Miniatures rules for aerial skirmishes.
All combatants (Fliers) include a mount with usually one rider. 

One player designs the scenario and provides all the miniatures.
The Scenario should include two groups of adversarial fliers.
The other player picks which of the two groups he wants to control.
Make 1-2 chits for each spell in the spell list.
The scenario designer may designate specific spells in the scenario or 
distribute random spell chits to spell casters after groups are picked.

Pick a mount.
Fill up the mount with riders and weapons.
(Most mounts can carry 2-4 Size = 1 riders and weapons)
For each rider pick a race and class.

Maximum Speed- Top speed in inches per turn. 
The Flyer can never normally exceed this without magic or special items.
Acceleration- The maximum amount in inches a flyer can increase his current speed per turn. 
Deceleration- The maximum amount in inches a flyer can decrease his current speed per turn. 
This does not include momentum used up by turning, climbing, and diving.
Turn Radius- The maximum amount in degrees a flyer can change his facing per inch moved. 
Each time a flyer changes facing it uses up one inch of movement. 
For example a flyer with a current speed of 5 may fly forward 5 inches, or as one possibility 
fly 3 inches and make 2 turns. Turning radii are in increments of 15 degrees. 
Climb- The number of inches that must be traveled before the flyers altitude can be 
increased by one level. 
Each time a flyer increases altitude one level, it uses up one inch of movement. 
Flyers that can hover have a climb value = 0. 
Dive- The number of inches that must be traveled before the flyers altitude can be voluntarily 
decreased by one level. Diving does not cost any inches to do. 
Flyers that can hover have a dive value = 0.
Mounts have 2 Flying Characteristics: Speed & Maneuverability. 
These determine the base values of the other stats such as Acceleration and Climb

Speed			Level	Max	Accel	Decl	Climb	Dive	Dodge	Init
Extremely Slow		1	2	1	1	4	4	-1	-1
Very Slow		2	4	1	2	4	3	-	-
Slow			3	6	2	2	3	3	-	-
Average Speed		4	8	2	3	3	2	-	-
Fast			5	10	3	3	2	2	-	-
Very Fast		6	12	3	4	2	1	-	-
Extremely Fast		7	14	4	4	1	1	+1	+1
Extremely Fast-2	8	15	4	5	1	1	+1	+1
Extremely Fast-3	9	16	5	5	1	1/2	+1	+1

Maneuverability		Level	Turn	Dodge	Init
Very Poor		1	15	-1	-1
Poor			2	30	-	-
Average			3	45	-	-
Good			4	60	-	-
Very Good		5	90	+1	+1
Very Good-2		6	105	+1	+1
Very Good-3		7	120	+1	+1
Very Good-4		8	135	+1	+1

Hits- Damage the flyer can sustain before falling or dying.
During battle, keep a running tab of Hits remaining.
If reduced to 0 or less hits the mount is killed/destroyed.
Capacity- Number of Riders or Large Weapons the Mount can carry. 
If this is exceeded reduce Maneuverability and speed stats by half (round down).
Capacity may not be doubly exceeded.
If the mount is under capacity increase stats by one rank each.

Each turn has 2 phases:
Initiative Phase
Main Phase

Determine move order.
Each Flier rolls 1D10 and adds any Initiative modifiers.
High roll moves and attacks first in Main phase.
Next highest roll moves and attacks second in Main phase, and so on.
Reroll ties.
Get +3 to roll if you are diving out of the sun.
Get +10 to roll for first turn surprise.

During Main Phase every flier gets to move and attack.

Weapons with a ROF of 1 can be used once per turn.
Weapons with a ROF of 2+ can be used up to that many times per turn.
A ROF of ½ can be fired once every other turn.
A ROF of 1/3 can fire once every third turn.
For fractional ROF's it is assumed the rider is spending the time in between
Shots actively reloading. 
If the rider is making other attacks the reloading time must be made up.

