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Map Hacks
Battle.Net Utilities
StarEdit Utilites
Melee Maps
Use Map settings maps
Nick's StarCraft Page


September 3 11:55 - The start of the D2 site: November 3 (The date will probably change due to the more information I know).

September 3 11:45 - Well it all comes down to one day. The day of giving up Starcraft. And well, that happened about the middle of July when Diablo 2 came out. I went out and bought Diablo 2 and never played Starcaft since because I have been playing D2. So I will no longer update this site =(. But, yes there is a but. I am going to make a Diablo 2 site. I have no idea when but when I do I will notify you guys. I dont know when because I am taking a HTML class I dont know when I will know enough to get started. So please please keep checking back for the oficial date. I also hope to notify you everyday when I will start the Diablo 2 site.

July 6 6:15PM - Sorry that I haven't updated for a while, but i did add a ums map.

June 27 5:45PM - Well today I put the Use Map Settings link up. It only has one map but later tonight when I have time I will add a bunch more. E-mail me for comments or suggestions:

June 26 2:22PM - Sorry about my updates. I have been having trouble with the downloadable files, but have some map hacks up. And I am going to get the melee maps link up and running, maybe even the use map settings link up. Which that will make my site quite better.

June 22 12:59PM - Whoa! Long time no update. Well I have made a huge improvement to my site. With a little help from someone I e-mailed (B_9999) he showed me how to make downloadable files.

June 15 10:50PM - School for me is finally out! But, I am having difficulty trying to get downloadable files onto my site. So, like always email me for help and suggestions

June 12 6:25PM - Well, my site is moving along quite well. I have done all of this (not that much) in about 2 hours. it may be along time, but i just started HTML editing two weeks ago. I think it is pretty well.Any suggestions? E-mail me