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Welcome to the Adventures section. This place is basically going to have adventures and quests that you can take part in. There will be rewards and many other things you can do. You get PL/EL/HP just like you would if you fought in a normal battle. The only difference is that you will get a reward instead of money. If you go on an adventure, it will take time from your normal scedule, Example: The Garlic Jr. Example below will take one day away from whatever your doing, but the rewards will probably be greater, such as, if you took part in the Garlic Jr. Example, you would get: 250 PL, 2 EL, 2 HP, and the Special Fruit Juice. Below is an example of an adventure.

The adventures are organized buy PLANET and buy how new they are going from top to bottom. If the adventures have any fighting, it will be posted in the battles section (don't worry, it will be pointed out). If you want to take part in one of the adventures, find the adventure you want to take part in, and E-Mail telling me this. The rest of the adventures are located below. Thanks.



1. Korin Tower: Garlic Jr. has escaped from the Dead Zone once again! Kami is looking for three strong fighters to stop him, he says you must be willing to die for earth. If you stop him the reward is Special Fruit Juice, and when you drink it you get a 50% increase of your PL, and a 10% increase for your EL/HP. garlic JR has pl of 40,000. one day

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2. Chi-Chi keeps getting attacked by a demon. She wants someone to kill it for her. If you succeed, she'll give you 100 credits.

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3.One day Marron is sitting while painting her nails when three of henchmen sent by Garlic Jr.(who is still in h*LL) appear. Two of them are destroying the house. The other is about to take Marron off to Garlic Jr.'s place. As Marron is screaming and punching she picks up the phone and calls her dad. She tells him to get two strong fighters that will come and save her. All of a sudden one of the henchmen crush the phone and they all take off to a desert island. The reward will be Dragonball radar plus 200 credits

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4. Oneday there was a crash that was reported in the wilderness last week It is reported that 4 androids that escaped from the Cyber Space Lab in a Capsule Corp. Spaceship armed with 2 Dragonball radars and each with a PL of 1500 and a EL of 60 and all know Gallet Gun and Destructo Disc. Kami has issued a want ad for any one who can returnthese androids with out totally annihalating them and return them to the Cyber Space Lab able to heal and be able to heal This is a VERY dangerous job if you are to succeed Kami will give you what the androids came with (1 Capsule Corp. Spaceship with normal gravitron, 2 Dragonball radars, 1 regeneration tank, and 4 scouters, and there maybe a cyber pill in there two but that may be a rumor. Be careful though when the androids landed Kami felt there power as high as 4,500 they maybe able to hide there power.

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5. Capsule Corp. Labs: Dr. Breifs has been backed up on orders of spaceships ,dragonball radars, etc.. He is looking for a strong fighter no higher a PL of 100-500 because the stronger fighters may break stuff showing off and may crush things with out notice of thier power. He will give you 500 credits if you help him move and ship stuff for three days.

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6. Bulma is trying to make a better DB Radar but someone is messing with her stuff. She thinks its another Demon that wants revenge on what happen to his brother at Chi-Chi's house. She will give you 200 credits and the Special DB Radar.

Completed by:Cell

7. There are these monsters outside master Roshi's house that constantly keep attacking him every time he tries to leave his house. One day master Roshi tried to leave his house but he was attacked by one of the monsters. Master Roshi tried to fight back but the monsters were too powerful master Roshi will give 200 credits and a pl boost of 1000 a hp boost of 2 and an el boost of 2 to whoever beats the monsters attacking him. Master Roshi wants 4 warriors to completely kill all the monsters.

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8. Some more Saiyins arrived on planet Earth and Master Roshi is looking for 2 very strong warriors that would die for there planet. You get lots of special stuff the saiyind droped before being sent to another dimension.(if you make it that far)

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9. Defeat the evil spirit attacking childrin in the night. The parents will be more then happy to give you credits and not to mention extra pl and other things.

Completed by:Cell

10. Several men from planet frieza have arrived on earth they are searching for the magic dragon balls and are destroying everything in their way. master Roshi tried to stop the 5 henchmen yet he got himself beat up by them. master Roshi send some of his friends to try and beat them yet they were beaten up too. "Can anything stop these goons" he yelled." Master Roshi will reward each 4 warriors who defeat these goons with a pl boost of 1000, hp boost of 3,an el boost of 3 and 400 credits. But becareful these henchmen are taking there act pretty seriously

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11. Reinforcements came to earth from planet Frieza when they had learned that their men were defeated. They quickly began destroying the cities and search for the dragon balls.King Kai screamed from his dimension so that some warriors can hear him. If 5 warriors can beat these 5 Frieza warriors they will each get a pl boost of 1500,hp boost of 5, an el boost of 7,and each warrior will get one sayan of 1st class directly trained from king kai who knows the art of keoken.

