Players lead post-holocaust armies in a battle for survival.

Grid 6 X 6 for a total of 36 Territories.
Use large spaces that several stacks of chits can fit in.
Territory identity is unknown until revealed by exploration.

Units, terrain, equipment, events, and control markers are 
represented by counters or chits.
There are five piles of chits: 
Event Pile
Territory Pile
Recruit Pile
Equipment Pile
Territory Marker Pile

Keep track of food, fuel, medicinals, and ammo 
produced, stored, & used.

Occupy opponents Enclave.

Players control Enclaves located in opposite corners of the map.
Each player starts with a reserve of 3D6 Food.
Each player starts with:
3 Paramilitary units (Attack =2, Move=1, Guns and 1D6 Ammo).
Roll high to determine which player goes first.

Players alternate turns
Event Phase
Recruit Phase
Search Phase
Move Phase
Claim Phase
Attack Phase
Recovery Phase
Production Phase
Upkeep Phase

Roll 2D6. These are the X and Y coordinates on the map.
Draw one Event chit.
Units in that space are affected by the event chit.
Put event chit back in pile.

Underground Dwellers	        Combat Attack Rating =3; Resolve combat immediately
Dead Walkers			Combat Attack Rating =4; Resolve combat immediately		
Cannibals			Combat Attack Rating =2; Resolve combat immediately	
Giant Cockroaches		Combat Attack Rating =2; Resolve combat immediately
Giant Rats*			Combat Attack Rating =1; Resolve combat immediately
Plague Zombies*		        Combat Attack Rating =3; Resolve combat immediately 
Contaminated Food		Units cannot move on their next move phase
Biohazards			All units receive a level 3 Hazard Attack 
Radiation			All units receive a level 2 Hazard Attack
Fallout				All units receive a level 3 Hazard Attack
Accident			Units cannot move on their next move phase
Acid Rain			All units receive a level 1 Hazard Attack
Flash Flood			This and adjacent sites: Units cannot move this turn
Locust Swarm			This and adjacent sites do not produce anything until 
                                this players next turn
Poisoned Water		        All units receive a level 2 Hazard Attack
Serendipity			Roll on the random salvage table
Good Hunting			Gain 1D6 Food
Travelers			Draw one recruit chit
* All opponents die after combat on 1-3 on D6 from disease.
Hazard Attacks are non combat attacks against units. Sources are usually environmental: 
Radiation, weather, disease, etc. Roll 1D6 per attack level. Unit destroyed on any roll of 1-2 

Roll 1D6 for every recruit roll you get.
On a roll of 1 draw a recruit chit.
Place the recruited unit in a territory you control that can recruit.

Search an unsearched territory

Move your units.
Units marked with an F symbol use up one Fuel to move.
Any number of friendly units may be stacked together.
Units may be moved into but not through spaces occupied by enemy units.
Units entering an unclaimed space must stop.  

Units entering an unexplored space may draw a territory chit to reveal its identity.
Units entering an unexplored or unguarded enemy space take control of it.
Use markers to indicate territorial control.

Enemy units that occupy the same territory fight.
Each side rolls 1D6 for each level of Attack.
Units with guns may use up one ammo per attack to get two extra attack rolls.
The defending side gets +1 Attack roll if they are in their Enclave or a fortified location.
The side with the most rolls of 1 inflicts one casualty of opponents choice.
The side with the most rolls of 2 inflicts one casualty of same players choice.
The side with the most rolls of 6 receives one less casualty of same players choice.
Players keep rolling until one side is killed off or the attacker retreats.
The attacker may retreat back to the space he came from.

If a stack has lost some but not all of its units this turn roll 1D6 for each unit lost
On a roll of 1 the unit is returned to play
A medicinal unit may be expended to give the unit a 1-3 chance of recovering
Do not roll for units that have deserted

Territories produce food and fuel.
Food and fuel may be saved from turn to turn.
Enclaves may produce 1 Fuel (Ethanol) instead of 2 Food up to 3 Fuel per turn.

Each unit must be fed 1 Food or the unit will disband on a roll of 1-3 on D6.
Units farthest from the Enclave will be the first to be lost.

