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I recommend all members download this program for when they come to view our
website to see if anyone else in the guild
is here as well.

Guild news.gif (4692 bytes)
August 15, 2000 11:26pm EST
Big Update Day!

Tholos's image has been added. Salamos has been added to the guild roster and his profile has been added.

New Officers are going to be made known, Galor has spoken. Also big talk of raiding Infected Paw soon, not sure on date and time. Get with other members for more info.

I added our guild to the Guild Links on Allakhazam (Best known Quest/Weapon site IMO).

- Kerrigan

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August 3, 2000 6:48pm EST
Fadorn's image and profile has been added. WTG Fadorn! :) Still waiting on many others to send theirs, just a reminder.

- Kerrigan

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July 25, 2000 7:01pm EST

Where are your images?!?! Out of 13+ members I only have 4 players up! C'mon!!! There is no excuse for this.
I worked VERY hard at getting this web site up and running and looking very snazzy for everyone to come check out our respectable guild.
And once again I get no reply's via email.
Lend me a hand here please, Its not like I can't hack your system for the images but I would rather you send em to me before I have to use my resources and tactics ;)

- Kerrigan

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July 13, 2000 12:27pm EST
Dalmber's image has been added to the members page. I stress once again, I'm still waiting on many other members for their profiles and player images. Also if you wish for your Real Life picture to be included with your EQ player image send em a email with the image and your character name.

- Kerrigan

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June 16, 2000 2:38am EST
The new web site seems to be working properly! Only need to get the members page coordinated with the list that I'm currently waiting on. There are a few names on there but I do not know what you would like for me to put on there for you or what image due to the fact I do not have a image of you. Anyways tho contact me with your image and your text in the forum. ENJOY! :)

- Kerrigan

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