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This is the moves section. Below are the list of moves available to learn. The P=how strong the move is, the R= the number of EL you need to learn a move. To learn a move E-mail me and tell me, you MUST have the required EL to learn a move. Some moves can only be learned at certain places, so you have to go there to learn them.

Absorb: You use your palms to take energy from a person,but you can only take 1000 of another persons PL (takes 6 days to learn,only by androids and demons)

2X Speed: The user learns how to release their hidden speed and fights twice as fast as normal (takes 6 days to learn, only learned in H.F.I.L.) P-none R-70

2X Strength: The user learns how to release their hidden strength and hits with twice as much strength as normal (takes 7 days to learn, only learned in H.F.I.L.) P-none R-70

Absorb: The user can absorb energy from another character, it boosts their PL by 500 and you can only use this once a week. When absorb is used it doesnt take PL away from the person it just makes the android or demon stronger, but when u get power absorbed from you, you have to use one senzu bean or rest for one day. (Can only be learned by androids and demons.) P-none R-60

Bakuhatsuha: By raising two fingers, the user of this attack can create a large explosion that will totally decimate the surrounding area or the ground under an opponent. (takes 10 days to learn) P-2,500 (all around you) R-65

Bakurikimaha: This is is a powerful ki blast shot from one hand, the other gripping the shooting hand's wrist for support. (takes 7 days to learn) P-3,550 R-50

Big Bang Attack: Big Bang attack is a huge ki bolt of incredible destructive power. The person holds one flat palm forward towards his enemy and launches the bolt. (takes 7 days to learn) P-4,000 R-50

Burning Attack: A powerful energy blast shot from both hands. It is done when holding both hands forward, while doing some strange arm moves, and then put both hands forward again, index fingers and thumbs touching. Then release the blast. (takes 5 days to learn) P-3,750 R-50

Control Oozaru: A Saiyin must learn to control their power while in Oozaru or they will destroy themselves. (takes 8 days to learn and can only be learned on Freeza.) P-none, much more powerful in battle R-55

Change :The ability to transfer ones conciousness from ones body to another R-60

Choco Beam : A beam is shot out of the mouth or finger once you connect the opponent is a living mass of chocolate(takes 15 days to learn only on kauoshin) P-none, but sustains the enemy from using power in battle)(can be reversed if opponent is stronger than you) R-300

Cookie Beam: Same as Choco Beam except you turned into a cookie and you can't move at all (takes 3 weeks to learn only on kauoshin) P-none R-400

Crasher Ball: The Crasher Ball is a ki-ball that is produced from the palm of the hand. (takes 7 days to learn) P-4,700 R-70

Dabura Spit:Your spit will become a deadly weapon.If it has contact with tour opponent he/she turns to stone. (takes 8 days to learn only in H.f.I.L)

Daichiretsuzan: With a swipe of the hand with two fingers extended, it creates an invisible cutting beam that goes a long way. (takes 8 days to learn) P-4,000 R-55

Death Ball: This is a small ball of energy which can be created from either the tip of the finger or with both hands. (takes 2 weeks to learn, only learned on Freeza) P-250,000 R-250

Death disk: This is like the destructo disk except it can be controlled to go any direction you piont to and it doesn't disappear when you hit your target. (2 weeks to learn, only on Freeza) P-180,000 R-120

Dimensional Rip: Creates a gateway in space and time to another planet, which up to 4 people can step through. The person who makes the rip must have knowledge of the place of the planets destination. For every person over 2 people that go through the rip, the caster must rest for 1 day before he can use the move again. EX: 3 people, rest for 1 day, 4 people, rest for 2 days. (takes 1 week to learn, only learned on yardrat) P-none, gets you places R-65

Destructo Disc: It is a flat, disc-shaped Ki blast, which can be used to slice through its target. (takes 6 days to learn) P-Depends where the opponent is hit R-60

Dodonpa: A blast shot from one finger, which explodes upon impact. And can intimidate enemy by seeing the power in only one of your fingers (takes 5 days to learn) P-3,200 R-50

Double Tsuihikidan: It shoots a Kamehameha-like blast from each hand, and can be guided towards the enemy. (takes 9 days to learn) P-6,500 R-70

Ryu Ken Bakuhatsu (Dragon Fist Explosion): It forms a large ki-dragon around the user as they punch the enemy, It then goes through the enemys stomach, surounds thema nd explodes. (takes 3 weeks to learn, only learned on Kaoushin) P-500,000 R-500

Eraser Cannon: It is a large, powerful Ki blast shot from the mouth, and can destroy in a very large radius from where it hits. (takes 10 days to learn, only learned on Freeza) P-5,500 R-65

Eye Beam: It is basically a double ki blast shot from the eyes (takes 3 days to learn, only learned on Freeza) P-2,500 R-50

E.S.P.This Move can be done by anyone(even Henchmen) this move allows teamates or allies talk to one another instead of letting the enemy know what they are saying. P-none R-none(henchmen can learn if they have no EL)-takes 3 days to learn

