Abstract Strategy. 2-4 players.
Players are Royal Dukes using political, religious and military influence to 
gain the most economic control of a disputed region.

Each player gets a set of counters placed in an opaque cup.
Flip coins to determine turn order.

The game ends when there are no empty spaces left on the board.

The player with the most Victory Points (VP) wins.
VP are determined at the end of the game.
Each settlement has a VP award for control of it.
Gain 1 VP for every direct connection between 2 settlements that is 
composed of a trail of just your counters.
Gain 1 VP for controlling the most settlements of one type. (Award for each type)

Use a 10 x 10 Hex map.
20 of the 100 spaces are Settlements.
Draw settlements onto the board.
Try to arrange it that settlements are not adjacent to each other or the 
side of the map.  (Some of this is ok)
Other spaces without settlements are considered to be empty spaces.
If you wish, some spaces may be Mountains where counters cannot be placed.
There are 5 types of settlements as listed in the Settlement table.

Type		Number		VP
Village		6		1
Town		5		2
Castle		4		3
Mine		3		4
City		2		5
Number = Number of this type of settlement on the board
VP = Victory points awarded for controlling this settlement.

Each player has a set of counters of a unique color.
A Counter set contains:
6 Monks numbered 1-6 (Religious Influence)
6 Squires numbered 1-6 (Military Influence)
6 Heralds numbered 1-6 (Political Influence)
6 Priests numbered 7-12 (Religious Influence)
6 Knights numbered 7-12 (Military Influence)
6 Counts numbered 7-12 (Political Influence)
3 Bishops numbered 13-15 (Religious & Political Influence)
3 Templars numbered 13-15 (Military & Religious Influence)
3 Barons numbered 13-15 (Political & Military Influence)

Players take turns. 
On your turn draw 2 random counters from your counter cup.
Place one counter (from your pile of drawn counters) onto any empty square on the board.
Counters may not be placed onto settlements or on top of other counters.
Max hand size is 7 counters. Put excess counters back into your cup.

Determine control at the end of the game.
The player having the most counters of one type surrounding a settlement controls it.
For example: Player 1 has 3 Religious counters surrounding a village & no 
one else has 3+ counters of any one type.
If players have an equal number of counters of different types then 
use the Superiority Analog:
Military defeats Religious, Religious defeats Political, Political defeats Military.
For Example: Player 1 has 2 Military counters & Player 2 has 2 Political 
counters. Player 2 gains control.
If players have an equal number of counters of the same type, then the 
side with the higher number total wins.
For Example: Player 1 has 3 Military counters with a combined total value of 18.
Player 2 has 3 Military counters with a combined total value 
of 15. Player 1 gains control.
In more complex situations the settlement remains contested and no one gains control.
Note that if a counter is adjacent to 2 settlements it influences both of them.

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