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MY  Complaints against 7 Day Dental; Liberty Dental Plan; Easy Choice Health Plan; and WellCare Parent Company.

When 7 Day Dental Office did not resolve my grievances, I emailed Liberty Dental Plan and Easy Choice Insurance -- who did not even respond!

Then, I personally delivered a copy of my emailed complaints & others' YELP complaints to Easy Choice Headquarters! 

Now, I have contacted agencies, and will take it as far as necessary.

Update April 20, 2015:  Finishing my teeth would take $379 in benefits;  I think I have over $500;  nobody will confirm!
An authorization is like a check; in that it will only be honored if there are sufficient funds in the account at the time you try to use it. 
How do I know if I have sufficient insurance benefits to pay for the crown? 
The end.

UPDATE:  April 10, 2015
The wonderful representative at Easy Choice Headquarters resolved taking the TWO  FALSE  February bills off the letter, and got me an authorization to finish my teeth -- then a new letter added a different bogus charge, and left other things unresolved. 
My appointment for impressions is not for  TWO  WEEKS, but, I do not know if I can afford it, because secret and FALSE things are  STILL  on my bill, and  THEY  DO  NOT  SHOW  OR  TELL  CLIENTS  THEIR  BILL  AMOUNTS. 
They added a FALSE semi-annual exam to March, when I have never even had any dentist x-ray or look on the  LEFT side of my mouth in 2015.  My only appointment in March was with an endodontist who performed 2 root canals on the RIGHT side, but never looked at my full mouth, and did not do a "semi-annual, full-mouth exam".

I asked the provider what they billed, and she said they billed what is "authorized". 
Keep in mind that dentists are "authorized" to perform and charge for a variety of services without "PRE - authorization". 
Sometimes patients do not even know about bogus charges until treatments are denied.

Each of the three times I have gone to Easy Choice, he showed marvelous people skills.  The last time I went there, he got me an authorization for the root canals from a new provider (54 days after 7 Day Dental said they would submit it). 
But, after the root canals, that provider, that had my x-rays and file, said they do not take "transfers" to finish the work (crown & filling).
Where do I go, What do I do?  My insurance plan says I can pick any provider from their list, including that place. 
That place has a contract with my insurance plan to take their members. 
Yet, the receptionist said that they do not take clients from other dental offices -- even though I am never going back.  It creates ill will among dental offices.  They get a lot of referrals from 7 Day Dental, and do not want to offend them.  So, she violates written contracts.

SO, I  WAS  IN  LIMBO, and Liberty Dental Plan and Easy Choice would not answer my emails until I posted this on the internet and contacted agencies.  Only then did Liberty respond and telephone the provider to set up the appointment.

UPDATE:  April 9, 2015
-- I received such a phony letter with bogus charges from Easy Choice, that the response I sent them deserved a page of its own.  Remember that on March 28, 2015, I told Carol Sharp from Liberty Dental that March 14, 2015 was my first dental visit in 2015, and I contest any other charges.  She said she had to get paperwork to Gentle Dental, and did not answer my 2 emails.


The Liberty complaint page is down, again.  They are charging me for a treatment and exam on February 26 & 28, when I did not see a dentist in 2015 until March.  The letter agrees that I did not go to 7 Day Dental after February 18, and I did not receive an authorization and surprise notice of a transfer to a new dentist until March 10.  So, show me when I went to a dentist, and signed / initialed that they could put charges on my benefits!

He told me there were these charges from February, but did not say how much they were.  (Failure to inform clients of costs was one of my complaints that he did not address.  He did not even read the large print on this page!) 
I had figured that they had authorized $920 for root canals for #29 & #30.  So, I would have $580 left, to get the crown for $340 and the filling. 
The letter did not state who the charges came from, and how much they were!

I dispute many other items in their letter.  Read the response I sent out to...

UPDATE:  April 9, 2015
-- I am still waiting for a telephone call, email, or any update, response, or authorization from Liberty Dental Plan, so I can finish #29 & #30.  Don't just leave me hanging, not even knowing what benefits I have left, after my discussion with Carol Sharp at Liberty Dental Plan.

UPDATE:  March 28, 2015
-- Sandra Reyes from WellCare called, and will look at my complaint on my web pages.

