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Super Smash Brothers

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Here are some general rules to help you new players:

Starting Out
To get a good feel of the game, you should start out on 1 player mode and set the difficulty rating to “very easy” and see how you do a few times around, or select training mode. Doing this should allow you to figure out the basic moves.

Test Your Skills
Once you feel confident, you can progressively work your way up the difficulty ratings in 1 player mode from easy to hard. Be warned though, you will probably have to continue a few times if you are new to the game.

Work Hard
Training mode for a beginner is your best friend. It allows you to check out all items, and enables you to further learn you character’s abilities.

Stay On Your Feet
Learning to recover from powerful hits is a MUST. Recovery is probably the most important area of the game (next to your actual fighting ability of course). Try practice mode on a level with few obstacles (Kirby’s or Fox’s is a good choice), and set the computer to attack you. Let him beat you up, and try jumping back onto the battle ground. If it looks like you can’t make it back on by jumping, use your character’s special attack by pressing UP and B. Your character will now boost in an attempt to get back on. Only use this last effort if your character is quite close to the edge, because once you’ve used it, your character will start to flash and fall, and will be completely unable to recover afterwards.
Once you have mastered the recovery skill, you will be able to last much longer in battle.

A Final Note
Using training mode has helped me out a great deal. It has taught me how to use items effectively and allowed me to hone my skills with all characters.

Super Smash Brothers

General Tips - Advanced Tips - Characters - Stages - Weapons & Items - Versus Mode - Combos - Forum - Guestbook