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Ways to Tell If You're Addicted to Starcraft

No. 1-33 have been on the main page before. The rest weren't, so most will be incorrectly written grammatically.

#1 On Halloween you're a Zergling and you run around on all fours attacking little children.
#2 Nurses at your local hospital won't say "Where does it hurt?" in a sexy way for you.
#3 You leave SC/BW on pause while you sleep.
#4 You earn the rank of Admiral in the military, only to discover they don't have Battlecruisers.
#5 Praying Mantises are cousins of Hydralisks in your mind.
#6 You claim all the new shiny cars in your backyard were mind controlled not stolen.
#7 You legally change your name to your Starcraft nickname.
#8 When walking with your Starcraft buddies, you all walk in a straight line.
#9 You no longer understand the concept of money; you keep asking people how much mineral/gas something costs.
#10 You keep asking your car dealer how much extra having him include the siege mode upgrade is with your new truck.
#11 When you have to decide between a shower or another game of Starcraft, you figure the smell isn't THAT bad.
#12 Your Starcraft action figures live better then you do.
#13 You begin to look at real life events in terms of Starcraft triggers.
#14 Someone says Starcraft is only a game and keeping you from killing him takes 13 State troopers.
#15 When asked at any time, you can say your entire CD-key forwards and backwards.
#16 Whenever you see ants coming out of the ground, you scream and run into your house, which you now refer to as your bunker.
#17 You start calling people terrans.
#18 If you have a twin, you run into him and try to merge.
#19 You say to your dog "good Zergling".
#20 You spray someone with water and say "there you're restored now."
#21 You see ants and call them Broodlings.
#22 You give yourself a shot of speed and say "it's stimpack!"
#23 You ride your motorcycle or bike and try to lay Spidermines.
#24 You keep asking the people that sold you your house where the "lift off" button is.
#25 You think your swimming pool is a Spawning Pool.
#26 You constantly hope a medic will stop by.
#27 You have set up sand bags, and barbed wire around your house so the Zerglings can't get too your house.
#28 You shoot down ever bird you see with your bee-bee gun because you think they are Scourges.
#29 Every time you go out your front door you say "my life for Auir!"
#30 You don't know what "too much Starcraft" means.
#31 Your desktop has a picture from SC on it.
#32 When someone has one of those laser pointers, and points it at you, you either kill him or run like mad.
#33 Your dog is named Devouring One.