UPDATE:  March 26, 2015 -- I am thankful to Carol Sharp at Liberty Dental Plan.
After being notified that I contacted agencies, and posted this on the internet, Liberty Dental Plan telephoned me. 
End result:  She made an appointment for me with a new dentist. 
Then, she was going to get some paperwork to them.  She said that after that dental visit, the new dentist will have to submit a request for an authorization to finish my 2 teeth (do the crown and filling).  I am waiting to see what happens...

There was some discussion about how much benefits I have left -- First, she said I have $408 left, because of charges in February.
WHAT?  I say $580, the root canals in March were my first bills, and I contest other bills -- I think they were payments from last year's work.
But, Liberty does not let patients know what they pay for services.

It is so ridiculous to tell patients they have a benefit ceiling, and send an authorization for various services, without giving prices.
My first trip to Easy Choice Headquarters was on November 20, 2014, because I kept getting the run-around on costs -- the provider and Liberty kept sending me back and forth -- even though other Dental Plans even post their costs on the internet. 
Liberty Dental Plan even refused to tell Easy Choice the amount, and said it was against their contract with the provider, 7 Day Dental.

People on other Dental Plans have complained on YELP and to their Dental Plan that "7 Day Dental Office" had false charges. 
How would I know if I have false charges, if Liberty will not tell me the charges, and expects the people who are falsifying the charges to tell me? 
7 Day Dental's manager and insurance lady, YESENIA,  pretended they did not know the costs, until I told them that Liberty had even listed the costs in their contract.  They had binders near the insurance lady's desk.


Liberty sends patients a notice simply saying that things are approved, like 3 root canals, without giving the prices.  Therefore, patients cannot prioritize.  Even 7 Day Dental telephoned me to say that the 3 root canals were approved, and to get them.  But, I had secretly found out that the root canals came exactly to my $1500 limit, and do not include final restoration, such as crowns and fillings.  Then, uninformed patients end up with unfinished, dangerous work, or owing a lot of money they hadn't counted on.
A sample of the authorization clients get is at:
But, I am struggling to have enough benefits to finish 2 of the three that were authorized. 
(The new endodontist says the third is not necessary -- but unnecessary procedures by 7 Day Dental is another part of the story.)

(At my sit-in on 3/10/15, Easy Choice forced Liberty to fax the prices to him, and gave the authorization with prices to me.)
The two root canals cost $920.   ($402 for #29 and $518 for #30)  see authorization
So, I think I have $580 left of my $1,500 annual allowance.  Crowns cost $340.

But, notice the footnote on the dentist's authorization: "Member Is At Or Over The Maximum Allowed For Calendar Year Maximum." 
If the authorized procedures put me  "AT" the limit, then I can get it.  If the authorization puts me "OVER" the limit, then I can't.
They do not give any warning of where my benefits stand in my authorization, and they are not clear in the dentist's authorization.

That discussion is unfinished, because Carol has to get paperwork to the new dentist, which is the important thing, for now.
How can I manage and reconcile my account if Liberty will not tell me what has been charged and paid? 
Trust 7 Day Dental?  Yelp says 7 Day Dental was not truthful about their insurance covering deep cleaning.  For me, they simply asked for $120, and when I said my insurance covered it, they made me sign a statement that I could get an infection, because they would not prescribe preventative antibiotics that my insurance covered.

UPDATE:  March 25, 2015 -- I added a page entitled "What Do I Want?  When Should I Remove These Pages"
The easiest solution would be a written authorization re-assigning a different dentist;
to do a filling on #30; and to request an authorization for a crown on #29 --
or just do what needs to be done to these two teeth!

Liberty Dental has the endodontist's bill and x-rays, showing a crown is needed. 
The two root canals cost $920  ($402 for #29 and $518 for #30)  see authorization
So, I think I have $580 left of my $1,500 annual allowance.  Crowns cost $340.

A scan of the endodontist's report saying:  "contact general dentist for final restoration" is at
- - - - - -


They received my complaint, accessed my file on their computer, and didn't respond to me -- so much for their contract to handle authorizations and complaints in 5 days!

March 23, 2015

Here is a 7-page list of dozens of terrible practices that happened to me at "7 Day Dental" Office; Liberty Dental Plan; Easy Choice Health HMO; and WellCare Parent Company.  The general contractors are responsible for the workers and workmanship.

