Ancients Wargame with emphasis on Command & Control.

You win if you rout the opposing General

Setup has 3 Segments:
1. Choose Army Segment
2. Battlefield Segment
3. Deploy Forces Segment

Each player gets an Army as described by a specific Scenario, or 
Each player gets a random army.
A Random Army has 4 + 1D6 Units:

I. Roll for quality (Quality Check) of each unit:
1D6	Unit Quality:
1-2	Green
3-4	Regular
5	Veteran
6	Elite

II. Roll for Composition (Composition Check) of each unit:
1D6	Unit Type:
1-4	Infantry
5-6	Cavalry

III. Each Unit has a Commander.
Roll to see the Ability (Commander Ability Check) of Each commander:
1D6	Commander Ability	
1-2	Poor: Unit gets -1 to all Checks	
3-4	Good	
5-6	Excellent: Unit gets +1 to all Checks

One Unit contains the General
The Unit commanded by the General gets +2 to all Checks

Play can be on a square grid or hex grid.
Terrain types include:
Terrain:	        Notes:
Open		-
Forest		Units get +1 to Skirmish Checks
Marsh		Units get -2 to Battle Checks
River		Units get -4 to Battle Checks
Hills		Units get +1 to Battle Checks
Mountains	Units get +2 to Battle Checks
Mountain Peaks	Impassable
Mountain Pass	Unit gets +4 to Battle Checks
Lake/Sea  	Impassable unless using house rules for boats
Note: Cavalry can only move 2 spaces per turn in open terrain, otherwise 
They are reduced to 1 space per turn.

Designate player A & player B
1D6	Result:
1-2	Player A Sets up first
3-4	Both set up simultaneously behind screens
5-6	Player B Sets up first
Place your units on your side of the map as you like.
Or deploy per Scenario details.

Players take turns.
Each turn has 12 phases:
1. Morale Phase
2. Rally Phase
3. Momentum Phase
4. Skirmish Phase
5. Cohesion Phase
6. Aggression Phase
7. Communications Phase
8. Initiative Phase
9. Orders Phase
10. Disengage Phase
11. Movement Phase
12. Battle Phase

Make a Morale Check for each of your Units adjacent to enemy units.
1D10	Result:
1-3	Panic
4-5	Shaken	
6-8	Good Morale
9+	Excellent Morale
A Panicked Unit will Rout this turn.
A Shaken Unit must attempt to Disengage this turn if it is 
adjacent to an enemy unit.
Common Modifiers to the Morale Check:
-1 Green or Conscript Unit
+1 Veteran Unit
+2 Elite Unit
-2 if Commander lost
+1 if unit rallied last Turn
-1 if unit has lost Cohesion
-1 if nearest friendly unit routed or panicked this or last turn
+1 if nearest enemy unit routed or panicked this or last turn
+1 if unit is Reinforced
-1 if being flanked
+1 if Unit has Excellent Morale from last turn
-1 if Unit Shaken from last turn
-2 if being attacked in Rear
+1 if flanking an enemy unit
+2 if attacking enemy unit in the rear
+1 if Unit is winning combat
-2 if unit is losing combat
-1 if Unit is more than 4 spaces from your General
-2 if Unit is more than 2 spaces away from any Friendly Unit

Every Routing Unit must make a Rally Check:
1D10	Result:
1-7	The Unit is lost. Remove it from play	
8+	The Unit Rallies and remains in play
Common Modifiers to the Rally Check:
Same as a Morale Check.

Every Unit must make a Momentum Check:
1D10	Result:		
1-2	The Unit must continue doing what it did last turn	
3+	The Unit may be given new orders this turn
Common Modifiers to the Momentum Check:
-2 if unit is more than 4 spaces from your General
+1 if the unit is Waiting
-2 if unit is Moving (Continue in same direction)
-4 if unit is in Combat (Will Continue fighting if possible)
-1 if unit has lost Cohesion

If not in combat but within 2 spaces of an enemy unit your 
Unit may make a Skirmish Check:
1D10	Result:		
1-6	Your skirmishers have no effect
7+ 	One opposing unit within 2 spaces is Harassed 
Note: A Unit already in combat cannot also have harassed status.

Every Unit must make a Cohesion Check:
1D10	Result:		
1-2	The Unit has lost Cohesion (is now a disorganized mob)	
3+	The Unit has retained Cohesion (organized Ranks)
Common Modifiers to the Cohesion Check:
+1 if the unit is Waiting
-2 if unit is Moving 
-4 if unit is in Combat 
-1 if unit has lost Cohesion (last turn)
-2 if unit is Harassed
+1 if unit is Reinforced
-1 Green or Conscript Unit
+1 Veteran Unit
+2 Elite Unit
-2 if Commander lost

Every Unit must make an Aggression (Discipline) Check:
1D10	Result:		
1-2	The Unit if not panicked, must move towards & attack nearest enemy unit if possible 
3+	The Unit may be given new orders this turn
Common Modifiers to the Aggression Check:
+2 if no enemy within 2 spaces
-2 if unit is Harassed
-1 if unit has lost Cohesion 
-4 if enemy unit just disengaged from this unit (This unit will Pursue)

