by Zak

Meka Tac Conversion for Fast Game System (FGS)

- Movement

Meka movement capabilities are directly usable as Movement Points in FGS, 
with Large Meka being able to move 3MP and very fast ones having 8MP.

Mekas are in HTH only if the relative counter is adiacent.

- Combat

Range conversion

Same Sector (+2 to Hit): 1-4 range
One Sector (+1 to Hit): 5-9 range
Two Sector: 10-20 range
Three Sector: 21-30 range

        - a Large Flamethrowers (range 3) can fire only in the same sector (with a 
+2 hit)
        - a Medium Missle Launchers (range 18) can fire up to two sectors of distance

Bomb: effects all Mekas in the same sector

Drop Troop Conversion for Fast Game System (FGS)

- Movement

Basic Movement is 4MP: Double Speed is 8MP
Movement bouns malus must be considered as +/- MP. Example: the Reflex 
Augmentation Suit System gives +1MP.
Jet Pack: 12MP.

Units are in HTH only if the relative counter is adiacent.

- Combat

Range conversion

Same Sector: 1-5 range
One Sector: 6-12 range
Two Sector: 13-24 range
Three Sector: 25-40 range
Four Sector: 41+ range

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