Keep track of each fliers current speed.
Speed is measured in inches per turn.
Keep track of each fliers current altitude.
Altitude is measured in inches above the table.
Use counters to indicate altitude and speed.
Maximum altitude is 3 feet above the table.
Keep track of the fliers forward facing. (the miniature has this function)
See the Mount Stat section for rules on accelerating, turning, etc.
Flyers may attempt to increase their value in any stat +1 at the risk of losing control.
At the beginning of his move roll 1D8: 
On a roll of 1-3 the Flier loses control.
A flier out of control cannot attack during his move.
Mounts that cannot hover have a minimum speed = 1.
If forced speed = 0 for any reason, the mount stalls and falls.

A flier may attack at any point during his move.
Keep track of ammo used, spells used, and current Hit Point totals.
To attack line of sight must not be blocked.
Flyers block line of sight.
Attacks hit on a roll of 6-10 on 1D10.
Add attackers bonuses to hit. Subtract defenders dodge bonuses.
If the attack hits roll 1D8:
On a roll of 1-6 the attack hits the Mount.
On a roll of 7-8 the attack hits the Rider.
If there are multiple riders on a mount pick one at random.
Some mounts completely enclose their riders: subtract 1 from roll.
If there is a hit, roll a number of 1D6 equal to the weapons damage stat.
This is the number of Hit points the target loses.
Targets reduced to 0 hits are killed/destroyed.
Subtract the targets armor stat from the damage inflicted.
Some attacks do not do damage but have other effects. 
Targets of Bombs must be under the attacker.

Every time a flyer is hit the rider will fall on a roll of 1 on 1D6.
A hovering flyer is +1 Tohit and -1 Dodge.

Flyers cannot attack targets greater than 3 inches above them.
Attacks at targets 1-3 inches above the attacker are at 3/4 listed range.

Weapon Ranges are reduced as follows if attacking a target at a lower altitude:
Height above target                        Range is % of Listed
1-3 inches                                    1.00
4-6 inches                                    0.50
7-9 inches                                    0.25
9+                                            0.00

Spell attacks must hit their target like any other attack.
If they hit some spells then allow a 'Magic Save'. Roll 1D8:
On a roll of 1-6 the spell takes effect.
On a roll of 7-8 the spell does not take effect.
Add the defenders Magic resistance to the roll.

Mounted Weapons of size 1 have a firing arc of 90 degrees.
Mounted Weapons of size 2 have a firing arc of 60 degrees.
Mounted Weapons of size 3+ have a firing arc of 30 degrees.
Most mounted weapons will be positioned forward facing.
Hand Weapons and spells attacks can be made in any direction.
Attacks with a range of "Adjacent" means the figs must be touching.

Some attacks will result in the target mount or rider (or both) falling.
Figures that fall will hit ground at the end of the turn. Roll 1D6:
Rolls of 6+ will cause death. Add 1 per inch fallen.
Subtract 1D6 if landing on "soft" ground or water.
Another flyer may, as its move, attempt to catch the faller. Roll 1D10:
1-5 do not catch flyer. 6-10 catch flyer. 
Add 1 if catching a rider.  Subtract 3 if the target is petrified
Add catchers Speed and Maneuverability stats. Subtract 9.
Subtract 1 if above the faller. Add 3 if below.
Subtract 2 if the faller is heavier than the catcher.
A Flyer carrying a Mount has its Speed and Maneuverability stats reduced to 1.
Riders may be equipped with parachutes:
They fall 2 inches the first turn, and float down 1 inch per turn thereafter.

If the attack hits roll 1D8:
1-2 No Effect
3-4 Roll again at the end of next turn.
5-6 Sick: Target is -2 to all rolls for the rest of the battle.
7   Paralyzed: Target cannot do anything for the rest of the battle: Will fall.
8   Death: Will fall.
For stink bombs, disease, & flatulence the result is automatically: sick.
If it hits the contents of the bag of scorpions gets 1 attack each turn for 1D6 turns.
Nonliving mounts are immune to poison.
Arrows may be coated with poison.