Complaints of other clients can be found on YELP -- remember that the "Chuck Le" that some complain about by name is the owner of 7 Day Dental.
The insurance lady, YESENIA, shares responsibility for lying, not submitting, and poor service.  Take the Yelp review by Christine H. on 8/15/12.  "The office staff in this place is the worst.  My son went in with a broken tooth.  He was in pain and given a  Rx for pain medication."
After weeks and telephoning 7 Day Dental, her insurance company said 7 Day Dental had not submitted for an authorization.  After 8 weeks she had an appointment for a consult, only. No telling how long it took to get an authorization for any work!
Same with me.  On November 11, 2014, it was 27 days after they should have submitted for a root canal for my severe infection.  YESENIA admitted she had  NOT  done it, and agreed to do it. 
Back on October 15, 2014, I told her and the manager that it could be submitted as an emergency -- it would have taken her  45  MINUTES to get the authorization, so why did it take 45 DAYS? 
What is wrong with  YESENIA?  Is she corrupted by power or hatred?  How long has 7 Day Dental, Liberty Dental Plan, and others been aware of what she is doing?

This complaint, my emails, and other info can be found at my pages:


77 days ago, on January 5, 2015, a request to treat two teeth was supposed to be submitted.  Why aren't the teeth finished?  I have attached copies of my records to my emails to Liberty and Easy Choice.  They receive them and access my files.  Still, my inquiries go unanswered.  WHO IS IN CHARGE?  Where can I go?  I cannot get an authorization to see another dentist to submit for an authorization!

I did a sit-in at the Easy Choice Corporate Headquarters in Cypress, CA.  Then, Liberty Dental Plan was going to FAX them a worthless notice they send to clients, which no dentist will accept.  So, I balked, and got an authorization that they send to dentists to  START  the work.  But, now I am stuck in limbo, with nobody ever EVER answering.

My last email said:
"I need
cleaning remnants of cavity and filling inside old crown of  #30;
cleaning remnants of cavity and crown for my chipped #29?

If you had read my emails about the way I was mistreated, you would want me taken care of, so I could quickly go back to straight Medicare / Medicaid."
- - - - -


I was told on January 5, 2015 that 7 Day Dental's insurance lady, YESENIA, would put in for the authorization (Should I believe her?) 
I went to 7 Day Dental's manager, Sesyl P., twice (February 18 & 27), and emailed Liberty (March 3) and Easy Choice (March 5) to get the authorization submitted or answered. 
My sit-in at corporate was March 10, 2015 -- with that date on top of the authorizations they FAXed.
Liberty Dental Plan put on the authorizations "February 26, 2015", on the date part of the letter, that was supposedly reviewed by Dr. Richard Hague (888- 703-6999 ext 213)
On March 18, 2015, a filing clerk from 7 Day Dental called that they had just received the authorization.

January 5 -- said would submit authorization.
February 26 -- date on authorization.
March 10 -- dentist and client have  NOT  received authorization, client's sit-in at corporate.
March 18 -- denist receives authorization.

So, what was really happening between January 5 and March 18?


Is it fraud if 7 Day Dental is not diligent in submitting a claim?
Is it fraud if LIBERTY Dental Plan falsely publishes in their Evidence of Coverage: "If your Primary Care Dentist encounters a situation that requires the services of a specialist, LIBERTY Dental Plan requires a preauthorization submission, which will be responded to within five (5) business days of receipt, unless urgent."

- - - - - -

When I was receiving my coerced Deep Cleaning under Liberty Dental Plan, I asked for the account sheet -- which, also, stated they had billed and received $61.20 from Denti-Cal -- which was my allowance for x-rays and exams.

My complaint was that they had lied to me that they would take Denti-Cal for a root canal, then used up all my routine allowance, so I could not go to another dentist on the list.  I would have never allowed the x-rays, exam, and painful measurement sticks to all my teeth, if I had not been told they would do the root canal under Denti-Cal -- I would have gone to one of the other dentists in the letter. 

