Going Crazy (Quiet part) Well I got up in the morning, Well I'm in mourning, Just saw my girl making out in the hall, (Break & Normal) Now I'm mad as hell. Gonna get me some knife, Gonna slice, Gonna dice, baby. Chorus: Going crazy, going crazy, crazy. Crazy in this mad, mad world. Just for the sake of fun! Skinned the cat a thousand times, Got another thousand to go baby. Layer by layer of skins baby, Slicing until there's nothing left No more lies, no more regrets, just fun baby. Going crazy, going crazy, crazy. Crazy in this mad, mad world. Just for the sake of fun! (Quiet part) Pain is a mistress' game Fire is a pyromaniac's game Putting losers to shame Burning up in flames, baby All just for the sake of fun. (Normal) Going crazy, going crazy, crazy. Crazy in this mad, mad world. Just for the sake of fun! Speaking of regret, Don't u know u just broke me baby. I don't care about it, cuz' I'm free to go crazy just for fun Slicing, Dicing Slicing, Dicing Slicing, Dicing until there's nothing left Whoo! Going crazy, going crazy, crazy. Crazy in this mad, mad world. Just for the sake of fun! (Fade out) By Jay Kirkwood Summer of 1998