Final Flash:A large ball that generates electrical currents and has massive desruction power.(takes 7 days to learn)p-20,000 el-80

Flash Bomber: Much like renzoku enery dan only the movement of the hands is not required, is shot from one hand with only two fingers, and is more powerfull. (takes 15 days to learn) p-2,000 (per shot) R-85

Focus Energy: Tought to everyone by the nice elders on Kaoushin helps you to concentrate your attacks which results in more damage. (takes 5 days to learn, and only learned on Kaoushin) P-none R-80

Freeza Beam: A beam of energy shot from one finger. (takes 11 days to learn, only learned on Freeza) P- If under half your pl is an instant kill, severe damage to those of higher than half or equal and nothing to those over. R-65

Fusion Dance: A dance that when done the same way at the same time by two people of the same race will fuse togehter as a fighter stronger than the two seperately. (takes 3 days to learn, only learned on Kaoushin) P-none R-50

Galactica Donut: A ring of Ki formed by making a circle in the air with one's finger. Its location and size can be manipulated by the user, the hollow circle is used to pin a foe's arms to their sides by squeezing tightly, drastically restricting movement. (Takes 9 days to learn) PL: None, restrains enemy. EL: 90

Galactica Donut Ball: With this attack, many Galactica Donuts are shot from the index finger, completely surrounding and entrapping the enemy. Once incapacitated, the ball can be thrown, bounced, hit, or trampled all with the unfortunate foe inside. If they do not break out on their own, the donuts crack and fall away after 10 mins. (Must know Galactica Donut first). (Takes 12 days to learn) PL: None, completely traps enemy. EL: 140

Gallic Gun: You power up the blast like the Kamehameha, but when you release the blast, your hands are both palm-forward. (same move that Vegeta used on Goku but he countered with Kaioken x4) (takes 10 days to learn) P-4,750 R-60

Genocide Attack: A series of Ki blasts shot into the air, which seek their targets upon being fired. (takes 11 days to learn) P-3,500 (per shot) R-80

Hells Flash:A large flame blast out of the hand (takes 7 days to learn must learn in H.F.I.L)

Hasshuken: When you move your arms fast enough so there are like eight, and you attack with all eight at once. (takes 5 days to learn) P-none, it increases your hand to hand fighting ability R-50

Intellegence: This enhances your intellegence duh? with this you can make your own biological enhancements with the help of your science lab: see planets and Items on rules of science labs( this takes 1 month to learn because it takes so long i will let you learn other moves at the same time P-none, but enhances your intellegence R-55)

Kaio Ken: This is primarily a power-up move. When a player uses this technique, they flare up and gain a large boost to their speed and power.

note: Kaio Ken multiply your pl/el/hl by the number you want. But, for every number you multiply your stats by, you must use that same number of senzus or rest that same number of days. (It tears at your body) (takes 7 days to learn, only learned in the Next Dimension) P-none, but increases your speed and power during a fight. How many times Kao Ken will be decided by your race stage. At normal, you can do a maximum of X2. At your second race stage you can do X3, at third race stage you can do X4, ect. R-80

Kakusandan: Shoots a blast from each hand. Then control the blasts so that they merge and then directs it above the heads of the enemies. Thereupon split the blast again into many smaller Ki bolts which rain down upon the enemies. (takes 8 days to learn) P-4,500 (per split blast, can do up to 5) R-70

Kamehameha: It is a Ki blast, which to start is charged up held behind the firer in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy. (takes 1 week to learn and must be learned on Earth under master Roshi.) P-5,000 R-50

Chou Kamehameha: Same as Kamehame Ha only 2 times as powerfull. (takes 2 weeks to learn, only learned after Kame Hame Ha. Must be learned on Earth under Master Roshi, and when learned, it will take over the place of Kamehameha.) P-10,000 R-85

Final Kamehameha: Same as Kame Hame Ha only 4 times as powerfull (takes 3 weeks to learn, only learned after Chou Kame Hame Ha. Must be learned on Earth under Master Roshi, and when learned, it will take over the place of Chou-Kamahameha.) P-50,000 R-160

Gubae Kamehameha: The most powerful Kamehameha it is 10 times as powerful as the kamehameha (takes 28 days to learn, only after Final Kamehameha. Must learn on Plant, and it will take the place of Final Kamehameha ) P-110,000 R-250

Kamakazi: Allows you to attach to a person and then teleport both them and yourself to the Next Dimention. (Takes 8 days to learn) P-350 E-50.

Reverse Kamakazi: Allows you to attach to a person and then teleport both them and yourself to a planet other than the Next Dimension. (Takes 8 days to learn, only learned by humans, only learned on Freeza)(Must have been in Next Dimension by Kamakazi, not by dying) P-350 E-50.