Units may ram.
Ramming attacks are +1 Tohit.
If it's a miss the attacker moves past the target.
If it's a hit the defender takes damage = 1D6 + the current speed of the rammer.
Blunt rams and Piercing rams also add the speed of the rammer.
The attacker takes 1D6 damage.

The attacker grabs the target.
The target cannot move (except to get closer to the attacker) or 
attack until it breaks free or is dropped.
If the attacker moves the grabbed target moves with it.
To break free roll 1D6 at the end of the turn:
1-2 hold not broken. The grabber may move and do damage next turn.
3-4 hold not broken. The grabber may not move but may do damage next turn.
5-6 the target breaks free.
Each turn after the first the attacker may automatically inflict 1D6 hits of damage.
A Flyer grabbing a Mount has its Speed and Maneuverability stats reduced to 1.

If the attack hits the defender gets a Magic Save just like in the Spell attack section.
If the defender fails its save, it is immobilized, and will fall.
For gaze attacks the attacker and defender must be facing each other.
These attacks have no effect on nonliving targets.

If the attack hits roll 1D6:
On a roll of 4 or higher the target loses its next attack.

If the attack hits the target is entangled. Roll 1D6:
1-2 the target cannot attack
3-4 Target flyer Speed and Maneuverability stats reduced by 1 each
5 Target flyer Speed and Maneuverability stats reduced to 1
6 Target falls
The target may attempt to break free of the webs.
Roll 1D6 at the end of the turn:
1-3 still entangled 4-6 the target breaks free.
Web and net attacks include bolas, goo guns, and lassos.

The attacker and defender must be facing each other.
If the attack hits the defender gets a Magic Save just like in the Spell attack section.
If the defender fails its save, it misses its next attack and must hover or fly at its
slowest speed. Nonliving targets are unaffected.

The attacker and defender must be facing each other.
If the attack hits the defender gets a Magic Save just like in the Spell attack section.
If the defender fails its save, it misses its next attack and must fly away at top speed.
Nonliving targets are unaffected.

This action produces a 1 inch diameter 'cloud' of smoke, gas, etc.
If the to hit roll is missed place the cloud next to the target.
A target is not required.
Smoke, Bubbles and ink jets block line of sight.
If a flyer moves through gas or spores roll on the poison attack table. 
If a flyer moves through mines or bombs it will be hit on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
Gas Clouds, Ink jets, Bubbles and Parachute bombs fall 1 inch per turn.
Smoke rises 1 inch per turn. Balloon mines do not move.

If hit by a fire or acid attack roll 1D8 at the end of the turn:
1-4 Fire extinguished, Acid neutralized. Do not roll again next turn.
5-6 Smoldering, burning: Take 1 hit point of damage: roll again next turn.
7-8 Burst into flames: Take 1D6 hit point of damage: roll again next turn.
Subtract 3 if doused with water.
Subtract 1 if trying to extinguish fire without water. (Cannot attack) 
Catapult missiles and arrows may be set on fire.

Roll 1D6 to see which type of breath weapon the mount has:
Roll	Type 		Range	Tohit	ROF	Dam	Ammo	Type	Notes
1	Fire		5	+1	1/3	3	U	F	Fire
2	Frost		4	+2	1/3	1	U	F	Freeze
3	Lightning 	6	-	1/3	2	U	F	Stun
4	Poison Gas	3	+2	1/3	0	U	F	Gas
5	Steam		3	+2	1/2	1	U	F	
6	Acid		3	+2	1/3	2	U	F	Acid