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12.Korin Tower: After the last adventure at Korin Tower between a tear has been found in The Room of Spirit and Time and Kami needs two strong fighters to guard the tear for two days til the tear is fixed. Kami will award the two fighters with Special Fruit Juice, 100 credits and 2 senzu beans for your hard work. ( you will need one after this adventure and 2 days of rest ).( this can't be done until the first adventure is done).

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13.Two unknown Sayin warriors arrived on earth both with power levels of over 4000. They are heading toward Master Roshi's, because they believe he is the best human trainer on earth. These warriors are very evil and only fight to the death, so no one with the power level of under 1000 is recomended to accept this adventure. No more than 4 characters may accept this adventure. Since the fight is to the death, save Master Roshi and the characters he is training, for 1000 credits and a power level increase of 1500, and a EL and HP increase of 8 each, and all this for each player.

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14.Earth: Because of all the missfortunate occurances at Master Roshi's, he has been quite frightened. Master Roshi is awarding 500 credits to 2 Men to guard his island for 3 days.

Completed By:Pan and Janemba

1. A giant crab has crawled onto the beach and is destroying the namek villages. Two warriors must fight this crab and send it back to the shady deeps. for doing this they get 500 pl , two namek warriors pl 400 each Takes 1 day (must have high pl)

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1. Two changlings have blown up the main water pipe of freeza and are taking a bath. A warrior with pl at least 3500 pl must defeet them. The mayor of the town will give him/her 2000 credits, an all weather clothing, and 500 pl. Takes 2 days

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2. One day at Freeza Four Saibamen had escaped from a Saiyin Warrior. One of the Saibamen are at 2000 PL, but the others are at 500 PL. They all know Ki shot and are very wild. If you get them all back to the owner he will give you Saiyin Armor, 1 Saibamen, and a Biological Enhancements. The owner said that if you want this job you must b very strong cause he has trained them very well.

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Cyber Space Lab
1. The Cyber gym at the Cyber Space Lab is broken this is really bad for thier customers so not to lose alot of money they will give reward to any one who lets them use a normal gravitron out of there ship for 12 days until thiers is fixed they will give this person 1,000 credits and a pass for free drink's at the Cyber bar and let them stay thier for free.

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The next dimension
1. Many androids are attacking king kai on his little planetoid. King Kai tried to face them off but it seems that the androids are just too strong. One day king kai managed to defeat all of the androids but king kai didn't know that they could fuse. So all 5 androids fused into one mega ultimate warrior and is destroying his little planetoid king kai is giving free pass to the next dimension so that a warrior may go and help him, but the warrior will be stuck in the next dimension for a hole week. King kai will give 2 warriors a reward for defeating this mongrel. Both warriors who defeat this mongrel will each get excellent pl boost of 1500, a hp boost of 5 an el boost of 5 and will teach that person keo-ken in just one day.

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1. Several nights some powerful men invaded kaoshin and stole many books from the kaoshin library 2 days later each and every book were gone. It appears that all the great knowledge has dissapeared from the kaoshin planet. Several weeks later the kaoshin people found out who kept on stealing the books yet they could do nothing because the men were too powerful. The kaoshin people will reward anyone who gets the knowledge back with one of the Greatest items " The #5 Dark Star Dragon Ball" and that person will get an excelent 2 Sayans of First class trained with a pl of 2000, each sayan warrior comes with a kamehameha,a pl boost of 3000,10 hp, 12 el, and The kaoshin people will reward 3 great warriors with a 1000 credits. Becareful 3 of those warriors have a massive powerlevel of 15,000. They are extremely dangerous and are easily angered...

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1. Two sayains are destroying the cities on Vegeta. These sayains have power levels of over 5,000 each and know the moves big bang attack and gallet gun. If you can deafet these sayains then you will get a 2,000 pl increase, 10 el and 10 hp increase and also a 2nd class sayain.

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2. A first class sayain warrior has chanlaged anyone. he offers who ever can bet him his servitude. He will also give them a z sword. he has a pl of 10,000. the person will also get a pl boost of 400 pl and 1 el and hp.
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3. 2 namek warriors our on vegeta killing inocent people.they have pls around 4000 each and have big bang attack and trifom technique .they need 1 strong sayin to kill them.the reward is 1500 pl 10el and 10 hl and a gym with one thing in it. 1 day
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4. The people who developed the scouters are working on a new verson of it an improved scouter. Rumor is that it is done. an unknown type of henchmen is attacking the bulding. if u stop the henchmen and save the people they will give u the improved scouter (finds items two days faster),and +1000 pl . The henchmens pl is romured to be 20,000. Can not be done until after the tournament.
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1. A changling with a huge pl of 80000 is floting around in space. He carrys a deed to a planet. if u bet him in an all out battle for ur life u get the deed and a henchmen space ship. takes 4 days
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