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Note: The secrets and glitches below may cause your saved games to be erased. So try them on your own risk. I can't say that about all of them.

Forest Stage

The Forest Stage is in the Lost Stage. To find the Forest Stage you must go right, left, right, left, left. There will be 2 deku shrubs there. Kill them and go to the area where there are butterflies. Walk around and you will fall in a hole that is hidden. When you fall you will be at the forest stage. There are deku shrubs there that will judge you by what masks you are wearing. Below are masks they will like and the masks that they won't like.

Keaton Mask: They will not like this mask.

Skull Mask: They will like this mask and give you a Deku Stick Upgrade.

Spooky Mask: They will like your mask and give you rupees.

Bunny Mask: They will like your mask and give you rupees.

Goron Mask: They will like your mask and give you rupees.

Zora Mask: They will not like this mask.

Gerudo Mask: They will not like this mask.

Mask of Truth: They will like this mask and give a Deku Nut Upgrade.

Get Navi Stuck

For this glitch you have to an adult. First go to the Temple of Time. Go near the spiritual stones and read the inscription. Then black flip yourself up where the stones are. Position yourself in between the Goron Ruby and the Zora's Saphire and play Saria's Song. Talk to Saria and then jump off and Navi should be stuck there. It will start getting dark around areas. To get Navi back just simply exit.

Unlimited Skulltulas

This glitch can be very helpful for some who can't find all the other skulltulas. First, become a child and go to Hyrule Castle where Talon was. There is a tree there, use your ocarina and play the Song of Storms. A hole should appear so go in. You should find a gold skulltula there if you haven't already killed it. Kill the spider and a token should appear. Z target it and use your boomerang. When your boomerang is in the air, perform a back flip to the warp tile. You should have gotten the token. Then go back in and the spider should be there again. It may take some time to perfect the trick. Do this until you have 100 skulltulas.

Get the fairy Ocarina before you get the Kikori Emerald.

This glitch is a little hard to do. Also this may erase your saved data. So try at your own risk. First start a new file and name it whatever you want. Then when you start playing go to the place you exit for Hyrule Field. A kid should be blocking your way. Now comes the tricky part. What you have to do is lift up the lift side of the game cartridge very gently and slowly till Link starts fading. When Link should starts fading and you will get past the boy. You should put the cartridge back in right after you get past him. Also don't pull the cartridge out all the way or your game will freeze. This might take some practice but you will get it sooner or later.

Did you know?

That instead of buying a fish for King Zora you can catch one in a bottle yourself.

That you can multiply the bugs if you have a bug in a bottle. When you let then go that will come out as 3.

That if you are a kid you can make easy money. First catch some fish and bugs in bottles and go to Hyrule Market. There is a guy who looks like he is patting the ground. Go up to him and show him the bottles and he will buy them from you. He will not take poes, potions, or fairies.

Swordless Link

When you are battling GANON he will knock your sword away. Save and hit Reset. When you start you will not have your Master Sword. To get your sword back battle GANON again. I haven't tried this trick yet so I don't know if safe. Try at your own risk.

Extra Bottles

This trick gets you extra bottles. First you need a bottle. Go in a grotto with a pond that has a fish in it. Take out your bottle and swing at the fish. Press START after you swing the bottle and place an item in place of the bottle. When you press start your item will turn into a bottle. Don't save your game if you turned a useful into a bottle. If you do you will never get it back.


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