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Heros are people who choose to defend anybody no matter who they are (Only in sagas not battles). Heros will go in every saga wether they say they want to or not. They are not afraid to make sacrifices and will do the most honorable thing no matter what. After a saga a hero may get a special bonus from the people. Titans on the other hand are the opposite. Titans are characters who choose to be evil. They may attack planets and do most anything they like. When a titan attacks a planet it will be made into a saga (Titans can only attack a planet once every month). If a Titan can manage to defeat the heros and whoever else joins the saga then they may destroy it or take it over. Later on a Hero may try to take back a planet in a battle. When you become a Titan or a Hero you can make up a title for yourself or change your name completely. If you want to become a Titan or a Hero you can E-mail Me or Brolli telling us.