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Orcs and Goblins

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Orcs. Goblins. Green. Teeth. That basically reflects on the Orcs and Goblins army. But not those damn *cute* Night Goblins. Sorry. That's the Mad Cap 'Shrooms talking. Orcs and Gobbos make a great army. Justin here, now that i am in control there will be no more of this goblin molesting! first off can you say WAAAAGH!? that is the single most important part of playing green skins, once you can say WAAAGH you are half way to being a good orc warboss.

Really the best way to play orcs and goblins is to have a lot of money and a lot of planing

A little interjection here, This is Justin (again) with a little comentary on orky majic #1 take lots of it #2 Take big waaagh and have a blast! once i get some time I will put in a comentary on the spells themselves 'till then enjoy :) Next as an example of this i am including a small 1000pt army with a description as to how it should be done.

Dakruk-warlord-135pts- orc warlord, on boar with a shild and spear as well as armour of fortune.This is a cheap leader who can take a killing and keep on fighting with a 2+ save and a +5 special save.

Wizbang-orc shaman-58pts. basic shaman his name reflects his tendancy to go nuclear in a split second.

2 squig hoppers-50pts- these guys are random, there for making them good! they have alot of potential and your enemy will often ignore them.

40night goblins-123pts-standard and musician and armed with spears- these guys also have 2 fanatics-60pts- which need to hit cavalry.

another unit of 40night goblins-136pts-standard with the evil sun banner and a muscian as well as short bowz-these guys wont kill to many with shooting but if they bring down 2 elven archers it gets their points. these guys also get a pair of fanatics-60pts-

now for some real fun ( read: shish-kabobing-Rogan) an orcy bolt thrower!!-43.5pts- this thing can skewer several ranks of a unit in turn, very handy if nailing some knights.

now for the unit that lets us use the bolt thrower 19 big 'uns with 2 hand weapons and a standard-as well as a boss with sword of bork which makes them immune to animosity. -193pts- finaly 16 wolfriders-144pts- these guys can do anything-flank, scout etc. total~999.5~ tonight i will add some more 'till then.Adios

Justin here, now for the first part of the painting guide. If you want to collect an orc and goblin army your inevidably going to have to sacrafice quality for quantity, however i have developed a system that works pretty good so here goes.

these methods are for night goblins but will work for anything. First undercoat them in black, this takes care of your shading and also paints about 3/4 of the model. Next you want to basecoat the skin with goblin green now while you're waiting for it to dry you can paint the silver on the spear of bow or whatever. now that the green is dry you should use a coat of green ink on the skin, to shade farther, and then paint all the wood/leather with snakebite leather. finaly touch up any mess-ups or blacken any missed under-coat spots and the like. all thats left is a quick baseing of goblin green and a highlight of bilious green.

with this strategy you can paint about 5 goblins in one sesion :) happy green skining :)

next i bring you a short story, this is not my own, but one taken from white dwarf and modified slightly, so kudos to them.

Dakruk looked out upon his army, truely they were a hoard beyond count and their numbers were showing their strength. Suddenly the battle line broke, as a mob of goblins fled, as they saw just one of their kind cut down. "come back here yer yellow bellied skum!" despite his best efforts the goblins refused to return, leaving a hole in the battle line that the imperial swordsmen were pressing through. Being forced to risk himself to fill in the space left by the pansy green-skins. "gork save uz, wota bunch of gitz"


Now to some of you those words might seem like an oxymoron (for you not so smart people that means a word that seems to be oposite)but for those of us who really think about it its true. How many troops out there have T4? "well there are dwarves...and beastmen...and chaos warriors and then there are all those monsters that are even tougher" I hear you say... Fine. But what about the cost of only 6 pts.? now your changing your tune...and for only one more point(7 in total) they can have a 5+ save (in combat/shooting/majic etc.) and they get choppa's too...not bad...and since they are a core troop to there are no excuses for not having them. Now how do you use them? Well charge!!! (plan A as i see it) that works moderatly well but I find that if you use about three units all together then it works very imagine facing a 1000 pt army with three units of 35 orcs all kitted with sta/mus/chp and lgt. armour and sheilds and choppa's each only costing a bit more than 250 pts... Next to come...Trolls.