But, afterward, their insurance lady, YESENIA, continued the ruse, and said it would take 3 weeks for Denti-Cal to give the authorization for an endo consult and another 3 weeks for authorization for the root canal. 
Since I had the serious infection, it would be better for me to pay $120 for the endo consult, to speed things up.  (It meant that I had to get food from the Food Bank.) 
It wasn't until after the endo consult that they told me that they would not do the root canal for Denti-Cal.  They said I needed Liberty Dental Plan.

"Coverage:  We welcome all insurance plans and accept a wide variety of coverage, including HMO, Medi-Cal, PPO, and other plans."

I am suspicious about forcing me to Liberty, when 7 Day Dental's "about" page says they take many plans, including other Medicare Advantage Plans.
I believe they had signed a contract with Denti-Cal to treat their patients the same as others.  But, I believe that they get almost DOUBLE the payment for the root canal on my bicuspid #4 if they bill Liberty rather than Denti-Cal.  ($475 vs. $261).  They might get other benefits which explain their activities.

Anyway, later, it was a over a month, and I had not received the authorization, so, on February 18, 2015, I gave a letter to manager Sesyl P., in front of insurance lady  YESENIA, that said I had not received the authorization that should have been submitted, and asked for a copy of my account (because Yelp had people being contacted by a collection agency, when they had not been told that they had gone over their insurance limit or received a bill.  It took the manager, Sesyl P., a long while in a back room, to come out with a sheet of paper saying there had been no charge for my first visit.
Bologna!  On 9/4/14, they would not even make an appointment for me without verifying my Denti-Cal status.  They did full-mouth x-rays, and an exam where Dentist Ching-Ming (Jimmy) Shen used my bib as a tray, switching off between a pick, mirror, and measuring sticks -- and calling things to the assistant.

They billed Denti-Cal for that visit.  It was a month later that I was coerced into Liberty Dental.  (I brought the insurance documents in on 10/15/14.) 
It is so stupid, because it can easily be verified through Denti-Cal that they charged for that visit.

See a document saying they charged and ate up my Denti-Cal benefits:
And a ledger saying they did not charge:


On September 4, 2014, I went to 7 Day Dental, with new x-rays from my previous dentist, a large lump, and a letter from Denti-Cal.
On September 9, 2014, 7 Day Dental did new thorough x-rays and exam, under Denti-Cal Insurance.  Dentist Ching-Ming (Jimmy) Shen agreed #4 needed a root canal.
On September 11, 2014, I paid $120 for an endo consult, that said #4 needed a root canal.
- - - - -
On October 15, 2014,  I went to 7 Day Dental and presented my Liberty Dental card, to manager Sesyl P.  and insurance lady, YESENIA.  They both said they would submit.  It could have been done as an emergency or urgent.
On November 29, 2014, I received the authorization.

45 DAYS!!!  There is no excuse for it to take from October 15 to November 29 for the authorization!!!


  On December 4, 2014, I finally got the root canal.  Manager Sesyl P. suggested I contact Liberty to expedite authorization for the crown -- because the little stump could break and I would lose the tooth.  We were mellow.
On December 7, 2014, I filled out the form on Liberty's web site. 
On December 12, 2014, Melissa Esquival, from 7 Day Dental telephoned me that:
A)  Liberty Dental Plan authorized the crown;
B)  She set up an appointment for December 15, 2014 at 11 AM, for the crown to be started;
C)  She said that  OLGA  from Liberty wanted me to call her.

SO, I telephoned Olga, and she made certain we were all on the same page, and things were now running smoothly.
I even asked her about what color crown had been authorized -- white?  She said yes.
I received a "client's copy of the authorization" in the mail -- which differs from that sent to the provider, in that the provider has the cost on their authorization.

THEN, I showed up for the crown appointment that had been arranged by Olga of Liberty
The woman at the front desk went back to insurance lady,  YESENIA.  Then she told me that I had to have the deep cleaning before the crown
I said that there wasn't enough money in my insurance account, my teeth had been cleaned 3 times in the last year, I had had the right side with the root canal tooth deep cleaned, which put me over the insurance budget, so I had to pay $75 for the post. 
She said to have the deep cleaning first, and the crown done the following month, when it would be a new year.  BUT, my tooth stump was in danger of breaking.  I was eating all soft foods, and afraid I might grind my teeth during sleep.
She said everyone is required to have deep cleaning, first. 
One person on Yelp went to another dentist, who said the measurements that show the need for deep cleaning were wrong!