Type			Range	Tohit	ROF	Dam	Ammo	Type	Notes
Sonic Blast		4	+1	½	1	U	F	Stun
Sting 			1	-	1	1	U	360	Poison
Bite 			A	-	1	2	U	F
Hooves 			A	-	1	1	U	F
Venomous Bite		A	-	1	1	U	F	Poison
Beak  			A	-	1	2	U	F
Talons 			A	-	1	2	U	F
Claw			A	-	1	2	U	F
Tail Spike		5	-	½	2	4	360
Horn			A	-	1	2	U	F
Poisonous Tentacles	2	-	1	1	U	360	Poison
Tentacles		2	+1	1	2	U	360	Grab
Mesmerize		4	-	1	0	U	F	Mesmerize
Electrical Sting	1	-	½	1	U	360	Stun
Gaze			4	-2	1	0	U	F	Petrify
Web			4	-	1	0	U	F	Web
Fear Attack		5	-	1	0	U	F	Fear
Flatulence		3	+2	½	0	8	R	Gas 
Disease			1	+1	1	0	U	360	Disease
Ink Jet Defense		3	-	1/3	0	8	R	Gas
F = Attack is into the forward 180 degree arc
R = Attack is into the rear 180 degree arc
360 = Attack can be made in any direction
A = Adjacent

Type			Speed	Mnvr	Hits	Cap	Notes
Bat			7a	5	20	2	Sonic Blast Attack	
Dragon Fly		7a	5H	15	1	
Flying Fish		5a	2	25/1	3	
Butterfly		4a	3	10	2	Also: Moth
Wasp			7a	5H	15/1	2	Sting Attack
Bee 			4a	4H	15	2	Sting Attack
Flying Squirrel		6a	5	20	2	Bite Attack
Winged Snake		6a	5	30/1	2	Venomous Bite Attack
Katydid			7a	1	25/1	3	Also: Grasshopper
Skiff			4	3	20	3	Also: Dinghy, Rowboat, Catamaran
Metal Disk		4	4H	30/1	3	
Crystal Orb		5	4H	20/1	4E	Also: Sphere, Cube, Pyramid
Kettle Pot		3	2H	30/2	3	Also: Goblet
Gryphon			6a	5	30	2	Beak & Talons Attack
Manticore		5a	4	35	2	Bite & Claw & Tail Spike Attack
Wyvern			6a	5	25/1	2	
Magic Carpet		7	5H	15	2	
Contraption		4	2	30/1	4	
Rocket			7	1	20	3	
Balloon			1	1H	10	3	
Dragon			6a	4	40/2	4	Bite & Claws & Breath Attack
Fire Drake		7a	5	30/1	2	Bite & Claws & Breath Attack
Biplane			6	2	15	3	Also: Triplane, monoplane
Throne			5	5H	40/2	3	
Skull			6	4H	30/1	4E	Bite Attack
Hang Glider		3	3	10	2	
One Man Dirigible	2	2H	15	3	
Gyrocopter		4	5H	15	4	
Archimedes Screw	3	4H	15	2	
Flying Machine		5	3	20/1	3	
Wind Board		4	4	10	2	Also: Surfboard
Cloud			1	1H	10	4	Insubstantial
Bicycle			2	4	5	2	
Saucer			5	5H	25/1	4	
Narwhale		3a	3	20	4	Horn Attack
Jellyfish		1a	2H	10	3	Poisonous Tentacles Attack
Skeletal Dragon		6	4	30/1	4	Bite & Claws Attack
Boulder			6	2H	40/2	4	
Raft			1	1H	10	4	
Sphinx			4a	3 	30	3	Claws Attack
Pegasus			5a	4 	20	2	Hooves Attack
Nightmare		6a	3	25	2	Hooves & Fear Attack
Beetle			5a	4H	20/1	4	
Squid			7a	2	20/1	3	Ink Jet Defense; Tentacle Attack
Nautilus		4a	3H	30/1	4	Tentacle Attack; Mesmerize Attack	
Bird of Prey		6a	5	20	2	Beak & Talons Attack	
Shell			4	4H	20/2	3	
Kite			4	3H	10	2	
Roc (Rukh)		5a	2	35	4	Beak & Talons Attack
Manta Ray		6a	4	25	3	Electrical Sting Attack
Wind Spider		5a	5	15	3	Web & Venomous Bite Attack
Flying Pig		4a	4	25	4	Gas Attack (Rear Arc)
Chimera			5a	4	30	2	Bite & Horn & Breath Attack
Peryton			7a	5	20	2	Horn & Claw Attack
Mini-Sub		4	2H	30/2	4E	Jules Vern Style
Cockatrice		4	4	15	2	Gaze Attack
Chariot			4	3	25/1	4	Also: Sled, Carriage, Wagon, Cart 
Albatross		4	4	20	4	
Pterodactyl		5	4	20	3	Bite Attack
Plague Fly		5	5	15	2	Disease
Winged Tiger		5	3	30	2	Bite & Claw Attacks
Jabberwocky		4	2	25/1	3	Beak & Talon Attacks
Mechanical Bird		7	5	20/2	2	Beak Attack
Ornithopter		6	4	15	3	
Winged Centaur		5	4	15	2	Hooves & Hand Weapon Attack
Flying Unicorn		6	5	15	2	Hooves & Horn Attack
Steam Engine		3	2	35/2	4	
Archaeopteryx		4	4	20	2	Beak Attack
a = the mount is alive.
E = enclosed rider.
H = the mount can hover.
Hits column notation (x/x): Hits/Armor
Cloud Mounts can only be damaged by elemental attacks.
Wild and intelligent mounts do not require a rider.

