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Planet Creating

Planet Creating

Planet Making and Conquering Guide Planet Making and Conquering Guide When you have found a new planet or conquered an excisting planet then the stuff below is the options you can have for your planet. First, If you want to find a new planet it will take different amounts of time to find a planet depending on the type of Spaceship you have.

Taking over an excisting planet: To take over an excisting planet you must first declar war on that planet. Then you must wait to see if anyone will defend that planet. If nobody does than the planet is your but if someone fights for the planet then you must win the battle or you will die and never be able to try to take over it again. If you get this far and have taken over the planet than these are some things you can buy. You can choose if you want your planet to be very violent and hatefull of peaceful and if people can go to it. (only one planet per player)

Items for your planet:

Training center/gym: Cost-$1000, like the gym on Vegeta and Freeza.

Regeneration tanks for gym: Cost-$700, so that people can heal after training. If the store doesn't sell senzu beans then the gym is required to have regeneration tanks.

Training camp: Cost-$2,500, like the camp on Vegeta, Freeza, Kaoushin and Namek. You must choose at least 2 moves to learn there and You either have to hire people to teach the people the moves or you and your henchemen must have your masters degree and tech the classes.

Teachers: Cost-$150, must have 1 teacher for every 2 people attending your camp or 1 henchemen for every person at camp.

Attributes: Cost-$1000, Like Wilderness on Earth.

Tournament stadium: Cost-$5,000, Must have this in order to hold tournaments on your planet.

Store with 10 infinite items: Cost-$1500, Can be regular items or new items that you make up. You get the profets from evrything. You can only have one.

General Store: Cost-10,000 credits, Can sell 3 more items you make up here, can only put one on your planet.

Sky Sanctuary: Costs-10,000 credits, This is much like Kami's lookout on earth you can put a special room in here (Like the room of spirit and time) and have people be able to train in the courtyard. If you wanna make people help you to pay for the time in the room you can.

Gaurdian: Costs-5000 credits, The guardian can help your planet prosper. You need a guardian to have dragonballs.

Dragonballs: Cost-varies, If you want dragonballs you have to first create a batch, takes 10 days. The batch can have different amounts of power. If you want them to have 1 wish (low power) it costs-6000 credits. If you want them to have 2 wishes (a little more powerful than one wish DBs) it costs-12000 credits. If you want them to have 3 wishes (Medium power) it costs-24000 credits. If you want them to have 4 wishes (strong power) it costs-48000 credits. If you want them to have 5 wishes (Ultimate power) it costs-100,000 credits. You can name the dragonballs if you want.