We went back and forth for 15 minutes, before Sesyl was brought in. 
Suddenly, they said they could not find their authorization, so Sesyl P. spent 45 minutes more.
But, I stayed, until they "got" the authorization and took me back, and made me wait and wait, out of the view of the other customers.
What happened to the authorization?

That was the  SECOND  TIME  I had received an authorization, made an appointment, only to have  YESENIA, the insurance lady, say they could not find their copy, and not want to treat me. (The first was on 11/12/14.  I had brought the authorization for deep cleaning with me when I made the appointment in person.  They had the authorization.  Yet, when I showed up,  YESENIA  tried to send me away, saying they did not have their authorization, and could not use mine.  I stayed.  They got the authorization and treated me.)  Notice that when I did the sit-in at Easy Choice on March 10, 2015, I stubbornly insisted on having in my hands a copy of what the provider gets, because the authorization they send to clients had not been honored by YESENIA  at 7 Day Dental.


Deep Cleaning videos play throughout the lobby and cubicles.  The receptionist told me everyone is required to have deep cleaning, before anything else can be done. 
Then, in addition to what any insurance pays, patients must pay an additional $60 for antibiotics for each quarter.  7 Day Dental would not prescribe anything in my insurance company's formulary. 
I allowed them to do my right side -- because I found out that they had not even submitted for the root canal on #4 until I started the deep cleaning!!!   WHAT!  There I had been waiting for an authorization for the root canal, and received an authorization for deep cleaning -- without even mentioning it to me.

The insurance lady, YESENIA, did not put in for my root canal, until I did a deep cleaning.  Then, she would not allow the crown to be started, even after a call / authorization from Olga at Liberty Dental.

My previous dentist did not say I needed deep cleaning on even one quadrant, much less all four:
December 28, 2013 -- cleaning, full-mouth x-rays, exam.
4 months later
April 11, 2014 -- cleaning
4 months later
August 11, 2014 -- cleaning, full-mouth x-rays, exam.  #4 has infection and needs root canal.
September 9, 2014 -- even though I had x-rays from previous dentist with me, 7 Day Dental required full-mouth x-rays under Denti-Cal Dental Plan.
October 28, 2014 -- 7 Day Dental required full-mouth x-rays for the 4th time in a year (under Liberty Dental Plan).  Contrary to what they tell patients, there is no  LAW  that says patients cannot refuse x-rays.  There are only guidelines that tell dentists not to neglect patients health.  7 Day Dental just did more x-rays for the money, disregarding my exposure to radiation.  Then, the specialist in the same exam area of the single-room building wanted to do her own x-rays.

When the crown arrived for #4, it had a bad margin and too much space between teeth.  The technician took 6 x-rays of the same tooth, before I stopped him and reminded him that that was  RADIATION  that he was subjecting me to.  I told him to figure out where to put the camera before taking the shot.  He said he didn't need any more. 
WHY  was he taking so many x-rays of the same tooth?  What was he doing?  being inept?  intentionally poisoning me?  playing with the "toy" camera?  raising the insurance bill?

Sad thing is that nobody examined the inside of my whole mouth!!!  They should have noticed and discussed several issues!!!

Not only did 7 Day Dental say I needed Deep Cleaning on ALL 4 quadrants, but mis-numbered my teeth, and would not listen when I told him that the numbers he was dictating to the assistant were of missing teeth (#30 & #15), from when I had braces as a teenager.
Examination of the x-rays would have shown the angle of the root from the bone, which teeth are missing, the tooth's number AND the accuracy of the measurement.  I couldn't argue, and the receptionist said it didn't matter, because  EVERYONE  needs to get Deep Cleaning.

This has been the experience of others who have posted on
One person even took the measurements to another dentist, who said the measurements were wrong!


