Two player variant of backgammon.

The Board is a ring of 12 Circles.
The circles are also referred to as spaces.
The spaces are numbered 1 to 12.

Two white six sided dice are needed. 
One black six sided die is needed. This is referred to as the ‘Modifier die.’

Each player gets a set of 12 tokens of a distinct color (red & blue for example).
Tokens must be able to stack.

The red player puts one token on spaces 7, 9, and 11.
The blue player puts one token on spaces 8, 10, and 12.
That leaves each player with a pile of 9 tokens.
Roll high on one die (1D6) to determine who goes first.

You may stack any number of tokens in a space.
A stack contains one or more tokens.
All of your tokens in the same space must be stacked together.
Moving a stack onto another stack makes one bigger stack.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 4 phases:
1. Roll Phase
2. Modifier Phase
3. Place Phase
4. Move Phase

Roll all 3 dice (the two white and one black).

If all 3 dice show the same number (Triples) then put two tokens on 
the space with that number.
For example: You roll 3 Fives: Put 2 tokens on space number 5.
You cannot do this if the space contains 3 or more enemy tokens (Go to Place Phase).
If the space contains 1 or 2 enemy tokens they are captured. 
Captured tokens go to their players (owners) pile.
If the dice come up 1,3,5 (Odds) then Switch the location of one of 
your stacks with an opponents stack.
If the dice come up 2,4,6 (Evens) then Knock one of your opponents stacks out of play.
Knocked out tokens go to their players pile.
If you got Odds, Evens, or Triples then your turn ends. 
Do not go on to Place or Move Phase.

Discard the Modifier die (it is only used in modifier phase).
If both white dice show the same number (Doubles) then put one token on 
the space with that number.
For example: You roll 2 Sixes: Put 1 token on space number 6.
You cannot do this if the space contains 2 or more enemy tokens (Go to Move Phase).
If the space contains 1 enemy token it is captured. 
If you got Doubles this turn then your turn ends. Do not go on to Move Phase.

For each roll on each of your white dice you may move a stack or part of a 
stack that many spaces clockwise. 
For example: on the white dice you roll a 3 and a 4. 
You move one of your stacks 3 spaces. 
Then you move another stack 4 spaces. 
Or you can move a stack 3 & then 4 spaces (or 4 & then 3 spaces).
You must move if it is at all possible.
Moving part of a stack allows you to break up big stacks.
A larger stack can capture an enemy stack of smaller or equal size by moving onto it.
Captured tokens go to their players pile.
A stack cannot be moved onto an opposing stack that is larger

To win you must satisfy one of the following conditions:
1. Capture all of your opponents tokens
2. Occupy any 9 spaces
3. Occupy Spaces: 12,1,2,3
4. Occupy Spaces: 3,4,5,6
5. Occupy Spaces: 6,7,8,9
6. Occupy Spaces: 9,10,11,12
7. Occupy any 5 spaces in a row.

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