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The Preview Channel Shrine

The Preview Channel has been recognized by many, including me, as the greatest channel of all time. It certainly deserves this reputation. What other channel has kept the youth of America pacified for so long? DEFINITELY NOT THE WEATHER CHANNEL!!! The Preview Channel keeps our children off of the streets, and at home, watching TV listings float by like fish in tank. I know I sure do spend many hours each day transfixed by the strange beauty of this neverending channel!

This, my friends, is a shrine to the Preview Channel. Yes, you heard me. The Preview Channel. Don't laugh. I love this channel, I watch it all the time. I have a club devoted to it, with thirty-something members. (I'm not joking! Seriously! If you wanna join, e-mail me.)

I hate the Weather Channel. I feel that it is the enemy of the Preview Channel. Why do I think this? Well, the Preview Channel is extremely boring. (In a good way, of course.) The Weather Channel is also extremely boring. So, logically, the Weather Channel must be trying to steal the ratings (and believe me, they are high) of the Preview Channel. This is not cool with me. My club shall take them down.*

*Intented purely as a joke, don't take it seriously, you Weather Channel freaks!

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