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Okay, first things first, sign my guestbook.

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I made a set of claws.  Got pictures in my Images section.  They's neat!  Sharp, too.



Well, this was interesting!  Had a fun day!  It was very good.  And fun!  And tomorrow will kick ass!  And I've been updating my Xanga a lot.  Not that ya care, but you should check it out!  And I put up a few more images.  Well, I guess that's it.  See ya!



Goddamn promises...  I really shouldn't have made that promise...  When was it, three, four weeks ago?  Well, whatever...  It's really becoming unbearable...  I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hold out...

Save me...




Allow me to reiterate.


My scanner's busted, I need a new one.  Otherwise, you guys aren't getting the crap I've drawn.  I suppose I got its worth though.  It was like ten bucks.  Piece of shit.  *Smacks it!*  Oh well...  I guess you guys are cut off for a while.  You'll make do with everything else I put up though, RIGHT?



Put more images up.  Don't thank me all at once.  I'm modding my computer, so it's mostly pictures of that.  Looks good so far.  Rearranged my basement again.  It better accommodates my DDR needs.  Also, I'm getting a metal dance pad.  Uhmmm...  That's about it.  Oh, and how about this warm weather we've been getting?!  It's crazy...



Okay!  If you'll look in my images department, you'll notice some new additions.  I also uh...  Nope.  Not much else.



WOAH!  What is THIS?!  This is my new color scheme!!!  It's so cool!  It looks like a black light, or tye die fruit by the foot!  I love it!  Okay, I got my new trenchcoat, *LOOKS SO COOL* and I'm feeling great!!!  So, hop on my forums and tell me whatcha think!  I'll be making it better as time goes by, like images on my top navigation bars, but for now, it looks pretty nice!



Okay!  It's 4:21 on a school night!  I totally rock!  I've put some more links up on my links section, hope you like it, because it's there!  Also, I seem to have adopted the nickname "Lexy."  Kind of interesting.  Well, that's about it!  Stay tuned for more ACTION!

-Alex, AKA Lexy


w00t!!!  I've finally got a worthy thing going on this site.  MY OWN FORUMS!  That's right, QWERTY Universe now has its own message boards where you can post your thoughts!  Well, everyone should join, since it'll be a fun fun place to be.  That's about it.  Have fun!



Yeah.  New year, same shit.  w00t.  If you'll look above you, I've got an articles section.  So far, no articles.  But when I write something, I'll put it in there.  That's where you'll find stuff like my rants, babblings, and other...  ...stuff.

Also.  Uh...  Got some games.  Prolly getting a nice new leather trench coat.  Uh, not much else to talk about.  Oh!  DDRMAX2 IS THE BOMB.  Okay, that's about it.  See you next update.



w00t.  I got another hard drive.  I now can store 160 gigs of stuff on my computer.  Now I just need broadband so I can fill it quicker.  I just noticed that updating the website is now a lot more fun than it was.  Oh, and I got the review for Deus Ex up if any of you are interested.  Probably not.



Okay!  Another update.  I'm on a roll.  I put another image on there for ya.  It's...  Brutal.  You'll see what I mean.

Also, happy holidays to everyone.  Hope you get what you want for (insert the holiday which you celebrate here)!  Anyways...  That's about it.



All right!  I've finally got this updated.  I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.  Looks nice, doesn't it?  Well, I think you'll be pleased with the interface.  I know I am.

I'll be leaving my news up as well.  Just kind of seems appropriate.  You may have noticed that not every part of the website is up.  Give me time.  Lots of it.  I'll get it done eventually.  And I'm no longer signing these as Meatloaf.  Anyway, that's about all I've got to say.  I'm going to go stare at my lava lamp.



Contact information:

AIM:  Meatloaf125

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Last updated 01/21/2004