INTRODUCTION Card game for 2+ players Based on the Austin Powers Spy Movies. DISCLAIMER Austin powers is a licensed, copyrighted property This is merely a fan site. VICTORY The first player to accumulate 10 or more Mojo Points wins. THE DECKS There are 2 Decks: A Groovy Deck & an Evil Deck. CARD MOJO Every card has a point value from 1 to 10. This point value is called the “Mojo” of the card. THE GROOVY DECK The Groovy Deck represents Austin Powers. There are 5 card types: AP = Austin Power SA = Special Agent CP = Catch Phrases SS = Spy Stuff GM = Groovy Moves THE EVIL DECK The Evil Deck represents Dr Evil. There are 5 card types: DE = Doctor Evil HM = Hench Men EE = Evil Equipment DS = Diabolical Scheme OL = One Liners MOJO POINTS Use Tokens to represent Mojo Points. SETUP Each player gets 1 Deck. There should be close to equal numbers of Groovy & Evil Decks. Each player draws 4 cards from his deck. The Grooviest player goes first. TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns. Each turn has 4 Phases: Draw Phase Play Phase Score Phase End Phase DRAW PHASE Draw 1 card from your deck and put it in your hand. If your deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. PLAY PHASE You may put up to 2 cards from your hand into play. Cards in play are face-up on the table in front of you. Many cards produce an effect when they are put in play. You may only have up to 1 card from each of the 5 suites in play. SCORE PHASE If you have 1 card from each of the 5 suites in play; This is called a Scoring Combo. You may discard all the cards in your Scoring Combo, to get Mojo Points: Score Mojo Points = The card in the Combo with the least Mojo after modifications. Note that some cards in play will modify the Mojo of other cards in play. The Minimum value of a Scoring Combo is 1. END PHASE Max hand size is 4 cards. Discard excess cards. CARD LIST NOTATION BG = Beautiful Girl (Subset of SA Suite) FM = Female Minion (Subset of HM Suite) LO = Location (Subset of EE Suite) WP = When Played ACA = Also Counts As (For Combo Building) Shag = Opponent must discard 1 Random Card from Hand Spy = Look at next 7 Cards in Opponents Deck Grab = Search your Deck for card of indicated type, and put it in your hand (Note: You cannot Grab another Grab card) Kill = Discard target card in play Try Again = Discard 1 Card & Draw 2 Cards GROOVY DECK CARD LIST Card Name: Type Mojo Notes: International Man of Mystery AP 10 DS gets –2 Gentleman Spy AP 9 WP Spy Secret Agent Man AP 8 Ten Minutes Ago Austin AP 7 WP Kill DS Sex Symbol AP 6 WP Shag Fashion Photographer AP 5 BG gets +2 Leader of the Band AP 4 Danger Powers AP 3 Sir Austin Powers AP 2 British Agent AP 1 Yeah Baby CP 10 WP Draw 1 Card Oh Behave CP 9 WP Shag Shagadelic CP 8 BG gets +2 I’m a Sexy Beast CP 7 AP gets +2 I’ll Cover Your Rear CP 6 SA gets +2 It’s Not My Bag Baby CP 5 WP Kill OL Do I Make You Randy? CP 4 Shag Now or Shag Later? CP 3 WP Try Again She’s Rancid CP 2 WP Kill FM I’ll Beat Him Again CP 1 WP Kill DE Nigel Powers SA 10 CP gets +2 Vanessa Kensington SA 9 BG; AP gets +2 Felicity Shagwell SA 8 BG; Shag Foxy Cleopatra SA 7 BG; MV gets +2 Basil Exposition SA 6 WP Grab SS Convert SA 5 WP Kill HM The Mole SA 4 WP Spy Dixie Normous SA 3 BG Go-Go Dancer SA 2 BG Commandos SA 1 WP Kill LO Quasi-Futuristic Clothes SS 10 AP & BG get +1 Shaguar SS 9 GM gets +2 Red Velvet Suit SS 8 Penis Pump SS 7 AP gets +2 Tight Fitting Leather Catsuit SS 6 BG gets +2 Kama Sutra SS 5 WP Shag Yellow Submarine SS 4 MOD Pimpmobile SS 3 Hairy Chest SS 2 ACA AP Bad Teeth SS 1 ACA CP Cross-Mojonations GM 10 EE gets –2 Abort Button GM 9 WP Kill DS Judo Chop GM 8 WP Kill HM Mojo Working Overtime GM 7 AP gets +2 Save the Girl GM 6 WP Grab BG Behind the Screen GM 5 CP gets +2 Groovy Dance Number GM 4 Evacuation Complete GM 3 WP Try Again Peace Sign GM 2 ACA CP Menage Trois GM 1 WP Draw 1 Card EVIL DECK CARD LIST Card Name: Type Mojo Notes: Evil Laugh DE 10 DS gets +2 Evil Pinky Smirk DE 9 WP Shag Evil Rap DE 8 Grab OL Evil Genius DE 7 WP Draw 1 Card Hollowed Out Volcano Lair DE 6 LO Submarine Lair DE 5 LO Hollywood Lair DE 4 LO Mr Bigglesworth DE 3 ACA HM Nehru Jacket DE 2 ACA EE Evil Flashback DE 1 ACA OL Mini-Me HM 10 DE gets +2 Fat Bastard HM 9 WP Shag Gold Member HM 8 DS gets +2 Number 2 HM 7 WP Draw 1 Card Frau Farbissina HM 6 WP Grab DE Scott Evil HM 5 OL gets +2 Allota Fagina HM 4 FM; WP Spy The Worlds Deadliest Assassins HM 3 Mustafa HM 2 Cannot be Killed Ivonna Humpalot HM 1 FM Steal His Mojo DS 10 WP Kill AP World Domination DS 9 Evil Empire DS 8 WP Spy Hijack Nuclear Weapons DS 7 Blackmail UN DS 6 100 Billion Ransom DS 5 Subterranean Probe DS 4 Giant Moon Laser DS 3 Tractor Beam DS 2 Evil Ultimatum DS 1 Throw Me a Frickin Bone OL 10 WP Draw 1 Card Zip It Zip It Good OL 9 WP Kill CP Quasi Evil OL 8 HM gets +2 Daddy’s Nemesis OL 7 AP gets –2 I Expect Them To Die OL 6 DS gets +2 Were Not So Different You & I OL 5 DE gets +1 AP gets –1 Enjoy the Show OL 4 WP Grab DS Surrounded by Frickin Idiots OL 3 WP Try Again You Gonna Squirt Some? OL 2 WP Shag Creepy Oompah Loompah Vibe OL 1 ACA DE Time Machine EE 10 WP Grab DS Cryogenic Freeze Chamber EE 9 WP Grab DE Big Boy Rocket EE 8 Overly Elaborate Death Trap EE 7 Rotating Chair EE 6 Sharks with Laser Beams EE 5 WP Shag Clear Plastic Suit EE 4 DE gets +2 Fembots EE 3 FM; ACA HM Self Destruct Sequence EE 2 WP Try Again Fire Trap EE 1 WP Try Again

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