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Watching the Superbowl at the moment pulling for the Seahawks. I don't know why I have animosity towards the Steelers. Probably it's the fact that they beat the Bengals, or the fact that they've just been kicking ass this season. I don't like teams that win all the damn time. Underdog is the way to go.
Perhaps this will make me sound like a girl, but I can't wait for the game to be over so I can catch Grey's Anatomy. If you think that's true, well, screw you, it's a freakin' great show.
Speaking of freakin' great I finally watched Casablanca after 23 years of living. Bogart is the man and I'm still surprised that the movie was so good. It's a shame you have to go back 60+ years to see a movie that actually stimulates your brain. Go watch it. Now.


Welcome to Galaxy7, the site that maybe four people ever look at, assuming I'm able to get off my Xbox360 and do something productive with my life. Not that this blog is in any way productive, but I hope that it will get me in the habit of sitting down and writing something.
Working ten days straight doesn't help my novel plans, though.
My boss is a bum. Class A. Complete loser. A bi-polar son-of-a-bitch who usually sets up camp down south, which I now deem is the direction of anger. Actually, forget about him, I don't even want to waste the microcosim of energy my fingers would need to type about Mr. Craptacular. Hopefully I won't see him ever again in about a month.
It's good to have connections. ^_-

Listening to: That new Train CD, random stuff on my ipod. Watching: The Office.