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Telos is considered the face of the Other, the unknowable realm that exists to give the world context. This link between the two makes up the fabled Tenth sphere, guiding the interaction between them. The Psychopomps exist as messengers of the Other, in a way its answer to the common Avatars. According to Manifesto they were exiled from the Tellurian for attempting to guide humanity. Through a rite known as Holy Union, a mage can summon one of these beings and acquire a portion of its essence, resulting in an Anakim. It's this being that has influence over the boundary line and access to Telos.

Somewhat different from regular awakened magick, Telos acts as a set of powers that don't rely on the original enlightened will but rather that of the alien essence's. As a 'sphere' it functions differently from the powers wielded by lesser Anakim. Though more limited overall, lesser Anakim can perform things requiring higher ranks of Telos more easily and quickly (difficulty 6).

A properly performed rite is the only known way to successfully become an unflawed Anakim, as otherwise they gain corruptions and flaws appropriate to the mage's paradigm. As a race, they manifest Alien Presence, a strange essence that makes supernatural persuasion nearly impossible on them.

The Nephandi seem to be barred from these alien saviors because they've strictly chosen to represent one half of Telos, destruction, and have been marked for it. The Malfeans that remained, truly ancient beings, were remnants from the previous cycle. In serving them, they've served Telos all along. Thus they are already agents of it in a way. It may be possible for a Nephandus to become an Anakim but it would involve reformatting their inverted Avatar, a task worthy of an Archmage in itself. It's for related reasons that the Ahl-i-Batin cannot practice Entropy, truth passed down from Kamil.

Sense Judgement
Sense Psychopomp & Avatar

The sensory level of Telos allows an Anakim to detect avatars, psychopomps and their kin or the lack thereof. He can also feel the karmic weight of destiny when present. The mage can ascertain the essence of an avatar and know which psychopomps are most compatible.

Bend Avatar
Encourage & Sense Fate
Call Psychopomp

The apprentice learns to touch and shape avatars or shards thereof, able to make simple ephemeral constructs such as shields, weapons or bolts. His perceptions into the exact destiny and rank of an avatar become clearer, allowing him to get a basic grasp of where it's falling into place and nudge them slightly in a chosen direction. He can summon the attention of any nearby psychopomps by calling out to them.

Guide Storm
Assimilate Shards
Possess Shards
Alter Avatar Course

Third rank grants the Anakim the ability to extend and exert greater control over the Stormwarden effect, directing it to or from an area. As he subtly guided Avatars before, he is now capable of more directly controlling their pathways to or from mortals, able to leave lasting curses or set up good matches between them. The manipulation of Avatar ephemera has grown greater, to the extent that incomplete shards of like-Avatars can be absorbed to strengthen the mage's. This is only possible with pieces that contain the same essence as the mage's Avatar, something he can't yet change due to the inherent nature of it.

Assimilation uses the formula given in The Ascension, Pg. 198. The Avatar background is increased by spending (new/current level) x3 exp and cannot exceed their Arete.

Control Storm
Overwhelm & Assimilate Sleeping Avatar
Alter Connection
Control Avatar & Shards

Telos adepts wield the storm like Spirit users do the gauntlet, intensifying or weakening it and making stronger barriers or weapons than before. He can also now absorb entire sleeping Avatars or channel the storm into them with such intensity that their Avatars are destroyed. In the case of non-mage supernaturals this usually has the effect of removing their abilities. The link of an Avatar can be lessened or increased, weakening or strengthening magickal effects for a temporary span of time. At this point the Anakim can discourage Avatars from taking action or urge them into doing so, similarly affecting magick difficulty. Shards can be completely overwhelmed and fall under his command. Unawakened can be turned into mindless slaves thorugh shard possession.

Each success for thickening the storm adds one die of additional damage to awakened individuals, equal to Arete + permanent paradox + (2 + successes). Destroying a non-mage's abilities usually involves getting more successes on an Arete roll versus their equivalent stat, such as Gnosis. Avatar background points are gained by spending (new/current level) x2 exp and cannot exceed their Arete. Avatar control incurs a resisted willpower check.

Plot Avatar
Sunder Connection
Alter Essence
Assimilate & Possess Active Avatar
Skirt Other Horizon
Construct Avatar

The Master can assign Avatars to humans or disengage them entirely. Sleepers are more easily robbed of their enlightened halves, while awakened beings put up a greater resistence. The basic essences of Avatars can be changed or skewed, though the latter never settles well naturally. Awakened mages can now have their Avatars absorbed or be compelled into action or inaction. Unless the person is specifically willing, these are always a struggle. The anakim can also visit the fringes of Telos where the Other lays waiting beyond the boundary, far beyond the Deep Horizon. Avatar shards can be rebuilt into functioning, complete souls.

Active Avatars contribute to the background on a one by one point basis and also let the person learn that Mage's spheres for half price. Possession and assimilation incur resisted willpower checks.

••••• •
Awaken Avatar
Place Judgement
Visit Other

The Oracle/Archmage is finally able to force a mortal into awakening, channeling the alien essence into them to show them the broadened nature of reality. This usually doesn't go over well as most are content with their sheltered, mundane lives. They can also 'infuse' an Avatar with Telos, guiding it toward Ascension or cursing it to wander astray through deprivation. Only at this level can the mage experience some of the Other without passing into Ascension, and it's a risky endeavor due to the strain.

Now mind you, there is no official Telos sphere. Even this is more like a guide to the gradual acquisition of otherworldly abilities, rather than one element of the universe. Telos isn't a sphere in the same sense the others are. This is also my first edition, which I put up only in case someone might prefer it for some reason. I think the revised version is better, of course.

Chaos, 2009.