Make a Communication Check for each of your Units.
1D10	Result			Notes:
1-3	Missing Orders		The Unit cannot be given Orders this turn
4+	Orders Delivered	The Unit may be given Orders this Turn
Orders are delivered by a variety of signals: Flags, Messengers, Horns, Drums, etc.
A unit that fails to get orders is ignorant of what it is supposed to do.
Common Modifiers to Communications Check:
+1 during First 2 turns of Battle  
+1 if Unit has not done any fighting yet
-1 if Unit has lost it’s Commander
-1 if unit has lost Cohesion
-1 if Unit is currently Fighting or Moving at Top Speed
-1 if Unit if Unit is more than 4 spaces from your General
-2 if Unit is more than 2 spaces away from any Friendly Unit

Make an Initiative Check for each Unit that failed its Communication Check:
1D10	Result:
1-5	The Unit Commander shows no Initiative:
The Unit must Wait or continue fighting if in Combat
6-7	The Unit Commander decides to Attack:
The Unit, if not panicked, must move towards & attack nearest enemy unit if possible
8+	The Unit Commander makes a good Decision:
The Unit may be given Orders this Turn.
Note: Skip this Check if Unit Commander Killed.

If a unit passes its Communication (or Initiative), Momentum, and 
Aggression Checks, it may be given new orders.
Possible Orders include:
1. Wait (do not move, charge, or reinforce)
2. Move (to adjacent space)
3. Charge (Move next to an enemy unit)
4. Reinforce (Help one adjacent friendly unit that is in Combat)
5. Disengage (Move away from adjacent enemy unit) 
Note: A Unit may not Reinforce if it itself is in Combat.
Important Note: A Unit adjacent to an enemy Unit is automatically
considered to be in Combat with it. 

Make a Disengage (Break-Off) Check for each of your Units that
was given the order to disengage.
It is very difficult for a unit to disengage from a battle. 
1D10	Result			Notes:
1-3	Unable to Disengage	The Unit must stay and fight where it is.
4-6	Fighting Withdrawl	See Notes
7+	Successful Redeployment	The Unit may follow new Orders this Turn
Notes: In a Fighting withdrawl, the Unit may only move
back away from all enemy Units & must retain the same facing.
Common Modifiers to Disengagement Check:
-1 Green or Conscript Unit
+1 Veteran Unit
+2 Elite Unit
-2 if Commander lost
-1 if unit has lost Cohesion

Infantry units able to move may move 1 Space in this Phase.
Cavalry units able to move may move 2 Spaces in this Phase.
Units may not stack or move through each other.
On a grid map a Unit may not move diagonally between 2 other units.
Every Unit has a forward facing.
Be sure to indicate a Units direction of Facing after it moves.

Adjacent enemy units will be in combat.
Make a Battle Check for every Unit (both players) that is in Combat.
1D10	Result
1-5	Unit is currently Losing
6+	Unit is currently Winning
Common Modifiers to the Battle Check:
Same as Morale Check plus:
-1 if adjacent to more than one enemy unit
-1 if enemies have superior quality weapons & armor
+1 if you have superior quality weapons & armor
+2 if you Charged this turn
If a Unit made a Battle Check it must also make a Survival Check:
1D6	Result:
1-5	Commander Survives
6	Commander Killed


Chariots: Cavalry Units get +2 to Battle Checks, but
-1 to Momentum Checks

Horse Archers: +2 to Composition Check
+1 to Skirmish & Disengagement Checks

Hopolites: -1 to Composition Checks
Phalanx: Infantry Units get +2 to Battle Checks, but
-1 to Communication Checks

+1 to Initiative Checks

+1 to Quality Checks

Large Armies: +1D6 Units
-1 to Morale & Initiative Checks

Infantry Units get +1 to Battle & Morale Checks
+1 to Communication Checks

Elephants: Cavalry Units get +2 to battle checks, but 
-2 to Rally Checks

Warbands: Infantry Units get +2 to Battle Checks, but 
–1 to Cohesion Checks

A Legendary General may give a +2 Bonus or a -2 Penalty to 
any 1 Check per turn.
Some Legendary Generals get 1-2+ additional Benefits:
1D10	Legendary Benefit:
1	Command: All Units get +1 to Communications Checks
2	Charisma: All Units get +1 to Morale Checks
3	Leadership: All Units get +1 to Rally Checks
4	Control: All Units get +1 to Cohesion Checks
5	Support: All Units get +1 to Initiative Checks
6	Logistics: Start Game with +2 Units
7	Well Trained Troops: All Units get +1 to Quality Checks
8	Masterful Deployment: Opponent must Set Up First
9	Master Tactician: One Unit may move 1 extra Space on your turn
10	Insight: Give +/-2 to one additional Check per Turn

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