Race		Size	Speed	Mnvr	Hits	Notes
Human		1			10	
Elf		1			8	+1 on Tohit rolls; +1 spell 
Dwarf		1			12	Hand Weapons +1 damage, Magic Resistance +1
Gnome		½			8	
Halfling	½			6	
Goblin		½			7	
Kobold		½			5	
Orc		1			10	
Lizardman	1			12	Armor +1
Zombie		1			12	Regenerate 1 Hit point per turn
Ogre		2			20	Armor +1, Initiative -1
Giant		3			30	Armor +2, Initiative -2
Hawkman		1	6	5	9	
Succubi		1	6	5	11	
Sprite		½	7	5	4	+1 spell
Demon		2	6	5	17	Armor +1
Gargoyle	2	4	5	16	Armor +3
Djinn		2	7	5	19	+3 Spells
Golem		2			25	Armor +3, Initiative -2
Simian		1			12	Hand Weapons +1 damage and +1 range
Catman		1			7	Dodge +1, Initiative +1
Beastman	1			12
Forsyth		2			15	4 armed humanoids
Octopoids	1			8	+2 spells	
Siren		1			6	Mesmerize attack
Naga		2			14	Sting attack
Imp		½	7	5	3	+1 spell
Mantis Man	2			13	Armor +1, Initiative +1, Claw Attack
Gremlins	1/4			2	Cannot use hand weapons
Size = 1 flyers are normal size. 
Size = ½ flyers are small size. Hand Weapons do -1 damage and get -1 range.
Size = 2 flyers are normal size. Hand Weapons do +1 damage and get +1 range.
Size = 3 flyers are normal size. Hand Weapons do +2 damage and get +2 range.
Each rider can hold/carry a fair number of hand weapons/ items.
A reasonable number of extra hand weapons can be stored on the mount. 
Riders may carry shields: Negate an attack that hits the rider on a roll of 1-2 on 1D6.
Riders may wear helmets: Armor +1 and Initiative -1.
Leather Armor: Armor = 1, Chain Mail: Armor = 2, Plate Armor = 3

Class		Notes
Knight		Fighter, Plate Armor, Hits +2D6
Warrior		Fighter, Chain Armor, Hits +2D6, Initiative +1
Rogue		Hits +1D6, Dodge +2, Tohit +1, Initiative +1
Soldier		Hits +1D6, Fighter, Chain Armor, Dodge +1
Wizard		Spells +2D6, Magic Resistance +1
Cleric		Spells +1D6, Chain Armor, Hits +1D6
Barbarian	Fighter, Hits +3D6, Magic Resistance +1
Amazon		Fighter, Hits +1D6, Dodge +1, Initiative +1
Archer		Hits +1D6, Tohit +2
For Fighters hand Weapons do +1 damage.

