Chess Variant. Abstract. 2-Player. 20 x 20 Board. 
Unique pieces. 40 men to a side. Multiple victory conditions. 

A 20 X 20 square grid is used. 

Men = Pieces = Units = Figure
Board = Map = Playing Field
Space = Square
Capture = Kill = Eliminate = Destroy
Null Jumpers = subset of men who move by jumping. 
Slip Jumpers = subset of Men who move by jumping, like knights. 
Sliders = subset of men who move variously like rooks, bishops, and queens. 
Nexials = Pair of men who serve the same function as kings in chess. 

There are 4 ways to win:
1. Capture both of your opponents Nexials. 
2. Occupy all 4 corners. 
3. Occupy all 4 center spaces. 
4. Reduce opponent to 9 or less men. 

Your men are placed on your back two rows. 
Nexials and sliders are placed in any desired configuration on your 
Backmost row. The Jumpers are then used to fill in the remaining spaces also 
In any desired configuration. White sets up first, then Black. 

White gets first move. 
Players alternate moves, moving 1 man per turn. 

Capturing occurs just like in regular chess, when you move one of your men into 
A space occupied by an opponent’s figure. 

A piece may never reverse a move it made. 
For example: You move a piece forward 2 spaces. 
You may not when moving it again the next time (which could 
Be several turns later) move It back 2 spaces to the space it 
previously occupied. 

There are 2 sets of 40 pieces. One white, and one black. 
Most pieces are unique. Out of the 40 men you start with only 3 
Have doubles (The 3 sliders). So there are 36 unique types of units. 

Each player has 2 Nexials. 
If both are captured, you lose. 
Nexside = This man moves 1 space orthogonally. 
Nextant = This man moves 1 space diagonally. 

Once per game, as a move, you may destroy any one of your pieces (on your side
of the board) to move one of your Nexials to the space the destroyed unit 
had occupied. 

These do not jump. They slide across the board. Your own pieces are 
Obstacles, while enemy pieces can be captured. 
Diagos Odd = There are 2 of this Unit. It moves diagonally like a Bishop in Chess. 
It must end its move after moving an odd number of spaces.
Diagos Even = There are 2 of this Unit. It moves diagonally like a Bishop in Chess. 
It must end its move after moving an even number of spaces
Orthogos Odd = There are 2 of this Unit. It moves orthogonally like a Rook in Chess. 
It must end its move after moving an odd number of spaces
Orthogos Even = There are 2 of this Unit. It moves orthogonally like a Rook in Chess. 
It must end its move after moving an even number of spaces
Ultangent Odd = There is just 1 of this Unit. It moves like a Queen in Chess. 
It must end its move after moving an odd number of spaces
Ultangent Even = There is just 1 of this Unit. It moves like a Queen in Chess. 
It must end its move after moving an even number of spaces

Sliders are described as being odd or even. 
An Odd unit must end its turn (Capture or not) after moving an 
Odd number of spaces. It may never under any circumstances move an 
Even number of spaces. 
So for example it could move 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. spaces but never end its 
Move 2, 4, 6, etc. spaces away from where it started. 

There is one copy of each of these pieces. 
These units jump over other pieces when moving. 
Note that these units can move orthogonally or diagonally.
Null One = Moves 1 space in any direction. (This unit is the exception in that 
It doesn’t actually jump. Its like a King in regular chess)
Null Two = Jumps 2 spaces. 
Null Three = Jumps 3 spaces. 
Null Four = Jumps 4 spaces. 
Null Five = Jumps 5 spaces. 
Null Six = Jumps 6 spaces. 
Null Seven = Jumps 7 spaces. 
Null Eight = Jumps 8 spaces. 

These units jump over other pieces when moving. 
There is one copy of each of these pieces. 
Note that these units move like Knights in chess: They move orthogonally a 
Certain number of spaces (2-8) and then over (90 degrees) another number of 
Spaces (1-3). 
Primero Two = Moves 2 spaces and then over 1 (exactly like a Knight in chess)
Primero Three = Moves 3 spaces and then over 1
Primero Four = Moves 4 spaces and then over 1
Primero Five = Moves 5 spaces and then over 1
Primero Six = Moves 6 spaces and then over 1
Primero Seven = Moves 7 spaces and then over 1
Primero Eight = Moves 8 spaces and then over 1
Segundo Three = Moves 3 spaces and then over 2
Segundo Four = Moves 4 spaces and then over 2
Segundo Five = Moves 5 spaces and then over 2
Segundo Six = Moves 6 spaces and then over 2
Segundo Seven = Moves 7 spaces and then over 2
Segundo Eight = Moves 8 spaces and then over 2
Tercio Four = Moves 4 spaces and then over 3
Tercio Five = Moves 5 spaces and then over 3
Tercio Six = Moves 6 spaces and then over 3
Tercio Seven = Moves 7 spaces and then over 3
Tercio Eight = Moves 8 spaces and then over 3

I recommend counters with the names of the pieces written out. 

I wanted something that feels wide open.

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