1-4 Enclaves		One per player; Produce 8 food; Get 2 Recruit rolls per turn
5 Hydroponic Farm	Produces 6 food per turn
6 Military Armory	First to search finds 1 gun with 1D6 ammo
7 Garage		First to search gets one vehicle 
8 Hospital		First to search salvages 1D6 Medicinals
9 Fallout Shelter	Units in this space ignore events, Defending side gets +1 Attack roll
10 Pharmacy		First to search salvages 1D6 Medicinals
11 Junk Yard		First to search gets one vehicle
12 Greenhouse	        Produces 4 food per turn
13 Rubble		First to search gets 1 roll on the Random salvage table
14 Ruins		First to search gets 1 roll on the Random salvage table
15 Movie Theatre	Gets 1 Recruit roll per turn
16 Refugee Camp	        Gets 1 Recruit roll per turn
17 Oil Rig		Produces 2 Fuel per turn 
18 Gas Station		First to search salvages Reserve of  3D6 Fuel 
19 Pipeline		First to search salvages Reserve of  3D6 Fuel 
20 Clinic		First to search salvages 1D6 Medicinals
21 Dog Farm		Produces 4 food per turn
22 Wilderness		Produces 1D6 - 2 food per turn
23 Cartel		Controller may trade 4 food for 1 fuel in Production phase
24 Farmer Brown	        Produces 4 food per turn
25 The Doc		Produces 1 medicinals per turn
26 Squatters		First to enter draws 1 Recruit chit 
27 Apartments		First to enter draws 1 Recruit chit
28 Supermarket	        First to search Salvages 3D6 Food
29 Hot spot		Units entering receive one Hazard attack (Rating =1) each per turn
30 Shanty town	        First to enter draws 1 Recruit chit
31 Police Station	First to search finds 1 gun with 1D6 ammo
32 Badlands		First to enter draws 1 Event chit that affects this space
33 Brothel		Gets 1 Recruit roll per turn
34-36 Barren		Nothing
If it is a 2 or 3 player game the other enclaves are considered to be 'barren' spaces.

Cycle Gang		3		2F	Choppers
Street Gang		2		1		
Vigilantes		2		1		
Sewer Mongoloids	3		1		
Angry Mob		1		1		
Youth Brigade		1		1
Mutants			2		1	
Distorts		2		1		
Scavengers		1		1		
Raiders			2		2F	Dune Buggies
Loner			3		1	Comes with gun & 1D6 Ammo
Road Warrior		3		2F	Muscle Car
Nomads			2		2	Horses; Require 2 Food
Degenerates		1		1
Bandits	        	2		1
Renegades		2		1
Desperados		2		2F	Convertible; Come with guns & 1D6 Ammo
Mountain Men		2		1
Psychic Mutant		4		1
Punks			1		1
Skate Rats		1		2	Skateboards
Pilot with Gyrocopter	1		6F	Evades	attacks on a roll of 1-4 on D6; 
                                                May move past enemy units
Doctor			1		1	Heals units on a roll of 1-3 on D6 in 
                                                Recovery Phase
Survivalists		2		1	Come with guns & 1D6 Ammo
Police gang		3		1	Come with guns & 1D6 Ammo
Go-gang			2		2F	Motorcycles
Greasers		2		3F	Hotrods
Attack dogs		2		2	Cannot use guns or vehicles
The F designation indicates the unit requires fuel to move.

1		Gun with 1D6 ammo
2		2D6 Food
3               2D6 Fuel
4               Vehicle
5               1D6 Medicinals
6		Recruit one unit

Guns & Ammo may immediately be assigned to any unit.
Once the ammo is out the guns are useless.

The vehicle may immediately be assigned to any unit that does not 
already an F designation.
The units move rating becomes 2F.

Guns do not give a great combat advantage.  
It is assumed the units have a variety of substitute ranged weapons 
such as crossbows, blowguns, spring loaded dart guns, air pressure 
needle guns, fire bombs, flame throwers, and homemade muskets. 
Also tactics, the element of surprise, are very important. 

by Michael Andre-Driussi 

Construction Notes:

Instead of using a grid and chits for the board, I used 2.5 inch 
tiles (paper mounted on heavy cardboard--1/8 inch thick stuff used 
for boxes). 6 x 6 comes out to be chessboard size, but fits nicely 
in a smaller box.

For the Recruit units I used paper mounted on cardboard (back of a 
notepad grade).

Guns/ammo markers are small dice. It would be best if they were small sixers.

Plastic coins (from play money set) for vehicles.

Even though elements remind me of "A Boy and His Dog" (Movie 
Theatre), "Mad Max" movies (Road Warrior, Gyrocopter with Pilot), 
"Morrow Project" (Sewer Mongoloids on cover of Different Worlds 
magazine issue on that game) and "American Flagg" (Go gangs), among 
other more generic post-apocalyptic items, the images I used for the 
booklet are taken from that grandaddy of them all, "Things to Come" 

Play notes:

We've played it once so far (two player) and it went well.

We assume that units cannot move diagonally.

The only question we ponder is about the effects of Events upon 
Claimed Territories without Recruit units present: we wonder if it 
might cause loss of the Control Marker in some cases (those having a 
combat attack rating).

As it stands it seems like Events only affect units, so if no unit is 
there (or adjacent, in some large area events), then nothing bad 
happens. It makes sense and keeps things simple, which is very 

OTOH the argument could be made that if you aren't going to protect 
"Doc" from the Underground Dwellers, Dead Walkers, cannibals, giant 
cockroaches, giant rats, and the plague zombies, then he's not going 
to be a part of your Reconstruction Federation and make Medicinals 
for you every turn. Likewise these critters would disrupt things at 
the brothel, the various farms, and the movie theatre (well, maybe 
=not= the movie theatre!).

We wonder that implied supply lines might be cut if the connecting 
territories lose their control markers. So an encirclement might 
force a food crisis for units cut off from a "friendly road" 
connecting them to their enclave.

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