1	Hits +1D6
2	+1 damage with hand weapons
3	Initiative +1
4	Tohit +1
5	+1 Spell
6	Magic Resistance +1
7	Dodge +1
8	Mount gets +1 Speed
9	Mount gets +1 Maneuverability
10	Tough: Armor +1
Roll 1D10 on this table to beef up riders and make them extra heroic.

1	Hits +1D10
2	Magic Resistance +1
3	Capacity +1
4	Speed +1
5	Maneuverability +1
6	Armor +1
Roll 1D6 on this table for meaner mounts.

Name				Range	Tohit	ROF	Dam	Ammo	Type	Notes
Acid Sprayer			4	+2	1	1	6	M	Acid
Gasser				3	+2	1	0	4	M	Gas
Stink Bomb			3B	-	1	0	1	B	Gas
Poison Dart			5	-2	1	0	6	H	Poison
Cast Net			3	-	1	0	1	H	Net
Weighted Net			1	+2	1	0	1	B	Net
Lasso				4	-	½	0	U	H2	Net
Mechanical Claw			2	-	1	0	U	M	Grab
Incendiary Bomb			1B	-	1	4	1	B	Fire
Hand Grenade			4	-	1	2	U	H	
Horn of Blasting		5	+2	1/2	1	U	H/M	Stun
Flame Thrower			5	+2	1	2	4	M	Fire
Fire Ball Gun			8	+2	1/3	3	U	M2	Fire
Lightning Globe Caster		7	+1	1/2	2	U	M2	Stun
Freeze Ray			6	+2	1	1	7	M	Freeze
Rocket				20	-1	1	9	1	M	
Trebuchet			19	-2	¼	6	4	M3	
Scorpion			10	-	½	3	8	M	
Ballistae			13	-	1/3	4	6	M2	
Short Bow			8	-	1	1	20	H2	
Long Bow			10	-	1	2	16	H2	
Great Bow			12	-	1	3	12	H2	
Arquebus			6	-	½	2	9	H2	
Catapult			15	-1	1/3	5	6	H2	
Bombard				17	-1	¼	7	5	M3	
Swivel Gun			10	-	½	3	15	M	
Javelin				1/7	-	1	2	U/3	H
Dagger				A/3	-	1	1	U/1	H	
Harpoon Gun			10	-	1/2	3	5	M	Grab
Trident				1	-	1	2	U	H	
Throwing Disk			5	-	1/2	1	R	H	
Thunder Hammer			A/5	-	1/2	2	U/R	H	
Boomerang			5	-	1/2	1	R	H	
Vortex Gun			12	+2	1/3	1D6	5	M2	
Blunderbuss			4	+1	1/2	1	6	H2		
Sniper Rifle			15	+1	½	2	9	H2
Musket				8	-1	1	1	12	H2	
Hand Axe			A/5	-	1	2	U/2	H	
Gatling Gun			9	-	3	2	12	M2	
Star Caster			7	-	3	1	15	M	
Pelter				6	-	4	1	32	M2	
Needler				5	-	3	0	21	M	Poison
Crossbow Repeater		8	-	2	2	20	M	
Pellet Gun			7	-	2	1	14	M	
Dart Gun			6	-	1	2	10	M	Poison
Blow Gun			4	-1	½	0	7	H2	Poison
Goo Gun				5	+1	½	0	5	M	Web
Bag of Scorpions		2	-	1	0	1	H	Poison
Web Shooter			4	+1	½	0	6	M	Web
Net Gun				6	+2	½	0	5	M	Net
Ball and Chain			1	-	1	2	U	H	
Lance				2	-	1	3	U	H	
Pike				3	-	1	3	U	H2	
Spear				2/6	-	1	2	U/1	H	
Halberd				2	-	1	3	U	H2	
Sling				6	-1	½	1	9	H	
Sling Staff			8	-1	½	2	8	H2	
Bubble Projector		4	+1	1	0	6	M	Bubbles
Grappling Hook			5	-	½	1	1	H2	Grab
Inferno Bomb			1B	-	1	8	1	B	Fire
Boiling Oil			1B	+2	1/9	2	1	M	Fire
Circular Saw			1	-	1	3	U	M	
Chain Saw			1	-	1	2	U	M	
Blunt Ram			A	+1	A	2	U	M	
Piercing Ram			A	+1	1	3	U	M	Grab
Banshee in a Bottle		3	+4	1	1	U	H2	Stun
Shot Put			3	-	1	1	6	H	
Steam Cannon			14	-	1/6	6	5	M3		
Organ Gun			9	+2	¼	2	5	M	
Tessla Coil			11	-1	1/3	3	U	M	Stun
Smoke Generator			1	-	1	S	20	M	Smoke
Whip				2	-	1	1	U	H	
Cat-o-nine-tails		1	+1	1	2	U	H	
Bola				5	-	½	1	2	H	Net
Rocket Spear			13	-1	1/2	4	3	M	
Horseshoes			4	-	1	1	4	H	
Spore Caster			3	-	1	0	5	M	Spores
Balloon Mines			1	-	1	1	8	B	
Parachute Bombs			1	-	1	1	12	B	
Spit in the Eye			2	-2	½	0	U	-	Stun	
Molotov Cocktail		3	-	1/2	2	3	H2	Fire
Flintlock Handgun		5	-	1	2	7	H	
Crossbow Pistol			4	-	1	1	9	H	
Sword (short HTH weapons) 	A	-	1	2	U	H	
Onager				14	-1	½	1	14	M	
Jettison			4	+1	¼	3	1	M	
Drill				1	-	1	2	U	M
ROF = Rate of Fire.	
Ranges are in inches. 	
If range is indicated by x/x the first value is hand-to-hand, the second is thrown.
B = The weapon is a bomb.
U = Unlimited Ammo
H = Hand weapon (1 handed)
H2 = Hand weapon (2 handed)
M = Mounted weapon. Size =1
M2 = Mounted weapon. Size =2
M3 = Mounted weapon. Size =3
R = Returns to Thrower