Ki Shield: Protects the user from some of the damage caused by attacks by forming a ki barrier around them (takes 7 days to learn) P-none but protects from some damage R-50

Ki Shot:(yeah that's right you got to learn it) P-none R-50 (must learn in the wilderness takes 2 days)

Kiaiho: An invisible force attack that knocks one's opponent back. It can be shot either from an open palm or from the eyes. (takes 3 days to learn) P-none but buys some time R-50

Kikoho: You put the tips of your fingers of both hands together, forming kind of an "triangle" between his fingers and his thumbs. Then you shoot a very powerful Ki blast through the "triangle" at his opponent. This move is very draining and may kill the user if used too many times. (takes 1 week to learn) P-10,000 R-75

Majin:This ability gives you the power to control someone who has evil in there heart,but the person under control will become stonger by 2 1/2 times as much(takes 15 days to learn only on kaioshin) P-25,000 R-150

Makankosappo: A penatrating blast shot from two fingers. It is actually two blasts, one going straight ahead and the other coiling around the first for drilling power. This attack drills through everything it hits, and eventually blows up when it hits something big enough. (takes 7 days to learn for nameks, only learned on Namek by non nameks) P-5,000 R-60

Masenko: It powers up a blast over your head with both of yout hands, one palm behind the other, then you bring your hands down in front of you to fire the blast. (takes 4 days to learn) P-3,000 R-50

Mouth Blast: A Ki blast that is shot out of the mouth, leaves an acidic after taste that's just plain nasty. (takes 3 days to learn) P-2,500 R-50

merge: by touching another character's body you can merge together, you keep the look of whoever did the move but stats stay the same as when you fuse(only learned on namek and freeza)(takes two days to learn) p-20,000 e-300.

Mind Freeze: Like time freeze, except the user does it with the mind. (only learned on Freeza, takes 8 days to learn)

Mystic:This ability lets you triple your maximum strength during battle (takes 3 weeks to learn only on kaioshin)P-none R-200

Psycho stage::This ability lets you triple your minimum strength during battle (takes 2 weeks to learn) P-none R-100

Regrowth: This is used when the user has lost an arm or leg and with the help of the move, will regrow the limb or in the case of saiyans a tail. (takes 5 days to learn, only learned on Namek and only by Nameks) P-none R-55 can regenerate limbs

Renzoku Energy Dan: The user of this technique can shoot Ki bolts continuously from their hands, resulting in somewhat of a "machine-gun ki blast" effect. (takes 8 days to learn) P-700 (per blast) R-55

Shiyoken: It sprouts out an extra set of arms from the shoulders. (takes 5 days to learn) P- none, you get two extra arms to use R-50

Simulated Moon Blast: Creates a light in the sky similar to the moon allowing Saiyins with tails to turn Oozaru (takes 4 days to learn, only learned on Vegeta) P-none R-50

Solar Flare:The user puts his hands in front of his face, says "Taiyoken," and lights up very bright, so much that he blinds his opponent. (takes 5 days to learn) P-none, blinds opponent R-50

Genki Dama (Spirit Bomb/Ball): A large ball of energy gathered from nature, humans, etc., which lend you their energy. Held over the users head and thrown like a baseball. (Takes 15 days to learn, only learned in the next dimension) P-400,000 R-350

Genka Dram Swatter(Evil spirit bomb) Much like the spirit bomb except evil energy is gathered through the hands and comes out as a blast with a ball of evil energy in the center. ( Takes 15 days to learn, only in H.F.I.L) P-600,000 R-600

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: It spits out a ghost-like form closely resembling the person. The ghostlike form has a mind of its own, and when it hits anything, it explodes, severely damaging whatever is caught in the blast. (takes 10 days to learn) P-7,000 (per ghost) R-125

Syphon: This attack is performed by projecting purple ki beams at your opponent threw your hands or mouth. It freezes you oponent in position so you can get some free shots in. (takes 8 days to learn) P-none, but it freezes your opponent in place R-50

Teleportation: This ablility makes you be able to teleport to any planet that you have been to before. (Takes 2 weeks to learn, only learned on Yardat) P-none, but let's you go baisicly anywhere R-50

Terror Blast: - This is formed when you create two energy balls (one in each hand) and it's shot when both hands are touching each other. Creating a huge energy blast. (takes 7 days to learn) P-5,000 R-60

Time Freeze: This is an attack when used freezes time for his opponents so that they are frozen in whatever position they were in for a short amount of time. (takes 6 days to learn, only learned on Freeza) P-none, freezes opponents in time R-60

Triform Technique: This technique is used to split a person into four different parts. Each person created is not just an image like that created with the Zanzoken, but can fight and be attacked. Each image is weaker than if the person was one. (takes 5 days to learn) P-none R-50

Tsuihidan: It is a Ki blast, and it tracks its enemy by moving the index and middle finger of each hand in the direction the user points. To detonate the user points straight down, usually on top of the enemy. (takes 6 days to learn) P-3,000 R-50

Zanzoken: The user can move so fast he leaves an after-image, while attacking from another standpoint (takes 4 days to learn) P-none, but confuses opponent R-50

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