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Welcome to Goku's DBZ RPG. In this RPG you can basiclly do whatever you want, try to take over the Universe, become the strongest fighter in the Universe, or make your own team and rival other teams. One day of real life equals one week game time. Have fun and remember that whatever say goes.


All characters begin the RPG with a Power Level(PL) of 100, an Energy Level(EL) of 50, and a Health Level(HP) of 100. All characters also get 1000 credits and start on the planet where they came from like on the show or they can choose to be on Earth. All characters start with no moves,allf the moves have to be learned.

EL: This is your character's energy rating. To perform moves and abilities, you need to have the required energy or you can't learn it.

HP: This is your characters health. It represents how much your character can take compared with other characters. A higher HL in a battle means you will outlast your opponent if you are equal in everything else.

PL: This is your characters fighting power. The higher this number, the stronger your character.

If your character is inactive for a month, I will remove you from the RPG and a new player will take your character.

Your character will get 700 points to distribute to his/her stats. There are 7 stats in all.

Strength:this determines the power of all your physical attributes and how much damage you can with stand. The higher the number the stronger you are.

Dexterity:This determines how fast you are.

constitution:This determines your leadership skills.

wisdom:This with your energy level determines whether you can or can't learn a move or technique.

intellegence:How smart you are can determine if you are a great fighter,scientist etc.

charisma:This is your looks and your ability of persuasion

Luck:this can make or brake you. The higher it is the better your chances are with your task.

Only one character per player.

To do stuff with your character e-mail me and tell me what you want to do. Put your character name in the subject line.


Training is how you raise your PL. Training is done by yourself and sparring is with another character. Training can be done at a variety of locations and the PL bonus depends on how and where you train.


Sparring is fighting with another character except that no one gets hurt. Sparring raises your HL and EL a little but mainly raises your PL. Both characters must send me an e-mail saying they are sparring together.


This is the only way to get credits besides tournaments. In a battle, you can either kill your opponent or hurt them.

Battles are written by Goku or I. You e-mail me who you want to battle and if you want to hurt or kill them. Then I will either write the battle or send it to Vegeta. It will usually be about a paragraph whoever wins will be decided by moves and PL, HP, and EL. All battles are final, so no complaining.

The winner of a battle receives 200 credits and the loser gets 100 credits. In a tie, both players get 50 credits. I will calculate the PL/EL/HP upgrade after each battle, so don't worry about it. It is done systematically, so no one gets an advantage.

Both characters have to be on the same planet to battle. If you are injured in battle, but not killed, you have to heal in a regeneration tank. Times in the tank depend on HL and type of injury.


Attacks are what you use to attack your enemies. Attacks are listed in the abilities section. Attacks have two ratings. R is how high your EL has to be to learn and use that attack and P is the strength of the attack. An attack with a higher D rating will overpower a weaker D rated attack. You can make up your own moves, but Vegeta and I will review them and decide if we want them and what their R and P rating should be.


Anyone killed in a battle will be sent to the Next Dimension. They have stay there for a week and after that they can leave whenever they want.

If you are killed in the Next Dimension, you go to Hell(H.F.I.L.). You stay there for 2 weeks. If you are killed in Hell, your character will have to start over.


To travel from planet to planet, you will need a spaceship or a spacepod. Each one takes a certain amount of time to travel and can hold a certain amount of characters.

Namek Spaceship: holds 10 characters and takes 5 days to travel from planet to planet.

Saiyin Spacepod: holds 1 character and takes 3 days to travel from planet to planet.

Capsule Corp Spaceship: holds 15 characters and takes 7 days to travel from planet to planet.

Regular Spacepod: holds 1 character and takes 3 days to travel from planet to planet.

Changeling Royal Spaceship:(Freeza's ship)holds 30 characters and takes 10 days to travel from planet to planet

A Gravitron and/or regeneration tank can be bought for any one of those except the Saiyin and Regular Spacepod.


There are three known sets of dragonballs, the Namek, Dark Star, and Earth sets. Each has it's own rules. More may be available, but are undiscovered. Check the dragonballs section to see more about finding them and making wishes.


When two characters want to marry one another in order to strengthen teams or to make children. You must be of opposite sex to marry and you will hold a wedding where people can watch and if they want to bring presents. In order to make children you must take 2 weeks off on a honey moon to make a child. While here your EL and HP raise one everyday. I will choose the sex of the child and you must name it. When you have a child you can control it like a henchmen but it's stats are like a character, PL:100,EL:50,HP:100. The baby will be stronger if you have a transformation. When the woman character is pregnant she cannot rain but her stats raise everyday so inorder to be fair for this handicap. It takes 2 weeks (of real life) to concieve a child.

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