So, not being able to finish those teeth, and opt out is the last straw.
The first straw was that 7 Day Dental repeatedly lied to me that they took Denti-Cal for root canals.
I walked in on September 4, 2014 with a severely infected #4 tooth, a pre-authorization letter and number from Denti-Cal, and their letter had a list of three dentists. 
I got the root canal December 5, 2014 -- 3 months later!
What happened?  I repeatedly talked with them, and put that I wanted a root canal for #4 covered by Denti-Cal -- and marked it on the top page of their forms with a colored marker.
The details are   and 

The bottom line is that 7 Day Dental used up all my benefits for Denti-Cal x-rays, exams, and painful measurements, then said I would have to pay cash for the root canal. 
Then, they said I could get it through Liberty Dental Plan...
If it wasn't for all their lies, and eating up my benefits, I would have walked out the door, and gone to one of the other dentists on the list who root canals under Denti-Cal.
I should not be on an HMO and Liberty.  I plan on opting-out as soon as possible.


I was upset about having the tools, including the heavy drill, put on the bib on my chest.  Bibs aren't even sterile, because of the number of things that happen during the long wait -- from restrooms to hugging kids faces in the waiting room.
So, one day, after I had the bib on, I walked up and down the isle, looking in a dozen cubicles for a tray-table for my cubicle.  I only saw one for a dozen cubicles, and it was being used.

I emailed Liberty Dental Plan, Easy Choice Health Plan, WellCare:
"Touching patients' breasts.  California Penal Code and Case Law state that "unwanted touching" is the crime of "BATTERY", even if the perpetrator is touching a shoulder through the clothes.  I have DD breast size. 
Around 10 AM, have someone go to 7 Day Dental's treatment cubicles, unannounced, from your Cypress or Santa Ana offices. 
Laziness and lack of tray holders in the procedure cubicles, and distance from the counters, cause dentists and assistants to use patients' bibs as trays -- grabbing breasts to pick up things; wiping tools; and stroking fingers back and forth to wipe off goo or dental cement.
It is knowing and intentional, with utter disregard for the feelings of the patients or the law.
Sesyl P., the manager of 7 Day Dental was sitting behind the counter.  I asked her how she would feel if I reached over and touched her breasts.  SHE  WAS  SHOCKED!  I told her that that is how I feel when the dentists touch my breasts.  I looked through a dozen cubicles, and only found one movable tray table, and it was being used.
They could buy adjustable tables at TARGET for $5, but the dentists are putting things on patients chests, and rubbing them to pick them up.  My thin neck has the bib hanging low.  When tools fall down, the dentist nestles the replacement, as if my breasts were a pillow..

Sesyl P. argued that the dentists are not touching the breasts, just the bibs.
I told her that I would not be touching her breast, just her clothes.  Would that be okay? 
I told her that they need to do something.
They did not do anything.
Even two months later, when I was left alone with the young, male technician, who made the impression for the temporary crown for #4, and did other things, he was touching me and smirking.
He had a big glob of white stuff on his fingers, and wiped them back and forth, back and forth, pressing down, to try to get the drying stuff off.  (He could have moved a few feet to get something to wipe it off his fingers!)

Back on my first visit, Dentist Ching-Ming (Jim) Shen laid the examining picks and measurers on my chest.  When something fell on the floor, because I have round DD breasts, he sent the assistant to get a clean one, while he kept touching me through the bib -- even resting his fist there while he thought and examined my teeth with his other hand.
I asked if there was an tray, and he said that it was on the counter behind me, but was too far away, so they use the bib.

On my second visit, I wore a thick T-shirt.  After I was left alone with a bib, I saw that there wasn't a tray table.  I searched one isle of about a dozen cubicles, and only saw one movable tray holder.  But, it was being used.  All the dentists were using bibs as trays.  An assistant shooed me back to my booth.  I said I was looking for a movable tray holder.  She said they put the trays and utensils on the counter.
I told her I didn't want things laying on me, and she just told me to go sit down.

EXPLANATION:  I think there are about 20 cubicles.  There are entrances on both sides of the cubicle, with a cabinet and counter inbetween.  The hoses/drills are attached to that cabinet.
The chair faces away from the hallway/cabinet, several feet away.  The tray with tools and goop are on a tray on the cabinet.  So, it is most inconvenient for the dentist.

So, they do whatever they want -- even to teenage girls and everyone, regardless of the trauma they cause.

NOTE:  My female endodontist is left handed, and it was awkward, but she still didn't put things on my breast.