Petrify	- Range = 4. Target suffers 'Petrify' effect. Target may save.
Paralyze- Range = 4. Target suffers 'Paralyze' effect. Target may save.
Death- Range = 4. Target suffers 'Death' effect. Target may save.
Fear- Range = 4. Target suffers 'Fear' effect for 1D6 turns. 
target may save at end of every turn.
Lightning- Range = 10. Damage = 3. Target suffers 'Stun' effect.
Fireball- Range = 6. ToHit +2. Damage = 4. Target suffers 'Fire' effect.
Disintegrate- Range = 4. Target suffers 'Death' effect. Target may save.
Web- Range = 4. ToHit +2. Target suffers 'Web' effect. Target may save.
Cold Blast- Range = 4. ToHit +2. Damage = 1. Target suffers 'Freeze' 
effect. Target may save.
Counter- Target incoming spell negated.
Reflect	- Target incoming spell targets its caster.
Heal- Cast on self or friendly target within 1 inch.	Target heals 3D6 lost hit points.
Deflect	- Pick new target for incoming spell.
Ice Shards- Range = 6. Get 5 attacks of Damage = 1 each. 	
Ice Ball- Range = 8. Damage = 2. Target suffers 'Freeze' effect. Target may save.		
Illusions- Creates an imaginary flyer within 5 inches. 
Opponents in range attack illusion on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6. 
Illusion lasts until hit. Moves like mount it resembles.
Invisibility- Cast on Self or friendly flyer within 3 inches. Flyer is -3 to be hit.
Invisibility lasts 1D6 turns or until flyer is hit.
Acid- Range = 2. ToHit +2. Damage = 3. Target suffers 'Acid' effect
Flying- Cast on self or friendly rider within 1 inch. Target can fly for the rest of
the battle. Speed = 4. Maneuverability = 3.
Gas Cloud- Creates a 3 inch diameter poison gas cloud within 6 inches of caster. 
Mesmerize- Range = 4. Target suffers 'Mesmerize' effect for 1D6 turns. 
target may save at end of every turn.
Winds- Self or flyer within 5 inches gets acceleration +1D6 this turn.
Force Field- Self or flyer within 4 inches gets Armor +6 for 1D6 turns.
Curse- Range = 4. Target gets -1 to all rolls for the rest of the battle.
Blessing- Self or Range = 2. Target gets +1 to all rolls for the rest of the battle.
Teleport- Self or Range = 2. Move target to any location on the map
Tornado- 10 inches tall. 1 inch in diameter. Starts next turn within 5 inches of caster.
Can move 1D6 inches per turn. Caster controls movement. Lasts 1D6 turns. 
Mounts within 1 inch take 1D6 damage.
Black Sphere- 1 inch in diameter. Starts next turn within 5 inches of caster.
Speed = 4 Maneuverability = 3. Caster controls movement. Lasts 1D6 turns. 
Make Ramming Attack. If hit, flyers save vs magic or are annhiliated.

