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These are the universal mobs. You can borrow up to 500,000 credits from them. But be very cautious around them, they charge ??% interest. If you don't pay them back, every month they will break your legs. Your legs will stay broken for 10 days. After 3 months, if you didn't pay them back, they will take all your stuff and send you to hell. When you return you must change your name and cannot train for 2 weeks. Everyone in the mob has a PL of 500,000 - 1,000,000 and the mob leaders each have a PL of 1,000,000,000.


Mob Interest Borrow
Earth 10% 10,000
Vegeta 20% 30,000
Freeza 30% 40,000
Namek 28% 50,000
Kaioshin 75% 100,000
Yardrat 80% 160,000
Arilla 90% 250,000