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Super Smash Brothers

General Tips - Advanced Tips - Characters - Stages - Weapons & Items - Versus Mode - Combos - Forum - Guestbook

<font size="2"><b>This site has tons of hints and tips for all characters, weapons, and stages.</font></b>

-Thursday, April 27/00-

YAY! I finally got my main page up. The rest of the site will be under heavy construction for the next week. You can expect the "Tips" sections to be up and running soon.
Thank you for your patience.


-Friday, April 28/00-

Great, the general tips and advanced tips pages are up! More to come soon.


-Tuesday, May 2/00-

Sorry, I haven't been updating as often as I had planned. Was busy on the weekend. But today I've added Mario and Luigi to the characters sections. More characters will be up soon.

Super Smash Brothers

General Tips - Advanced Tips - Characters - Stages - Weapons & Items - Versus Mode - Combos - Forum - Guestbook