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Wood Elves

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This is the part where I talk about the "WOOD ELVES". I have been using the Wood Elves in battle for about two years now and they have made me the king of our tournoments. The WE(Wood Elves) are able to tackle any army if they are used properly and effictiffly to your fighting style ,tricks and army selection.

My army

I have Three units of ten archers, Six glade riders led by a mage on horse. Five warhawk riders led by a mage on a great egale,8 dryads, Two treeman, 6 way watchers ,8 war dancers led by a mage on foot and a forest lord on a dragon. For special Characters from the old rules i have Ariel and Orion the wardancers wild dude.

Sample Army

For a 2000pt army a always think you should have a "block of glade guards" 20 strong in 4 ranks of five models(160pts). Three units of ten archers(360pts) . A unit of six waywatchers with a model upgraded to a champion equiped with the hail of doom arrow(167pts). A treeman to give heavy support to a combat(220pts). Five drayads to support the treeman if he gets outnumbered severly(155pts).

The Tactics

The wood elf army is a strong army as long as it has the right men for the job. Remeber that when collecting an army you need to be sure that you always keep the "goal" or theme of that army in your mind. base your armies around the theme and you should do well. this means that when making a wood elve army try using the land for cover on a prroach and attack with fright ful speed and hail your eneims with arrows from the deep wood.

Always make sure that you have a "fire base" of archers to relia on to thin the enmy down before your offensie units charge or are charged. Make sure that this "firebase ' is strong enough to injury the most powerful troops thorugh numbers. Second make sure that you plase this firebase in an area where all models can shoot and that the units in the firebase are capeable of covering each other allowing you to consentrate fire on one unit if you are lucky. This can be deadly becasue of the mass of numbers. Next make sure you protect this firebase with a unit of glade guards. This unit will take the charge if any enemies get past the front line of battle. you always want your archers shooting as many turns as possible. So make sure each unit does what it was supposed to do. Fighters arn't to be held back(unless your defending something) and archers aren't supposed to fighting.

Now for offense you want to make sure that you gang up on units. Wood elves can be good fighters but they will salughter other units if they can gang up. Treeman are about the only unit which can take care of the selves. All the other units you want in close support of your other units.