#34 You wonder why we have to recruit people to fight in the army, when they can just create new people at the Barracks.
#35 You try to lockdown the cop that is chasing your car.
#36 You mine minerals for a living.
#37 You have ever said 'En Taro Adun' to anyone.
#38 You are emotionally attached to whatever race you play.
#39 Your Brood War/SC CD is permanently fused into the CD drive.
#40 You wonder how our army survives, when nobody has Siege Mode for their tanks yet.
#41 You're afraid that your house will be Lurker Rushed, and wished you hadn't picked Terrans for this game.
#42 You name every one of your Zerglings.
#43 You feel sorry for the SCVs/Probes/Drones.
#44 You have memorized the 'radio free Zerg' song.
#45 You sing 'radio free Zerg' to people.
#46 You pass out when someone asks you what Starcraft is.
#47 You entrench your lawn.
#48 You've know Sarah kerrigan's bra size.
#49 You have a statue of your favorite hero and you pray to him regularly.
#50 You play starcraft in your dreams.
#51 You lay in bed thinking about how to revenge that backstabber.
#52 You start scaring the girls in your class by saying "Live for the swarm!".
#53 You refuse to do mass marine rushes because you fear for their lives.
#54 You give each of your dead units a funeral.
#55 You negate the fact that the elephant is currently the biggest land animal with the fact that it's the ultralisk.
#55 When you are in the airplane, you keep saying "Drop me off here."
#56 You keep asking your Chemistry teacher how to do Defensive Matrix and Irradiate.
#57 When one of your classmates fart, you yell out "Quick!! Get out of the dark swarm!"
#58 When someone calls out your name, you say "You got my attenion" in the firebat voice.
#59 When you're waiting for something and it happens you say "FINALLY" in the ghost voice.
#60 When you're telling people you're leaving you say "I'M GONE" in the ghost voice.
#61 When giving an affirmative you say "Naturally" in the firebat voice.
#62 When hustling people you'll say "GO GO GO" or "LET'S MOVE!" in the marine voice.
#63 The word "drugs" has been replaced by "stimpacks".
#64 When returning from a place, you say "I have returned." in the dragoon voice.
#65 You use a Starcraft based theme for Win95/98 and will never change it.
#66 Your SC/BW CD has never left your CD-ROM ever since you FIRST put it in.
#67 Your SC/BW CD is in your CD-ROM _RIGHT NOW_.
#68 When your tank is low, you say "YOU REQUIRE MORE VESPENE GAS" in the OVERMIND voice.
#69 When asked what the Yamato was, you respond by saying "The Yamato Gun is found on Terran..." and then wonder why you fail history class.
#70 You negate the fact that ants are the largest group of species that share a common mind- with the fact that the zerg are.
#71 You start to forget Star Wars.
#72 You forget Star Wars.
#73 You can repeat all the phrases the units say (includind zerg).
#74 You go the jewelry store and ask if they have any Urja crystals.
#75 You wonder why the Protoss Temple isn't one of the seven wonders of the world.
#76 You always fear a queen might infest your house.
#77 You start cussing out the whole templar caste whenever a storm hits.
#78 You always bring a pack of restoration incase a ghost locks down your car.
#79 When you see a plane at night, you order your friends to repair the faulty cloak system on the wraith.
#80 You gave your first born to Blizzard in hopes of being on the Brood War beta.
#81 You tell the doctors to put you in a Dragoon after you die.
#82 You know what the hybird of the Protoss/Zerg in the Cell on the bonus BW level is.
#83 When you get in a traffic jam you say "Hang on, we're in for some chop."
#84 You keep hitting the refresh button hoping for updates at cause the daily updates aren't enough for you.
#85 You curse whenever you go on a covert mission and forgot your cloaking device.
#86 You wonder if there is a Zealot heaven.
#87 You know why Protoss evaporate when they die.
#88 You name your firstborn Jim Raynor.
#89 You create your own Starcraft-type game.
#90 You order for a comsat scan before you walk anywhere for fear of burrowed hydralisks.
#91 Whenever you see an egg, you fear a zergling might come out.
#92 You call up your government and demand the name to be change to the UED.
#93 You have a separate directory devoted to starcraft related programs.
#94 You suspect your friends have been infested.
#95 You wonder if Y2K will stop your tanks from going into seige mode.
#96 You attach neon lights to your arms and run around saying zealot phrases.
#97 You cried when Alexei Stukov died.
#98 You wonder why Kerrigan and Raynor never get it on in any of the cutscenes.
#99 You wonder how the medic can heal people by making her hand glow (like E.T.!!!)
#100 Your starcraft directory takes up more than 200 megs.
#101 Your attempts to create a personal cloaking device warps you to a parallel dimension.
#102 You experiment with your microwave and irradiate your zergling,
#103 You spit heavy mucus on any person that comes within range.
#104 You kill your parents and claim to the police that they were "infested to the core".
#105 The starcraft manual is as important to you as your bible.
#106 You dress up as a Zealot for halloween.
#107 Your constantly looking over your shoulder for those sneaky overlords.
#108 You’re convinced that there’s an observer in your room and keep on asking your parents for a detector.
#109 You’re excuse for not doing your homework is "My Defiler devoured my homework."
#110 Whenever you bleed, you claim that you’ve been "plagued."
#111 You have starcraft screenshots in your families photo album.
#112 You have had the first starcraft cd you ever bought, bronzed and framed.
#113 You have at least one backup copy of starcraft or broodwar.
#114 You refer to your car as a transport.
#115 You yell at you're teamates in soccer to spread out because they might psi storm you.
#116 You know the EXACT stats of every single unit.
#117 You actually cry when someone overwhelms you and you realize you’ve lost and surrender.
#118 You scream at Blizz so much they actually do something about somebody disconnecting on you.
#119 You write an essay for school about the Aeon strife and an editorial about restoring the psi link.
#120 You gaurd you're home channel with you're life.
#121 You have pre memorized all the hotkeys for you're units and put them all to specific numbers.
#122 someone has one of those laser pointers, and points it at you, and you Command your grandmother to get her big butt over here to see and kill your friend that you think is a ghost; about to nuke you - Wishing you upgraded the Overlord movment on your Grandmother.
#123 You took the time to read all this.

since 12/6/2001