Card Game for 2-4+ players. 
Each player takes the role of a “Desperate Housewife”
Players compete to get the best Husbands, Houses, Jobs, Kids, etc. 

Desperate housewives is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a Fan Site. 

The Player with the Highest Total Card Score at the end of the game wins. 
Add up the score for each card you have in play. 

The Game ends when the player who draws the last card in the deck ends his turn. 

Players share a common deck. 

Each player takes a random Housewife card and a House card. 
The Housewife & House cards are put in play face-up in front of you. 
All remaining Housewife & Home cards in the deck are discarded. 
Shuffle the deck.
Each player is dealt 7 cards.

Players take Turns. 
Each turn has 5 Phases:
Plot Phase
Introduction Phase
Drama Phase
Event Phase
Closure Phase

Draw 2 cards from the deck and put them in your hand. 

You may put a Child or Man or Job card into play. 
These are placed face up in front of you.
You may have multiple Man and Child cards out.
You may only have 1 Job card in play. 

You may play any number of Modifier cards. 
Modifier cards are attached (Face up, next to) to target cards of the indicated type. 
Attach positive modifiers to your own cards.
Attach negative modifiers to your opponent’s cards.  

You may play an Event card.
Event cards produce an effect and are then discarded. 

Max hand size is 7 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

HW = Housewife
M = Man
C = Child
H = House
E = Event
MI = Modifier: Home Improvement
MS = Modifier: Home Style (A House card can have a Max of 1 of these attached)
MH = Modifier Housewife
MP = Modifier Person (Housewife, Man, or Child)
MM = Man Modifier
MC = Child Modifier
Scratch = Shuffle Back into Deck
Mom = Housewife with Child cards attached
Wife = Housewife with Man cards attached

Card Name:			#	Type	Score	Notes:
House				6	H	-	
Exhausted Mother		1	DH	-	
Severe Wasp			1	DH	-	
Hot-Blooded Latino		1	DH	-	
Clueless Cutie			1	DH	-	
Blonde Bombshell		1	DH	-
Vivacious Vixen			1	DH	-	
Mister Right			1	M	3
Mister Right Now		1	M	3
Soul Mate			1	M	3
Childhood Sweetheart		1	M	3
Mystery Man			1	M	2
College Romance			1	M	2
Ethnic Guy			1	M	2
Business Man			1	M	2
High School Boyfriend		1	M	2
Father Figure			1	M	1
Younger Man			1	M	1
Worker Bee			1	M	1
Pushover			1	M	1
Little Man			1	C	3
Little Lady			1	C	3
Too Cute			1	C	3
Twin Boys			1	C	2
Smart Ass			1	C	2
Princess			1	C	2
Jock				1	C	2
Nerd				1	C	2
Wild Child			1	C	1
Space Cadet			1	C	1
Willful Child			1	C	1
Spooky Kid			1	C	1
Writer				1	J	2	
Publicist			1	J	2	
Executive			1	J	3	
Professional			1	J	3	
Arson				1	E	-	Discard all Home cards on House card
Suicide				1	E	-	Discard Target Child
Murder				1	E	-	Discard Target Man
Annoying Neighbor		1	E	-	Opponent must discard 2 Random cards
Family Emergency		1	E	-	Opponent must discard 2 Random cards
Neighborhood Tramp		1	E	-	Discard Target Man
Cancer				1	E	-	Discard Target Man or Child
Fired				1	E	-	Discard Target Job 
Divorced			1	E	-	Scratch Target Man
Seven Year Itch			1	E	-	Scratch Target Man
Gossip				1	E	-	Draw 2 Cards
Spiteful Act			1	E	-	You & Opponent discard your hands
Embarrasing Situation		1	E	-	Opponent skips her next Turn
Turn the Tables			1	E	-	Switch Hands with Opponent
Second Chance			1	E	-	Put card in discard into your hand
Act of Desperation		1	E	-	Discard hand & take an extra turn
Retired				1	E	-	Discard Target Job card on Mom
Deceit				1	E	-	Steal Random card from Opponent
Spying				1	E	-	Steal Random card from Opponent
Jail				1	E	-	Scratch Target Man/Child
Rehab				1	E	-	Discard Target Psych Card 
Redemption			1	E	-	Discard Target Penalty Modifier 
Vacation			1	E	-	Discard Target Psych Card
Therapy				1	E	-	Discard 2 Target Psych Cards on Housewife
Man Trap			1	E	-	Steal Man from Opponent
Seduction			1	E	-	Steal Man from Opponent
Escapade			1	MP	-1	
Blackmail			1	MP	-2	When played Steal Random card from Target
Perfectionist			1	MP	-1	Psych
Domineering			1	MP	-1	Psych
Alcoholic			1	MP	-3	Psych
Neurotic			1	MP	-1	Psych
Psycho				1	MP	-2	Psych
Jealousy			1	MP	-3	Psych; Target gets 1 extra turn
Envy				1	MP	-3	Psych; Target gets 1 extra turn
Depressed			1	MH	-1	Psych; Target Misses next Turn
Scandal				1	MH	-3	When played Target discards hand
Stressed Out			1	MH	-1	Psych; Target discards 1 random card
Frigid				1	MH	-2	Psych; Target discards 1 Man card
Marital Difficulties		1	MH	-2	Psych; Target discards 1 Man card
Fiasco				1	MH	-3	
Gourmet Cook			1	MH	+3	
Seamstress			1	MH	+1	
Upholsterer			1	MH	+1	
Domestic Goddess		1	MH	+3
Super Mom			1	MH	+1	Mom only	
Drop Dead Gorgeous		1	MH	+3	
Worry Lines			1	MH	-1	Mom only
Paunch				1	MH	-1	Wife only
Bitch				1	MH	-1	
Wife Beater			1	MM	-3	Psych
Gambler				1	MM	-2
Rich				1	MM	+3
Dreamy				1	MM	+2
Tall, Dark & Handsome		1	MM	+3
Rugged Good Looks		1	MM	+2	
Six Pack Abs			1	MM	+1
Hot Sex				1	MM	+3
Mother In Law			1	MM	-2	
Cheating			1	MM	-3
Mob Ties			1	MM	-3
Workaholic			1	MM	-1	Psych
Affair				1	MM	-2
Sex Deviant			1	MM	-1	Psych
Fooling Around			1	MM	-1	
Drug Addict			1	MC	-3	Psych
Gay				1	MC	-2	
Illegitimate			1	MC	-1		
Gifted				1	MC	+2
Child Star			1	MC	+3
Well Rounded			1	MC	+1	
Mansion				1	MI	+3
Decorator			1	MI	+2
Designer			1	MI	+2
Architect			1	MI	+2
Two Story			1	MI	+1
Bay Windows			1	MI	+1
Wood Floors			1	MI	+1
Landscaping			1	MI	+1
White Picket Fences		1	MI	+1
Pool & Deck			1	MI	+1
Ultra-Modern			1	MS	+2
New England			1	MS	+2
Victorian			1	MS	+2
Spanish				1	MS	+2

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