SEND  IN  AN  AGENT  to 7 Day Dental, 2265 W. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim, CA  92801
FROM  Easy Choice, Cypress, CA  (5.9 miles)
OR  Liberty in Santa Ana, CA, 92799.(15.54 miles)

Go into the back hallways, and see if you can find more than one wheeled table, that goes across the patient or beside the patient to hold utensils.  See that  ALL  the dentists use bibs as trays, rubbing against patients' breasts.

It is futile to tell the manager, Sesyl P. anything.
Even after I told her about wrong files and x-rays, and she should instruct employees to ask patients their name,  AND she had me given a receipt with a very wrong name, I have never heard any dentist ask the patient his/her name, and check it against the file and x-rays."


As a result of being forced into Liberty Dental Plan, affiliated with a Medicare Advantage HMO, I had to lose my MEDICARE/MEDICAID personal physician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, gynecologist, mammogram imaging facility.  I needed new prescriptions and familiarizing.


On October 28, 2014, Dr. Shen wrote that I needed "endo" for #29, 30, & 2.  But, nobody told me.
On December 15, 2014, I was told for the first time that I needed additional work, and I asked for a copy of the exam treatment plan.  (SEE  MORE...)


I put it in my 7 Day Dental file that I have migraines and epilepsy.  I gave them a copy of my EEG.  I discussed it with the insurance lady, YESENIA, because it is the reason why Denti-Cal would consider the root canal and crown a "medical necessity".
7 Day Dental, Liberty, Easy Choice, and WellCare know this stress is detrimental.  And, I suspect that when you look at my records, you will find intentional infliction of emotional distress!
WHEN  DID  YESENIA  PUT  IN  FOR  MY  ENDO  CONSULT, that she said she would submit on 1/5/2015??? 


On February 18, 2015, I talked with 7 Day Dental's manager, Sesyl P., to check up on the request that the insurance lady, YESENIA, was supposed to submit on January 5, 2015. 
Sesyl P. said she would resubmit, but wanted me to submit a favorable review to!
I have heard from others that 7 Day Dental sends them emails, and even has handouts with "" where they are told to submit favorable reviews.  It is coercive, because these people at 7 Day Dental can harm their uncooperative patients.

Check out   YELP.COM, and sort from " bad".

On the other hand, I am quiet, and haven't posted anything at all, because they are doing root canals on me!  But, come on! 


The truth was that they would not honor the Denti-Cal contract that facility owner Chuck Le had for endodontics back in September 2014.
If they had told the truth when I walked in the door, or spoke with insurance lady, YESENIA, then I could have gone elsewhere, and not had gone through all that trouble, and been stuck here.  Instead they ate up all my Denti-Cal examination and x-ray benefits, and wouldn't do #4.


They have had the wrong file -- nobody asks a person, what is your name, to verify identity.  Even the manager had the wrong file on 9/11/2014, that had an Asian name (Lan Tran) on it, and should have prompted her to ask what my name is.


When I told the manager, Sesyl P., that she had the wrong file, and craned my neck to see, Sesyl turned the file over, so I could not see the name.  Then, when we agreed that I would get Liberty Insurance and pay for the $120, she handed the file to the clerk.  The clerk had spoken with me 3 times -- I have very fair Caucasian skin, with blue eyes, and gray / blond hair.  Still, she mechanically put an Asian name on the receipt.  I laughed and took it, as proof.


On 12/15/14, they have put up the wrong x-rays.  When I was left alone in the room with the bib on, I checked the name on the file and the x-ray screen.  When the dentist came in, he looked at the screen with a puzzled look, because I was there to start work for a crown.   I told him that the x-rays weren't mine, even though my last name starts with the same letter.
Regardless of all the complaints in Yelp, and my talking with the manager, I have never heard a dentist ask the patient his name.


Three times they refused to let me look at my file, when I cranes my neck to glance over at it.  Once was by the manager, Sesyl P., who turned over the side that had the patient's name on it.


How can I plan, if they will not tell what the doctor has diagnosed, and what the price is for each code??? 
Other dental plans have their prices posted on the internet. 
Office Manager Sesyl P. refused to tell me, and told me to contact Liberty, who told me to contact the provider, who told me to contact Liberty. 
On 11/20/14, I personally went to the general contractor, Easy Choice, who called Liberty, and was refused the price list.  Liberty said it was part of their contract with the provider not to divulge the cost of services -- and then put a maximum annual allowance.???
So, I went to the office manager, and had her give me the cost of the crown -- it was the wrong price.

