Welcome to the .hack//SIGN section! .hack//SIGN is one of the anime counterparts that exists in the whole series of .hack things.
This particular Anime, about a boy named Tsukasa who finds himself in the massive multiplayer online role playing game's (MMORPG) in-game world, and finds himself unable to log out, realizes that he's stuck in the game, with no clue on how to get out.
The Series aired in 2002 in Japan, and was dubbed shortly after, making it's debut on Cartoon Network on Febuary 1st, 2003, set to air once every saturday.
Some of the most well-regonizible things about .hack//SIGN are it's fresh plot and its breathtaking musical score, which attracts many fans. All of the music, with the exception of the ending theme, are in english, and were retained to the english version of the show, which is perhaps one of the best things about the dubbed version.
The show, while a little confusing at first, warms up to you after the first couple episodes, since you find yourself more understanding of "The World"(name of the MMORPG), and what's going on in it. This anime is definately worth a watch weather you're a veteran anime fan, or even a fairly new one.

Scarlet(Crimson) Knight #30> We're sorry, but we're going to need to put this area off limits. We're setting a trap for the sorcerer Tsukasa and his counterparts, and we don't want any civillians needlessly involved. Please feel free to venture anywere else.
Subaru> ....this isn't right....Tsukasa........
