crop Duster			I	+1 Crop
Coop				I	+1 Bird
Beans				C	Legumes
Peanuts				C	Legumes
Fertilizer			M	Crops = 1
Growth Hormone			M	Animals = 1
Antibiotics			M	Animals = 1
Genetic Engineered Seeds	M	Crops = 1
Fox in the Coop			S	Destroy 1 Bird
Crop Rotation			M	Crops = 1
Fallow Field			S	Destroy 1 Crop
Textiles			M	Fabrics = 2
Bar-B-Q				M	Cattle & Pork = 2
Meat Packing Plant		I	+1 Animal
Pull Up Roots			M	Tubers = 2
Flood				S	Destroy 1 Crop
Vegetable Harvest		M	Vegetables = 2
White Meat			M	Birds & Pork = 2
Dairy Farming			M	Dairy = 3
Thanksgiving			M	Birds = 3
County Fair			M	Animals or Vegetables = 2
Pumpkins			C	Vegetable
Moonshine			M	Grain & Potatoes = 2
Fourth of July			M	Watermelons = 3
Stew				M	Vegetables & Tubers = 2
Pork & Beans			M	Pork & Beans = 2
Cattle Rustlers			S	Destroy 1 Cattle
Blueberries			C	Fruit
Water Bill			O	Pay 1 per Crop
Grandma’s Pies			M	Apples, Berries, & Pumpkins = 2
Veterinarian Visit		O	Pay 1 per Animal
Baseball Season			M	Peanuts = 3
Maintenance			O	Pay 1 per Improvement

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