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Super Smash Brothers

General Tips - Advanced Tips - Characters - Stages - Weapons & Items - Versus Mode - Combos - Forum - Guestbook

All characters’ abilities are rated on a 1-5 *star* scale (1 being the lowest). The abilities are:

The amount of damage the character inflicts.

How fast the character moves and evades attacks.

How well the character can jump and land back onto the battlefield.

Special Attacks:
The usefulness and power of the character’s abilities.

Learning Curve:
How hard it is to master the character. (1 *star* being the hardest)

The sum of the stars.

Which character are you interested in?

Mario - Luigi - Link - Donkey Kong - Fox - Samus - Captain Falcon - Ness - Yoshi - Kirny - Pikachu - Jiggly Puff

Super Smash Brothers

General Tips - Advanced Tips - Characters - Stages - Weapons & Items - Versus Mode - Combos - Forum - Guestbook