Sample of what is sent to patients, saying 3 crowns are approved.
Sample that if a patient does what is approved, it will eat up the entire year's allowance, and restoration will cost the patient a lot of out-of-pocket money.

18)  SUCH  A  MESS:

*** The dentist and insurance lady did not tell me that any other teeth had problems, and did not give me a plan.  Dr. Shen walked out of the room, and left me with a bib on -- wondering if I should go to the insurance lady, or if an assistant would come and take it off.

*** After I talked with the insurance lady, YESENIA, about finally going to get an authorization for a root canal for #4 (through Liberty Dental),  I received an authorization for deep cleaning, instead.  I talked to YESENIA, and asked her why she had applied for deep cleaning.  She said she only does what the doctor orders.  I told her that she could have told me, and I would have talked with the doctor, instead of waiting for an authorization that had not even been requested. 
NOW, I have a copy that the doctor had put #4 as part of the plan, and it is part of 7 Day Dental's routine to force all patients to have deep cleaning.

*** I repeat, that, even though I had had my teeth cleaned 3 times in the previous year, and walked in with new x-rays, 7 Day Dental required a full set of x-rays paid for by Denti-Cal and, one month later, a full set paid for by Liberty Dental.  AND  DEEP  CLEANING  for all quarters.

*** I acquiesced to the deep cleaning for the right side (and it put me over my annual maximum, so I had to pay $75 for a post).

*** Additional costs -- When I went for the deep cleaning, I was asked for $120 for antibiotics, because what they use is not covered by the insurance.  I said to use something from my insurance company's formulary.  They said they would not prescribe anything, and I would just have to sign a refusal to pay the $120.  I signed it and asked for a copy.  I'm 69 years old, and I've never seen anything like this, before.

*** It might be cultural, but endodontist Michelle Lee verbalized that #3 might have problems, too, because the big, infected lump, under the corner of my nose, is over #3 and #4.  The next time I saw her, she said that she cannot even look at teeth that has not been noted by Dr. Shen.  Maybe it is cultural not to question an older, male dentist.  I told her that she is the endodontist specialist, but she will not even take action on something she sees -- right there on the x-ray, next to the tooth she is treating.

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***   I had trouble with Liberty, before.
OneCare / LIBERTY  health plan, Paul Fay, sent me documents that I was automatically enrolled in their plan, and asked me to designate how I wanted to pay.  They wrote that if I did not choose, like providing bank numbers, they would subtract the amount out of my Social Security / SSI checks.

This was 5 years ago, just before I turned 65.
I was receiving a lot of advertisements that I routinely tossed, but nothing so vital that if I had thrown it out, it would have cost me.

I called the man whose name was on the material, and he said he thought I had to do it, that it was automatically assigned by CalOptima.

I went to the Social Security office, where I was told that I could have "Original Medicare / Medicaid", and they put in the paperwork to have the State of California pay for it (Part B).  I do not pay any premiums.

***  The crown they put on #4 is crap, with a bad margin at the gum line, and they know it -- but the man in charge refused to allow it to be completely redone, which is what would be necessary for a proper margin.  The dentist, Hamlet H. Ong persisted, but was overruled.
Now, bacteria can infiltrate under the crown.

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*** FRAUD  AND  MIS-REPRESENTATION -- 7-Day Dental repeatedly said they would submit a TAR (Treatment Authorization Request) to Denti-Cal, and do the root canal on #4, if it was authorized by Denti-Cal.  That is all I wanted from them, and I would never have made any appointments (including a $120  third-opinion  CONSULT  to expedite the process), if I had known that, in the end, I would be told that not even one of the  DOZENS  of dentists at the 7 Day Dental clinics accept Denti-Cal for a root canal, and they want me to pay cash!

Every person at 7 Day Dental that I spoke with was shown documents and my teeth, asserting that I had experience that the Treatment Authorization Request (TAR) for the root canal would be authorized by Denti-Cal. 

Even the forms I filled out asked what I wanted, and I put colored marks on the top page, where I said the root canal for #4 covered by Denti-Cal.

They even gave me a different-colored card, from their Specialty Department, with several endodontists, who were there in September 2014.

Please, take action.

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