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Sonic Era

Welcome to the Sonic Era, time is eternal with Sonic. I'll try and update this every day except when I am busy and have something going on. Browse what you want here.

This site is not fully completed yet but feel free to browse around. Site Completion - 50%

Sonic Era is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and above. Looks okay on Netscape.

Message Board
Win my Award
High Scores
Sonic Adventure Add-on Downloads

Cartoon Shows 

Character's Biodata
History of Sonic
Sonic 2 Beta
Sonic Crackers
Sonic Adventure Mysteries

Fan Art
Fan Fiction

The Games
Award Room
Link to Me 
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15th of April 2000 - Added History of Sonic and Character's Biodata.

14th of April 2000 - Noticed anything? I added a whole bunch of Music section, added a new motto and Link to Me section.

13th of April 2000 - Added Sonic Crackers section and Sonic Adventure Mysteries.

12th of April 2000 - I have a cool award from Sonic Online so the Award Room link works now and added lots of times from Perfect Chaos! Will work more on other stuffs.

10th of April 2000 - Added Sonic 2 Beta and Sonic Adventure Pictorial Walkthrough - A-Life and more should be coming up. This is also the first Sonic site to introduce the Pictorial Guide concept.

Sonic Era Poll 1
What do you think of my site?

The best of all!
Need to do better.
The worst of all.


visitors since 1st of April 2000.

All rights reserved. Sonic Era is Copyright 2000 Clement Chan Zhi Li. No images, ideas and others can be used without permission from the webmaster.

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