Gin Rummy type card game based on the philosophies and theories of the 
Famous architect Paolo Soleri. 

There are 5 types of cards: 
Arcology, Structure, Energy, Theory & Philosophy cards.

Be the first to build 3 Arcologies.
To build an Arcology, you must play a Meld.
A Meld consists of 1 Arcology card & 2 of each other type of card. 
Certain cards count as 2 cards (of the same type) when building certain Arcologies.

Each player is dealt a hand of 10 cards.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 3 Phases: 
1. Idea Phase
2. Plan Phase
3. Build Phase

On your turn draw 3 cards and put them in your hand.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.

You may discard 1 card to gain its special effect: 
Theory Card: Draw 3 cards and discard any 2 cards. 
Arcology Card: Search deck for 1 card and put it in your hand. 
Structure Card: Draw 5 cards and then discard any 5 cards. 
Energy Card: Draw 2 Cards. 
Philosophy Card: Steal 1 random card from opponents hand. 

If you are able, you may play a meld.
At the end of your turn always discard 1 card (even if you have less than 10).
Max hand size is 10 cards. Discard excess cards at the end of your turn. 

T = Theory 
A = Arcology 
S = Structure
E = Energy
P = Philosophy
Bonus = Counts as 2 cards for the indicated Arcology

Card Name:					Type:	
Mesa City					A
Cosanti						A
Macro-Cosanti					A
Hexahedron Arcology				A
High Density Tower				A
Novanoah					A
Babel 2						A
Arcosanti					A
Two Suns Arcology				A
Nudging Space					A
Hyper Building					A
Space Arcology					A	
Twin Towers					A
Quartet in Ecology Major			A
Third Generation Arcology			A
Asteromo					A
Urbis et Orbis					A
Space for Peace					A
Large Scale Landscapes				S	Bonus (Mesa City)
Modular & Standardized				S 	Bonus (Third Generation)
3-Dimensionality 				S
Interpenetration of Forms			S
Terra Diaphragms 				S
Primary Elements				S
Multistory Structure				S
Concentric Exedrae				S	Bonus (Hyper Building)
Umbrella Parasol				S
Stratified Focal Points				S
One Structure System				S
Tertiary Structural System			S
Apsedra						S	Bonus (Nudging Space)
Focusing Convergence				S
Organic Architecture				S	Bonus (Macro-Cosanti)
Overlapping Areas				S
Central Cathedral				S	Bonus (Twin Towers)
Inner Urban Celebratory Spaces			S
Phased Construction				S
Slip Form Construction				S
Passive Solar Architectural Techniques		E
Greenhouse Architecture				E
Garment Architecture				E	Bonus (Nudging Space)
Solar Exposure					E	Bonus (2 Suns Arcology)
Conservation of Land & Energy			E
Eliminate the Automobile			E
Proximity to Agriculture			E
Pollution Reduction				E
The Chimney Effect				E
Solar & Wind Power				E
Water Recycling					E
Apse Effect					E	Bonus (Cosanti)
Microclimates					E
Green Mantle					E
Walking Transportation				E
High Speed Mag-Lev Transportation		E	Bonus (Hyper Building)
Elevators & Escalators				E
Evacuation Slides				E	Bonus (Twin Towers)
Daily Flow of People				E
Pedestrian Society				E
Intelligent City Design				T
Miniaturization					T	Bonus (Space Arcology)
Radical Urban System				T	Bonus (Hexahedron)
The Urban Effect				T
Crowding Imperative				T
Architecture-Ecology				T
Articulated					T
Integrated					T
Compact						T
Multi-Use Nature				T
Maximize Logistical Efficiency			T
Implosion of the Flat Megalopolis		T
Dense, Complex Urban Environment		T
MCD Paradigm					T
Attention to the Human Scale			T
Functional Juxtaposition			T
Self Contained					T
Critical Mass of Population			T
Whole City Design				T
Transitional Structure				T
Complexification				P	Bonus (Asteromo)
Interdependence					P	Bonus (Space for Peace)
Embracing & Sheltering				P
Masculine/Feminine Symbolism			P
Profligate to Frugal				P
Divertimento					P	Bonus (Twin Towers)
Ontological Dynamics of Life			P
School of Thought				P
Cosmic Relevance				P
Asthetogenesis					P
Interiorization of Matter			P
Desirability Domain				P
Omega Seed					P
Eschatological Hypothesis			P
Transcendence of Residual Anguish		P
Stewardship					P
Environment in Harmony with Man			P	Bonus (Mesa City)
Space Organizing Itself				P
Self Aware Reality				P
Hypothetical City				P



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