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My Favorite Things About Angelfire

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by Meppy20

Version 1.0

Created August 4, 2000

Well im gonna try to keep this as simple as possible so here goes......

I. Walkthrough

II. Character info

III. Weapons and Armor

IV. Items

V. Town info

VI. Boss strategies

VII. Secrets

VIII. And finally...Thanks


Your house:

Well you start out in your room go straight downstairs and your mother will tell you that you have to meet Lucca at the fair to check out her latest invention. Before you go out, go to your mother and talk to her a again....she will give you your allowance 200 G. (I wish my mother gave me that much).

The fair:

There is a bunch of stuff u can do here. The first thing you should do is to go straight into the next screen. There you will meet Marle.... err kinda by accident. Pick up her pendant that she dropped and she’ll ask to join. You now have Marle in your party. Now if you wanna do sum fighting go to the left and up all the way. There you should see a Robot named Gato beat him and you’ll earn 15 silver points. Its good to get a bunch of these cuz you can do a bunch of stuff with them (you can trade them in for money, use them in the fun house etc.) Next (this is optional and will affect you later on in the game) you should not take the purple bag on the table, also say no when the weapon seller asks to buy the pendant off of Marle, and finally go up to the cat and go all the way to the right of it and press a to make it follow you. Bring the cat to the little girl who lost him. Now go to the armor seller and buy what you need. After you exit the menu she will tell you that Lucca’s new invention is ready. Go back to the place where you met Marle and up a screen and you’ll be there. Go and talk to the girl standing in the left tele-pod thingy, that’s Lucca. She’ll transport you from one pod to the other. Next talk to Marle and she’ll go on. She will be transported to another time because of her pendant. Now its time for your first experience with time travel

???? Time:(Truce Canyon)

Items: Power Glove and tonic x1

You find your self in a forest clearing and some weird blue things called blue imps are attacking you. Kill them and go west. You will then fight a couple more blue imps; defeat them (too easy:)and get the two treasure chests, which contain a tonic and power glove. Make sure you equip the power glove so your attack rises! Go to the bottom and fight the 2 Blue imps and a Roly. Exit out of Truce Canyon to find your self in a whole new world.

World Map:

if you are interested in finding out what’s goin on, and are low in life then go straight to the Truce Inn. Also it may be a good idea to go into the different houses and snoop around for some info. Well if you did that then you have probably found out that
