
This is the jobs page. Here I will list the jobs that u can do to earn extra money. When you are doing a job you cannot train at all that includes learning moves/ transformations, looking for anything, having your henchmen looking for anything, etc. Only two people may work on the same job at a time.

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Employer or Job
Information on job
McDonald's on Earth, here you will do various manual labor, if you work here for over 50 days you will be promoted to Manager and you will get a 100% raise 100 credits a day
used car salesman on Earth, here you will try and sell cars, I will flip a coin each day to see of you did 1000 credits for each car you sell
Balcksmith On Kaioshin, here you will help a blacksmith with his work 150 credits a day
training center on Vegeta, here you assist people in their training 200 credits a day
Body Gaurd on Freiza, you will protect an important person, everyday I will flip a coin to see if you got hurt, if you were hurt you must rest for a day 500 credits a day
Space Ship Driver in Space, you must have a space ship to do this job, does not use fuel, you will take people(not RPG members) to other planets, like a cab 250 credits a day