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Do you enjoy playing "god" and like the feeling of helping or ruining someone's life? If your answer is Yes, then The Sims would be a game you would definately like. In the game you basically act as "god" controlling what the people are going to do in their everyday life.

The gameplay is simple, it is just a matter of clicking the right button at the right time. Even if you get stuck there are lots of small windows poping out during the game to help you with your problems (Experience gamers would find it a nusiance). You start off by selecting a family, it ranges from one person to about six. After which you would be given the chance to move into a pre-build house, you don't like it then why not do-it-yourself. The game comes with architectural design tools which enable you to design and build your house any way you like it to be in, this is cool! There is even more, whatever furnitures you can find in your home can be found in this game, it boast of over 150 different objects to furnish your newly built house. These ranges from simple things like a codless phone to hi-tech objects like state of the art like computers. What is even more fun is that the amount of furnitures available is not limited to only those in the game, you can download newly developed ones to enhance the furnishings you have.

The game is every detail what you see is what you do in everyday life. You can see your character sleeping, going to the toilet, have a chat with neighbours and flirting around. The story of your character does not stop after you create them. They can get married have a baby or get promoted in their jobs.

The graphic is sharp and every little detail is put into the game, you can even see your character puting toothpaste on the toothbrush before brushing. There is no music in the game except in some options, the music is smooth an it seems suitable for the game. This game is nice it has something that most games lack- creativity, not much games allow you to see yourself from a different angle of view. I enjoy the game very much, I would recommand gamers to buy this! Give it a try who knows you may get hook to it like me.

Player: Single