Items can take many forms: Weapons, armor, staves, wands, jewelry, rings, etc.
Power items: Mimic a spell and have 1D6 charges.
Personal items: Mimic a result of the rider experience table. Work continuously.

Clouds- Block line of sight. Determine diameter and height.
Winds- Increase acceleration +1 in one direction and 
decrease it in the opposite direction.
Rain- No fire results. All ToHit rolls at -1
Solid Earth- Mountain Peaks, Cliffs, Towers, Floating Cities, Bridges
Larger Flyers- Ships, Barges, Leviathans, Ancient Dragons, Hulks

Convert inches into hexes.
Replace the Turn Radius stat with the MTR (Move Turn Ratio) stat.
Maneuverability	Level	MTR
Very Poor	1	4
Poor		2	3
Average		3	3
Good		4	2
Very Good	5	2	
Very Good-2	6	1	
Very Good-3	7	1	
Very Good-4	8	½	
The MTR is the number of hexes the flyer must move forward before turning 1 hex face.
All Mounted Weapons have a firing arc of 60 degrees.
Flyers in adjacent hexes are considered to be at range = 1 or adjacent depending on 
the attack mode of the attacker.

Ignore Climb, Dive, and Altitude stats and rules.
For bombing purposes, if 2 flyers occupy the same space, the flyer that entered
the space last is considered to be at the higher altitude. Otherwise, consider 
all flyers and obstacles to be at the same altitude.

A small group of Adventurers on a quest are ambushed by motley band of Sky Pirates.
The wizards get a minor victory if they make it off the end of the map.
The Wizards have 3 Flyers:
Rider: Ezerus the Arcanus
Class: Wizard	Race: Human	Spells: 5
Items: Hail Machine (Ice Shards, 6 charges), Dragon Scale Suit (Armor = 5)
Mount: Flying Machine with Lightning Globe Caster
Rider: Sheva the Enchantress
Class: Wizard	Race: Sprite	Spells: 3
Items: Wand of Illusions (Illusions, 3 charges)
Mount: Butterfly with Web Gun
Rider: Favian the Adept
Class: Knight	Race: Human	
Items: Sword, lance and shield 
Mount: Chimera with Horn of Blasting
The Sky Pirates have 4 Flyers:
Rider: Captain Churl  
Class: Warrior	Race: Orc
Items: Hand Axes and Lasso
Co-pilot (Gunner/Loader): Mawgi
Class: Soldier	Race: Kobold
Items: Hand Grenades and Daggers
Mount: Flying Pig with Catapult
Rider: Lobo
Class: Warrior	Race: Lizardman
Items: Spear and Shield
Mount: Pterodactyl with Weighted net and Pellet Gun
Rider: Grock  
Class: Rogue	Race: Beastman 
Items: Whip 
Mount: Bat with Flame Thrower
Rider: Scagg  
Class: Archer	Race: Goblin
Items: Short Bow
Mount: Dragon Fly

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